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Everything posted by floridaflatlander

  1. maybe this well help $page = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
  2. Thanks: very good reading, the best I've seen, this is the first I came to that said you can do it like this or like that, it's up to you. The stuff I found in my searches said do it like this and I kept having a gut feeling that it was up to the person doing the coding how it was done, thanks.
  3. I was wondering how most people use salt or what is the order of the steps to use salt? Does the script take the new password then encrypt it then add salt and in encrypt it again, are they just added together and then encrypted or is it a combination of something like that? And I guess the de-encrypting would be the reverse. Not looking for code just the big picture. Thanks S
  4. double check your image path. The way it is now, it should be in the same folder as the file whose body your trying to style with the above code
  5. I keep getting a statement " Did you miss your activation email?" when I use smf ssi_welcome() function. This appears before someone logs in. After they log in everything is fine. I have made a post on smf board and no solution has been provided. I have down loaded a new copy of 2.0 r5 and replaced all the files, even the Settings.php file I have made a new forum with the same 2.0 r5 files. The ssi_welcome() works fine on this forum seen here. Here is the code for the ssi_welcome() but it works everywhere but on my forum. // Display a welcome message, like: Hey, User, you have 0 messages, 0 are new. function ssi_welcome($output_method = 'echo') { global $context, $txt, $scripturl; if ($output_method == 'echo') { if ($context['user']['is_guest']) echo sprintf($txt['welcome_guest'], $txt['guest_title']); else echo $txt['hello_member'], ' <strong>', $context['user']['name'], '</strong>', allowedTo('pm_read') ? ', ' . $txt['msg_alert_you_have'] . ' <a href="' . $scripturl . '?action=pm">' . $context['user']['messages'] . ' ' . ($context['user']['messages'] == '1' ? $txt['message_lowercase'] : $txt['msg_alert_messages']) . '</a>' . $txt['newmessages4'] . ' ' . $context['user']['unread_messages'] . ' ' . ($context['user']['unread_messages'] == '1' ? $txt['newmessages0'] : $txt['newmessages1']) : '', '.'; } // Don't echo... then do what?! else return $context['user']; } Because the ssi_welcome works everywhere I test it and I have uploaded new 2.0 r5 files in all my test it must be a problem with the databases. I have moved to a new host so moving db's may have made a bug somewhere.
  6. I got this to work easily, http://www.desiquintans.com/cleanurls Of course I only wanted to go one level deep in my member file so it would be member/joes-fish-mart. Every thing else is retrieved with queries using get. Which is how I like it.
  7. What do you call large? I also don't know what you mean by combine queries but basiclly you can write and/or place your queries so you can use the data again if needed. I'm sure the guys in the know on here will want to see some table structure(s) and queries to give you details.
  8. Do have your htaccess in the right directory ?
  9. I like chevys & windows, the other guys that get suck all the time like fords and macs
  10. I need to learn about .htaccess but I got this to work like a charm http://www.desiquintans.com/cleanurls You'll need to do a little work on your product.php because you'll get this www.mysite.com/1/z instead of www.mysite.com/1/product-name-here
  11. Good job, seeing what your dad's competitors are doing, in the end you're building the site for your dad's customers.
  12. First I think it looks good, Also I think you need a footer with the company name, location as in street address, phone number and email link. You need this on every page. When people come to your site don't make them work to have to contact you. If its right there in front of them there will be more of chance they'll call or email. Think of your father's customers age, most of them want getting on that "damn internet" as my father calls it to be a quick affair. I noticed that all the page titles have the same title, change that to match the page, check out the page description and write it to match the page. If you can over time get some of your fathers suppliers and friends to link to you. "Almost" anyone is good, the big boys are better, try to stay in the same industry more or less, plumbing, irrigation, construction. Put licensed by the state of ...... somewhere on the front or licensed and insured. After a while it can all seem to blur. Usually it takes several months to work the kinks out, visual appeal, page rank, spelling, sentence structure. Once again it looks good.
  13. Jezz divs in the list sounds good. I would have never of thought of that, well "maybe" in a month or two from now when I was asleep and would wake up at 2:00am and would say to myself. I could use divs in list. Boy am I smart or dumb or slow depending or what ever on my mood. It's like I learn on here several weeks ago to use str_replace to place text in p tags so I could make it pretty with text-indent. I would have never have thought of that either.
  14. I basically do it like this if (($_POST['submit'])) { $company = ($_POST['company']); // Check to see if this profile already exist on the companies table $query = "SELECT cmp_name FROM companies WHERE cmp_name = '$company'"; $r = mysqli_query($dbc, $query); $n_rows = mysqli_num_rows($r); if ($n_rows == 0) { do this } else {redirect or echo "This company already exist";} } // end of if submit
  15. Soo basicly you have list with in list ?
  16. I use list for my css horizontal drop down menus and for vertical menus as well but it seems list would make it harder to do something like this with forms Column 1 Title 1:Column 2 select or enter this Column 1 Title 2:Column 2 select or enter that I just set column width if needed and add styles to my rows and cells with class divs In other words, nice straight columns
  17. Even though I still use ullman as a reference and to look up how he may have done something, the only way to learn is to do it. It's like my ole teacher used to say about applied problems 30 years ago, "son you wont learn how to do them until you do them". The b**tch.
