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Everything posted by floridaflatlander

  1. If you've done all that I'd email or call the provider and see if they can help. But I also agree with the sunfighter, I'd load a dummy page to delete. It's good to have just the facts when you talk to your provider
  2. What does that mean? "The first time ever, ever and for ever" or the first time since the edit? Away have you clicked refresh several times or clicked compatibility button to reload the css?
  3. Have input validation as stated already. You can't add some type of captcha between "May be help you box" and the "send email" button, it might not look pretty but it would work. Also you can just make a small jpg and have someone enter that, it would slow down bots. I have one that's just a jpg of 4321 with some lines through it and it slowed down the bots alot. Here's how I verify data, AKA the poor man's method, it's simple and someone with almost any level of experience can see whats go'in on. // Check for a Description: if (empty($_POST['descrip'])) { $error [] = 1; $descrip_e = '<h5 style="color: red;">* You forgot to enter a description.</h5>'; // echo this is field empty } else { $descrip = strip_tags($_POST ['descrip']); $descrip = mysqli_real_escape_string($dbc, trim($descrip)); } if (!$error) {INSERT DATA}
  4. Currently I have a database with a timestamp NOT NULL column called date_reg, whenever I edit the record the time changes, I've tried to change the column type to datetime but I get an error “1067 invalid default value for date_reg mysql”. As I understand it, if I have two timestamp columns only the first one is changed when a record is updated. I have the option of adding another timestamp column in front of the current timestamp column and call it last_edited, is there any other options? Thanks
  5. Thanks!!! You Guys don't know how long I've been looking at this stuff. And Andy H & Pikachu... I'll check out ctype_digit() thanks PS That was the problem
  6. I have a link echo '<p>View All Items listed for <a href="item.php?mem-items='.$mem_id.'">"'.$name.'"</a></p>'; That goes to a file http://localhost/folder/item.php?mem-items=26 with 26 being an actual member id number I use the GET function like this if (isset($_GET['mem-items']) && is_numeric($_GET['$mem-items'])) { $mem_items = $_GET['mem-items']; } My problem is $mem_items isn't assigned a variable, but when I take the "is_numeric($_GET['$mem-items'])" out, it works like a charm. I use this same format on the same file for "if (isset($_GET['item']) && is_numeric($_GET['item']))" AND it works great. Can anyone see what's wrong. Thanks
  7. that'a what i use ad on my localhost i get
  8. What do you mean by that? For example, you want it a certain spot on a web page?
  9. I always thought absolute was something like http://www.mywebsite.com/folder/xxx.css and relative was ../xxx.css. If you can get away with relative thats the way to go.
  10. Thanks, I didn't notice that.
  11. I have a form and the moment someone clicks submit, the code INSERTS the new user. I then have a page with a select statement that echo's a users table. This table lets me know who is active and who isn't. If I see a zero I'll check that new user out, if their info seems good I'll activate their account, if not I'll give their profile another number to let me know it was rejected.
  12. This is my the basic set up, of course you'll use your own variables and password hashing methoed // If the form is submitted if (isset($_POST['submitted'])) { // Trim all the incoming data: $trimmed = array_map('trim', $_POST); // Assume invalid values: $city = $zip = $state = FALSE; // Check City // Check state // example of check for fields // Check for a 5 digit US zip and extension if one entered: if (preg_match ('/^(\d{5})(-\d{4})?$/', $trimmed['zip'])) { // You can clean your data anyway you want $zip = mysqli_real_escape_string ($dbc, $trimmed['zip']); } else { $zip_e = '<p class="error">Please enter your town or cities zip code.</p>'; } if ($city && $zip && $state) { // Add the user to the database: $query = "INSERT INTO members (id, city, state, zip, level) VALUES (Null, '$city', '$state', '0')"; $result = mysqli_query ($dbconnet, $query) or trigger_error("Query: $q\n<br />MySQL Error: " . mysqli_error($dbconnet)) } } // end summited
  13. I assign my new registors a user level automatically. I assign the lowest level, which means after they register I then have to review their information and then assign then the regular user level. As I get more users to help me police the site I'll make it where they are assigned as a regular user when they register.
  14. I think its echo '<span class="hotspot" onmouseover="tooltip.show'.$User_ID.';" onmouseout="tooltip.hide();">'; I don't know anything about js so if you may need it '.($User_ID).' I don't know
  15. This error most often means you forgot something. ,, ;, (, ), {, }, etc., etc, include 'header.php'; => include ('header.php'); I think this is it
  16. Did you use or die("Error: ".mysqli_error($dbc)) ? If I had to """guess""" one of you variables is bad.
  17. Okay, remember your target is people that are being recruited for the medical industry, not people like me here in the US. But with that said, it looks great, I also think there is to much movement. The scroll on the right as well as the main div. I'd have the right div normal text for testimonials and a link at the end of each testimonial or a link at the bottom of the div with "more ...". Just a thought, anyway I think it looks great, have you tested the format with people in the industry? Also test it with different browsers, when I tried ie7 everything was thrown out of wack starting at http://www.jackiebrownmedical.ie/advice/resources.php?url=advice and http://www.jackiebrownmedical.ie/cv-upload.htm
  18. When I copied your html and took out the absolutes it worked.
  19. I'm pretty sure it's the absolute positioning. what are yoo trying to do. I think your container has to be relative and the links absolute. But do you even need that?
  20. Is it because the links are positioned absolute and the menuitems positioned absolute? Can you remove that formating for a test?
  21. I hate this stuff too. It's not doing it in ie7 just 8 & above and firefox. Of course that's what 90% of the people are using.
  22. Fire foxes fire bug, use it all the time, I'd hate life without it. Also Chromes developer tools looks like the same thing I just stumbeled into it the other day.
  23. It's on the server How big is it, can you place the db on our localhost and test there?
  24. Is this db on an online server or on your local host?
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