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Everything posted by ZulfadlyAshBurn

  1. can you post, what is your ip address? so that i can get a clearer understanding
  2. open command prompt, type ipconfig. you would get your ip address, try on other com and it will work.
  3. please use code tags like [ code ] without the spaces in the brackets. what you mean by multiple computer/consoles? is your server locally hosted? apache on windows or linux? do you know the server ip?
  4. check this http://www.hiteshagrawal.com/php/how-to-implement-text-to-speech-in-php
  5. what are you trying to achieve? sorry i dont get you.
  6. can you use the code tags next time. erm, with that little info, we cant help. we need more details to what you edit.
  7. what if the h1 tag is to be positioned in the middle or right? I wouldn't recommend using float, although it would work if the text is to be on the left agreed, usually is based on the design you are working on
  8. this would echo out the browser type. <?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];?>
  9. I am creating a site where people update their news feed. It just uses to much request on clientside. how do i cut down on this. Anyone know how to create your own push technology like APE.
  10. gawd, he's stupid.
  11. use mod_rewrite using htaccess. edit your htaccess check this site: http://corz.org/serv/tricks/htaccess2.php
  12. HAHA. Funny. Don't be lame luh. You can close this thread cause no one is gonna help you anymore I can already foresee their answer: "That is beyond the scope of our support". have you asked them??? if your thinking you can get an answer by being bossy, then you can dream about it. ZulfadlyAshBurn, I know you work for Darth Vader. Don't try and deny it.
  13. I can already foresee their answer: "That is beyond the scope of our support". have you asked them??? if your thinking you can get an answer by being bossy, then you can dream about it.
  14. Well, do you think animal cruelty will bring ppl to give you answers? What if i had screenshot your post and send it to the Moderator? What a noob. To get to where you want, you must first make a mistake. Try everything on google and the answers will come to you eventually. Are u using local hosting or shared hosting? If local hosting you need to edit your host file and point it to your ip if its a shared hosting, use the control panel by user host and add the subdomain
  15. you should embed the flash file in your site instead of linking to the file.
  16. Learn the basics of coding a registration script: HTML, PHP & MySQL. Optional to enhance performance for your registration script: Javscript & jQuery LOL. HAHA. Hope the admin would create a new board for that
  17. create a new file which contain this code. chkadm.php <?php if(!isset($_SESSION['level'])){ echo"You are not authorized to visit this page"; } ?> then on every page, just add in require('chkadm.php');
  18. you might also wish to store a session for the username. this way, you can call your username and mySQL with ease.
  19. I guess they store it the logged users in mySQL and using ajax on the page checking if the user had any interactions else user = offline.
  20. are you tying to say video streaming?
  21. agree with TeNDoLLA. good luck loki8
  22. i'm not so sure about those. maybe an admin would help this topic.
  23. the code i gave you would flush then first script the continue with the second. this would run the second scripts 5secs after the first one using cron. php -q /address/cron.php; sleep 5; php -q /address/cron.php maybe you would like to split your email saying that exec1 - done. then exec2 - done.
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