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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/11/2023 in all areas

  1. try $res = $pdo->query("SELECT storeid , description FROM merge ORDER BY storeid "); foreach ($res as $r) { $data[$r['storeid']][] = $r['description']; } echo "<table>\n"; foreach ($data as $store =>$prods) { echo "<tr style='vertical-align: top;'><td>$store</td><td>" . join('<br>', $prods) . "</td></tr>\n"; } echo "</table>\n";
    1 point
  2. Alternatively, assuming they all have same rigid structure, ... $fp = file('weather.html', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES|FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES); $data = []; foreach ($fp as $line) { switch (substr($line, 0, 4)) { case '<!--' : if ($line[4]!=' ') { $section = substr($line, 4, -8); } break; case '<td>' : list($name, $value) = getData($line); $data[$section][$name] = $value; break; default : continue 2; } } function getData($line) { $l = substr($line, 4, -5); return explode('</td><td>', $l); } // View the results echo '<pre>' . print_r($data, 1) . '</pre>'; giving ... $data = Array ( [MISCELLANEOUS] => Array ( [Name of Station] => AzureCove [City (from NOAA Setup)] => Garden City [State (from NOAA Setup)] => Utah [Elevation (from NOAA Setup)] => 5954 ft [Latitude (from NOAA Setup)] => 41° 56' 12" N [Longitude (from NOAA Setup)] => 111° 23' 20" W [Date on the PC] => 03/13/23 [Time on the PC] => 4:06a [UTC Time] => 10:06a [UTC Date] => 03/13/23 [Date on the Station] => 03/13/23 [Time on the Station] => 4:05a [Sunrise Time] => 7:41a [Sunset Time] => 7:30p [Current Weather Forecast *] => Partly cloudy with little temperature change. [Current Moon Phase] => Last Quarter [EMC] => --- [EMC Unit] => % [Air Density] => 0.0842 [Air Density Unit] => lb/cu.ft ) [INSIDE TEMPERATURE] => Array ( [Inside Temperature] => 42.5 [High Inside Temperature] => 43.6 [Time of High Inside Temperature] => 12:00a [Low Inside Temperature] => 42.5 [Time of Low Inside Temperature] => 3:41a [High Monthly Inside Temperature] => 45.4 [Low Monthly Inside Temperature] => 39.4 [High Yearly Inside Temperature] => 45.7 [Low Yearly Inside Temperature] => 39.4 ) [OUTSIDE TEMPERATURE] => Array ( [Outside Temperature] => 15.1 [High Outside Temperature] => 21.7 [Low Outside Temperature] => 15.1 [Time of High Outside Temperature] => 12:00a [Time of Low Outside Temperature] => 4:04a [High monthly Outside Temperature] => 46.1 [Low monthly Outside Temperature] => -11.3 [High yearly Outside Temperature] => 46.1 [Low yearly Outside Temperature] => -12.5 ) . . . )
    1 point
  3. FYI - ROLLUP is certainly available in version 5.7 mysql> SELECT VERSION(); +------------+ | VERSION() | +------------+ | 5.7.36-log | +------------+ mysql> SELECT classid as class -> , COUNT(*) as students -> FROM student_class -> WHERE semesterid = 12 -> GROUP BY classid WITH ROLLUP; +-------+----------+ | class | students | +-------+----------+ | 1 | 17 | | 2 | 18 | | 3 | 20 | | 4 | 23 | | 5 | 22 | | 6 | 27 | | 7 | 24 | | 8 | 20 | | 9 | 21 | | 10 | 27 | | 11 | 25 | | 13 | 5 | | 14 | 5 | | 16 | 3 | | 17 | 5 | | 19 | 17 | | NULL | 279 | <--- ROLLUP total +-------+----------+
    1 point
  4. You are referencing aliases before they have been defined. For example, you dont define the table alias "b" until the last line of the query but you are referencing it several time earlier subqueries in the query. Why output identical values twice? ... SELECT a.prod_name , a.prod_size , ifnull(a.qty_received, 0) qty_received , ifnull(b.qty_bot, 0) qty_bot , ifnull(a.qty_received, 0) - ifnull(b.qty_bot, 0) qty_remain FROM ( SELECT prod_id FROM tbl_distribution UNION SELECT prod_id FROM tbl_sales_bar ) t LEFT JOIN ( SELECT prod_id, prod_name, prod_size, SUM(prod_qty) qty_received FROM tbl_distribution WHERE staff_id = 2962 GROUP BY prod_id ) a on a.prod_id = t.prod_id LEFT JOIN ( SELECT prod_id, SUM(qty_bought) qty_bot FROM tbl_sales_bar WHERE staff_id = 2962 GROUP BY prod_id ) b on b.prod_id = t.prod_id; results +---------------+-----------+--------------+---------+------------+ | prod_name | prod_size | qty_received | qty_bot | qty_remain | +---------------+-----------+--------------+---------+------------+ | 33 | | 13 | 8 | 5 | | Star Wrangler | | 7 | 6 | 1 | | Star | | 19 | 7 | 12 | | Goldberg | | 10 | 0 | 10 | +---------------+-----------+--------------+---------+------------+
    1 point
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