I went through and tried to clean up/make sense of the OP's posts, and lack of experience with the forum tools.
To @prosperchild
Start with your description text etc. in the editor window
Don't write up everything in another editor and try and paste it all into a code snippet
When it is time to put a snippet into the post
Use the code snippet button: <>
Paste the code snippet into that window, set language appropriately to reflect the language
DO: use one or more snippets for each file you are trying to get help with
DON'T: paste the code from a bunch of different source files/multiple languages into one snippet.
Use different code Snippets for each portion of the code
"Hey, this code has a bug, around line xyz that says: blah blah blah. I am not sure how to fix this"
Use <> Code snippet button here
Use <> Code snippet button again here
die('What is going on?');