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Everything posted by ZulfadlyAshBurn

  1. Hey whiteboikyle, I have just viewed your site and find it quite interesting. However, you site is venurable to sql injections. When I click submit button, it just loads the "home" page without checking if I'm registered. Another thing is that your site is prone to show php errors. Please do remeber clear/turn them off after developement process. as for the css, what do you mean by stretch?
  2. is there any error with your php code?
  3. the script tag, place it before the end of the head tag. then just name your <p> or <div> or etc.
  4. check out this website. i learnt how to create my proxy with this website. Labnol.orfg
  5. this proxy is made available using python scripting. you can look up for linux google proxy and find many of the. the proxy can be hosted by your ISP or using VPS/Dedicated hosting services. You can also use google app engine to do it. I've created one, named ProxyEat
  6. there is a config.php file, change the url and stuff.
  7. use mysql database. if you were to store it in a txt file or document, i can be easily copied by outsiders and hackers.
  8. on the registration script, when the data is send to the mysql server, create a random number and add it to the database. and on the database, add a column for the activation code and a column for activated or not. once the user sign up, the registration code create a random number, store it into the database, send an email to the user of their activation code, the user use that code on a page where they verify the user activation code and set that they are activated.
  9. you sure the manual doesnt say anything?
  10. haha. no prob
  11. can you list how is your folder structured? eg www -index.php www/storescripts -connect_to_mysql.php
  12. you might want to read the manual
  13. its in a language that i dont understand thus the i cant help but i know that at one part of the index.php, it check if something happen if not it redirects to the registrar page the virtualpol.com
  14. sorry my bad, change it to this script. the previous script, i added root as the password <?php //connect to server $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root",""); if (!$con) { die('Nuk mund te lidhet me databazen ' . mysql_error()); } // select database mysql_select_db("database_web", $con) or die ("Nuk ka databaze"); ?>
  15. Firstly, without the connect_to_mysql.php, its not going to connect to the mySQL server. secondly, change your connect_to_mysql.php to this. <?php //connect to server $con = mysql_connect("localhost","root","root"); if (!$con) { die('Nuk mund te lidhet me databazen ' . mysql_error()); } // select database mysql_select_db("database_web", $con) or die ("Nuk ka databaze"); ?>
  16. can you post the code here?
  17. please check that the connect_to_mysql.php is located at the correct place.
  18. <script> function link(link) { document.getElementById('lol').innerHTML = link; } </script> <p id="lol" onclick="link('http://google.com');">Click here to download</p>> sorry this is the working one.
  19. anyway please mark topic as solved
  20. err, i fixed some syntax errors and add correct php tags. <title><?php echo "$title";?></title> if you are echoing a variable, you wouldn't need to have the "" for the echo. <a href='<?php echo $site?>'><img src='images/logo.png'></img></a> you echo $site without close the echo with ; <?php if ($username) // need to add { and close php ?> <div id='nav'> <a href='<?php echo $site;?>/videos'>Videos</a> <a href='<?php echo $site;?>/videos'>Videos</a> <a href='<?php echo $site;?>/movies'>Movies</a> </div> //open php again with <?php } else { //close it here ?> <div id='nav'> <a href='<?php echo $site;?>/videos'>Videos</a> <a href='<?php echo $site;?>/movies'>Movies</a> </div> //open php again with <?php } ?> <div id='content'>
  21. and i really wonder where is title gonna come from as it is not set at before its being called out.
  22. try this, you have alot of syntax errors in your codes. <?php ini_set( 'display_errors', 1 ); error_reporting( -1 ); date_default_timezone_set('America/Los_Angeles'); session_start(); $username = $_SESSION['username']; $userid = $_SESSION['userid']; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title><?php echo $title;?></title> <link href='styles/main.css' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'></link> <script language="javascript" src="scripts/javascript.js"></script> <?php require("scripts/functions.php"); ?> <style type='text/css'> <!-- body{ background-color: Purple; } --> </style> </head> <body> <div id='wrapper'> <div id='header'> <div id='status'><?php require('scripts/status.php'); ?></div> <a href='<?php echo $site; ?>'><img src='images/logo.png'></img></a> </div> <?php if ($username) { ?> //login in user see this <div id='nav'> <a href='<?php echo $site;?>/videos'>Videos</a> <a href='<?php echo $site;?>/videos'>Videos</a> <a href='<?php echo $site;?>/movies'>Movies</a> </div> <?php } else { ?> //not login memebr see this <div id='nav'> <a href='<?php echo $site;?>/videos'>Videos</a> <a href='<?php echo $site;?>/movies'>Movies</a> </div><?php } ?> <div id='content'> i have correct all of them. see if they work.
  23. can you post your scripts/function.php & scripts/status.php? there might problems with the codes there.
  24. this is wad i have for you <?php date_default_timezone_set('Asia/Singapore'); //change the timezone to yours. $nextWeek = time() + (300); echo 'Now: '. date('h:i:s d/m/y') ."</br>"; echo 'Five Minute: '. date('h:i:s d/m/y', $nextWeek) ."</br>"; ?>
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