  18. With equal content they would all be the same rank. Worry about content, the name of your url is about 4 or 5 or 6 or 7 on the list of things to worry about. After content make a good title for your page, get text inbound links "reviews of product-name" and "product name for sale". Get some big boys to link to you.
  19. Big picture If I had to guess, you'll probably need to control the names in brands. I say you because if you set it up to be automatic and someone types in redwing shoes for a brand and then someone else types in red wing shoes when you run a guery like $query = SELECT name FROM brands WHERE name = "red wing". Your query will come back with the results that there is no red wing in your brands table and its Ok to include red wing as a brand, then you'll have double enteries.
  20. I too give a hoot and a holler for Ullman. The two column thing is a very mild complaint but its easy to get use to it. I've bought two, one is all raged up and in about 4 pieces even with the use of duct tape to help hold it together. I ran into a deal on amazon so I bought another.
  21. for css, css the missing manual - I used it and I still use it for reference. I first tried "head first html with css" which I needed because I had too take little tiny baby steps. I didn't even know how to spell html . "head first html with css" really walks through html & css, my only complaint is the book falls apart easy. But css the missing manual goes into more detail and is a tough book you can later use for reference. But you sound smart enough to not need head first. Also go to amazon and read the reviews of books, read the bad ones, get an idea what people are b**ching about then go look at the 4 star ratings. To me these are "more likely" the level headed people and they'll answer most of the things the one star raters were b**ching about and you can see if it really matters or if its more likely the user not the book that was the problem.
  22. Muddy_F the reply was in response to this And this Thanks Muddy I was kind of wondering about that I'll get the tables later today
  23. The results of these queries are on my local server I use Simple Machine and SMF's ssi functions to allow a member to be in a certain group These queries make a table of members in this group that have a profile that has more detail than the smf user profile 2 database connections are used, one for this stuff and one for the coppermine below. They are closed after the script runs */ // Query 1 // If member has a profile provide a link to it $q = "SELECT vendors.id_member, smf_members.id_member, id_group, additional_groups FROM vendors, smf_members WHERE vendors.id_member = smf_members.id_member AND (smf_members.id_group = '$allowed_cats' OR find_in_set('$allowed_cats', smf_members.additional_groups)) AND vendors.id_member = '$id_member' AND vendors.display_profile = '1'"; // display_profile if 1, if someone is bad and it's changed from 1 the profile wont display //2 //Comes in with an include file for titles - gets the group from a get (the same get is used for the (isset($group) below) and uses $state to make the following titles // Makes a h1 title - Florida Fishing Guides, Florida Canoeing Outfitters etc. // This is in the header - the below query is in the middle column but I still may be able to combine them. $q = "SELECT group, grouptitle FROM ven_cats"; //3 //To select a category using <option> - ie canoeing outfitters, fishing guide etc. $q = "SELECT group, grouptitle FROM ven_cats ORDER BY vcat ASC, group ASC"; //4 //To select a location using <option>, Florida, Georgia etc. $q = "SELECT * FROM loca WHERE country='USA' AND loca > 1 ORDER BY state ASC"; //5 //If there is group & state selected use this query if not I use another query // This gets info from four databases, and display it in a table. Vendors which holds the special profiles, loca which holds the states, smf_members which holds the allowed category '$allowed_cats' and links which is used for links between all the databases. // links has the column's id, id_member, category, loca all positive integers and is used to in lieu of a flat file because some members will be in more than one category, //An example would be one person being a Florida Freshwater Fishing Guide, Florida Saltwater Fishing Guide and Florida Canoe Outfitter if ((isset($group)) && (isset($state))) { $qg = "SELECT * FROM vendors, loca, smf_members, ven_cats, ven_links WHERE (smf_members.id_group = '$allowed_cats' OR find_in_set('$allowed_cats', smf_members.additional_groups)) AND vendors.id_member = smf_members.id_member AND vendors.id_member = ven_links.id_member AND ven_links.cat = ven_cats.cat AND ven_cats.cat = '$group' AND ven_links.loca = loca.loca AND loca.state = '$state' AND vendors.display_profile = '1' GROUP BY ven_links.id_member ORDER BY name ASC LIMIT $start, $display"; } 6. // This comes from a coppermine db, it is the second db connection. You can see a sample of what it would look like here $q = "SELECT pid, aid, filepath, filename, title, owner_id FROM $fishing_photo_table ORDER BY pid DESC LIMIT $display"; You can see a sample of what the coppermine connection looks like here http://www.outdoorupdate.com/Fishing/
  24. I forgot to say nice. 45km or about 28 miles +- is a ways. Is that a water tank in the back? The shrubs in the front and the walk way on the side look good. Every once in a while an older home will come up for sale real cheap or for free around here but like yours it has to be moved. I remodeled a house I use to have, it was work but I'd do it again under the right circumstances.
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