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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/13/2023 in all areas

  1. I agree with Gizmola^. Using a multidimensional array ... $probs = [ 'QB' => [ 'RB' => [ 1 => 11.22, 2 => 3.91, 3 => 0.15 ], 'TE' => [ 1 => 5.17, 2 => 0.80, 3 => 0.00 ], 'QB' => [ 1 => 9.44, 2 => 0.00, 3 => 0.00 ], 'WR' => [ 1 => 10.46, 2 => 8.67, 3 => 4.53 ], 'K' => [ 1 => 3.81, 2 => 0.19, 3 => 0.00 ], 'D' => [ 1 => 2.85, 2 => 0.07, 3 => 0.00 ] ] // rinse and repeat with the other MVPs and FLEXs ]; $lineup = 'QB, WR, WR, RB, K'; $arr = array_map('trim', explode(',', $lineup)); $mvp = array_shift($arr); $counts = array_count_values($arr); $probability = 0; foreach ($counts as $p => $n) { $probability += $probs[$mvp][$p][$n]; } echo '<br>'.$probability; // 23.7
    1 point
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