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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/28/2024 in all areas

  1. Are you looking for something like this? <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang='en'> <head> <meta charset='utf-8'> <script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.6.4.min.js"></script> <title>Example</title> <style type='text/css'> p.desc { background-color: black; color: white; padding: 15px; width: 400px; } </style> </head> <body> <div id='target'> <!-- descriptions go here--> </div> <script type='text/javascript'> const texts = [ "Description One", "Decription Two", "Description Three" ] $.each(texts, function(key,txt) { let para = $("<p>", {class:"desc", html:txt}) $("#target").append(para) }) </script> </body> </html>
    1 point
  2. the session.save_path setting in the php.ini is pointing to a now non-existent/non-accessible folder. you need to see of there is already an appropriate folder within your account's directory tree /home/rgxb6tc5wk5q/... for session data files and set the session.save_path setting to point to it, and if a folder doesn't exist, create it and set the session.save_path setting to point to it. when your account was created/moved they should have had templates setup to do this automatically.
    1 point
  3. i recommend that you make a new file with the code necessary to load the phpmailer script and with your sendEmailNotification() function in it, setup some test data, and call the sendEmailNotification() function and get the email to work. once you get the email to work on its own, then make sure that your full code is actually calling the sendEmailNotification() function, by echoing/logging a value at the completion of the email code. you are performing a redirect right after the INSERT query. it's possible that the sms code will take enough time to make the curl request that the browser can abort the current request and halt code execution before your code gets to the email code. it's also possible that the curl code is throwing an error and your code never gets to the email code. any such redirect needs to be at the end of the post method form processing code, it should only occur if there are no user/validation errors, and it should be to the exact same URL of the current page to cause a get request for that page. here's a list of things that will simplify the code, making it easier to see what the code is trying to do - you should only catch and handle database exceptions for user recoverable errors, such as when inserting/updating duplicate user submitted data. for all other insert/update query error numbers, just rethrow the exception and let php handle it and for all other type of queries, let php catch and handle any database exception. for the INSERT query you should be catching and testing for a duplicate index error number. if an applicant can only register once, the applicant_id column should be defined as a unique index, so that only one record per applicant_id can be inserted. if an applicant can only register for a single exam_date_id, the combined applicant_id and exam_date_id columns need to be defined as a composite unique index. if you set the default fetch mode to assoc when you make the database connection, you won't have to specify it in each fetch statement. don't copy variables to other variables for nothing. just use the original variables that data is in.
    1 point
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