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Everything posted by denno020

  1. One of the pages on my football clubs website is going to have lots of player images on it. It's the players page, and it basically shows the photo's of all players (150x113 ~30KB jpg's), along with their number and player sponsor. I want all of the photos to appear on the page, I don't want to separate it up using pagination.. So is there anything else I could do to minimize the load time of the page? Each image is loaded itself, so there will be a lot of HTTP requests, but I don't think sprites will work in this situation.. Very keen to hear any ideas. Cheers Denno
  2. If you're using Paypal for your payment method, then you can use their IPN scripts. Very secure, and apparently exceptionally hard to muck with.. Does take a bit of work to get going and to understand it, but it's very much worth it. Denno
  3. I don't think you need to put those quotes around the variables inside the query. You've enclosed your query in double quotes already, which means you can put variable names straight in there and it'll still work.. Try removing the single quotes around $loguser and $logpass. Denno
  4. Best way that I can think of doing this is using javascript. Here is a good video showing you how to do just that: Denno
  5. The only thing I can say is have your checked your spam folder? Also, double check the spelling of your email address in the script. Other than that, I can't work out why it wouldn't work, unless you've played with other parts of the code? Denno
  6. I was just wondering how I can specify the different font types for a particular 'base' font. The problem I'm having is that I have set a font for my body text. For bold text I've set the font for strong tags to be the bold version of the font. I run into problems though when I have two different bits of text with different fonts and some words in bold.. the bold words will only display in the font that is set for strong tags, even if I put a span around the word and change the font for that span. So is there a way that I can specify the bold version of a font? Something like this: @font-face { font-family: myFont; src: url('myFont.otf'); strong: url('myFontBold.otf'); em: url('myFontItalics.otf'); } Any ideas? Thanks Denno
  7. You need to say: 'SELECT * FROM ordering WHERE userid=$page LIMIT 0,1' The $page variable will obviously be the page number you wish to load. This way you have to make sure that the content you want for page 5 is put in the record with id 5, and so on with every page/record. Denno
  8. You're not going to get any useful help without showing some code. Also, why would you need a whole table for colours? Is there a certain reason for this? You could just make colour an ENUM column of the cars table. But if you're content on using multiple tables, then post your code. Denno
  9. In your query, you need to say WHERE this OR that OR somethingElse. Saying AND, means that each of the items needs to be met, using OR means one, or multiple can be met. Denno
  10. I don't know of the standard practice for this, but you could do an explod on the text area input, and see how big the resulting array is, using space as the delimeter. If there is two items in the array, then the use must have entered a space, otherwise if it's just one thing long, there is no spaces in there.. As for line breaks, I'm not sure.. Denno
  11. You need to post your code that you're working with if you want some directed help. Denno
  12. Alright, add session_start() as the very fist thing after the <? tag. See if that helps.. Denno
  13. Ahhhh. I just noticed it. You're not doing any floating at all!. Find this: #cbwrapper label { float:left; } And change it to this: .cbwrapper label { float:left; } Note the full stop at the start instead of the hash. Denno
  14. Remove the word test from the div that is clearing. If that's not the problem, then it's hard to figure out. It looks like what I had, but it's obviously not as it doesn't work :S. Here is the test code that I was using: <html> <head> <title>3 Columns</title> <style type="text/css"> .cbwrapper { margin-left:20px; border:dashed; width:160px; padding:5px; border-width:1px; border-color:#8F8F8F; background-color:#FFFBEF; float:left; } .clear{ clear:both; } </style> </head> <body> <?php $i=0; while($i < 10){ echo '<div class="cbwrapper"><label><input type="checkbox" name="keys[]" value="'.$i.'">'.$i.'</option></label></div>'; $i++; if(($i%3) == 0){ echo '<div class="clear"></div>'; } } ?> <div class="clear"></div> </body> </html> So if you have a look at that, maybe you'll notice something you've omitted that I'm not noticing. Denno
