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Posts posted by MrXHellboy

  1. The post above here will describe my tables... This is the result now:

    Laurens Skills: Football

    Max Skills: Football

    Laurens Skills: Football

    Max Skills: Swimming

    Max Skills: Football

    Laurens Skills: Swimming

    Laurens Skills: Football

    Laurens Skills: Football

    Laurens Skills: Swimming


    As you can see (dont pay attention to the skills), just a test, it will result in name -> skill, done with the following code:

    $Query = "SELECT name, skill FROM members as a INNER JOIN skills as b ON a.id = b.member_id";
    $result = mysql_query($Query)
                        or die ('Something went wrong!');
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_object($result))
        echo $row->name.' Skills: '. $row->skill.'<br />';


    I want to have:

    Laurens: -> All the skills

    Max: -> All the skills


    Not name and skill, time after time

  2. Unfortunately it didnt work out..


    My member table has 3 fields -- id, name, nickname

    My Skills table has has 3 fields -- id, member_id , skill


    Maybe this is helpfull ?

  3. I have a simple query:

    SELECT name, skill FROM members as a LEFT JOIN skills as b ON a.id = b.member_id


    For instance, we have 1 name with 4 skills. Within a loop it will result in 4 times the name, followed with the skill.


    But i want to have 1 name with all of the skills. Not 4 times the name with each time a other skill. Group By name results in 1 single name with 1 single skill while he has 4 skills.


    Someone has a solution ?

  4. Just out of curiosity



    When changing the php.ini file "max_execution_time" to 5, it still looks like it takes 30 seconds.


    However, you will receive an fatal error which states  max exec time of 5 seconds exceeded....  :shrug:


    Anyone ?


    No safe mode, did try set_time_limit....

  5. Then you have to check whether the input fields are empty... The same with your query


    Something like:

    if ($_POST['State1'] != '')
    // query
    if ($_POST['State2'] != '')
    // query


    I hope this helps because i still dont get it what you want exactly......

  6. // Seed generator
    //All your player ids in an array
    $players = array();
    // Shuffle array
    // Random array index
    $random = mt_rand(0, count($players));
    // final winner
    $winner = $players[$random];


    I dont know what you want exactly but maybe this helps....


  7. Hi All,


    I created this simple function to generate random doubles..... Please your opinions!


    function GetRandomFloatNumber($min = false, $max = false, $dec_min = false, $dec_max = false)
    // Seed the generator
    // Set the default min and max if no parameter has been passed
    if ($min === false)
    	$min = 0;
    if ($max === false)
    	$max = mt_getrandmax();
    if ($dec_min === false)
    	$dec_min = 0;
    if ($dec_max === false)
    	$dec_max = mt_getrandmax();
    // units
    $units = mt_rand($min, $max);
    // Decimals
    $decimals = mt_rand($dec_min, $dec_max);
    // Set double
    $doublenumber = $units.'.'.$decimals;
    // Return double
    return $doublenumber;

  8. Hi All,


    The php.ini contains a nice option called max_execution_time...


    I know there is a way to reduce this to 5 seconds for example, by NOT altering the php.ini.....


    What was this function, i cant find it anymore :(



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