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  1. i don't think anyone understands, based on the description, what the overall work flow is. could you describe or show what the user should see at each step. you state the html table should be empty while the page is loading, but you show php code looping over the result of some not-shown query producing that html table output. if the purpose of this php code is to produce a 'template', which the ajax success code is supposed to populate with values, you need to tell us? you would also not use a loop. you would only output one instance of the markup. the only thing i can tell you based on the posted attempt is what has been written in your threads before, you cannot repeat ids in the markup. all the code like - id="Ass_Description" will not work when there is more than one instance on a page. you need to use the technique from the last thread, where class names are used, then you use the .find() method to reference each element.
    1 point
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