  15. Yes, post your code for header.php so we can see why you need that first.. Denno
  16. Your link doesn't work mate? Nor will searching for the artist 'michel sardou'.. Denno
  17. You're not serious? Just bump the other thread that you already have... geez
  18. You should look into using pagination. An example of this is Google's search results, and the o's that appear at the bottom with a page number. This is what you want, so do some Googling for pagination and you will find what you're after . Denno
  19. Scroll through until you find the free one's: http://www.hotscripts.com/category/php/scripts-programs/news-publishing/ Denno
  20. session stuff has to be at the very top of your php file. It has to be the very first thing that is read by the server. Move session_register to just after the '<?php' tag, well '<?' in your case. Also to not, session_register is deprecated, meaning it is being phased out of use, you simply use $_SESSION['field_name_here']; now. Source: http://php.net/manual/en/function.session-register.php. Hope that helps Denno
  21. Have you actually written the 'clearboth' class? In your original post, this CSS class wasn't included, and I suggested that you should add it to your stylesheet, if you hadn't already. Just giving a div a class of clearboth won't mean it will clear, unless you specify what is included in the class clearboth in the stylesheet. As for the empty div, that's the whole point. The empyt div is effectively invisible in the layout, and just acts as a place for the clear to be applied. If you still can't figure it out, post your CSS code, all of it. Denno
  22. Something that might work is saving each part into a tmp variable, and then comparing the next item with the tmp to see if it's the same. If it is, then don't echo that part, skip to the next, do the check for it's tmp variable etc. Obviously it would be easier to understand if I provide you with some code, so here goes: $sql_screencasts = mysql_query("SELECT t.tool_id, t.tool_name, c.cat_id, c.cat_name_dk, s.sc_id, s.sc_desc_dk FROM sc_tools t JOIN sc_categories c ON c.cat_rel_to_tool = t.tool_id JOIN sc_screencasts s ON s.sc_rel_to_cat = c.cat_id "); //initialize the tmp variables $tmp_cat = ''; $tmp_tool = ''; $tmp_sc = ''; while ($row_screencasts = mysql_fetch_array($sql_screencasts )) { $tool_name = $row_screencasts["tool_name"]; $cat_name_dk = $row_screencasts["cat_name_dk"]; $sc_desc_dk = $row_screencasts["sc_desc_dk"]; $sc_id = $row_screencasts["sc_id"]; if($tmp_tool != $tool_name){ echo "<br><font size=3><b>".$tool_name."</b></font><br>"; $tmp_tool = $tool_name //update the tmp variable to the recently printed part } if($tmp_cat != $cat_name){ echo "- ".$cat_name_dk; $tmp_cat = $cat_name; //update tmp variable } if($tmp_sc != $sc_desc_dk){ echo "<br>- - <a href='view.php?id=".$sc_id."'>".$sc_desc_dk."</a><br>"; $tmp_sc = $sc_desc_dk; //update tmp variable } } I think that could possibly get you what you want? I haven't tested it though... Denno
  23. Most people will move between each of the sub forums here, so posting the same question in two different sub forums isn't really required....
  24. Sorry you will also need some php coding as follows: echo '<div class="cbwrapper"><label><input type="checkbox" name="keys[]" value="'.$r["b_id"].'">'.$r["b_name"].'</option></label></div>'; $i++; if(($i%3) == 0){ echo '<div class="clear"></div>'; } Define a variable $i to keep track of how many items have been printed, and every time this number is divisible by 3 with no remainder, then you want to print the clear line. Denno
  25. Move your float:left; into the class definition for cbwrapper. To be able to have your CSS targeting the part that you want, you need to put .cbwrapper instead of #cbwrapper, as you have now. But you won't get a very nice display, so just move the float instruction to where I said above. You might also want to define the class clear, if you haven't already in another part of your stylesheet. Denno
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