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Posts posted by floridaflatlander
How can I set up pretty/styled emails and mailing list?
I can use php's mail() and I use it all the time but I can't style the email article or add pics. Every time I add an h1 tag for a test I get <h1> in the email not the style text.
Does anyone have links to tell me how to do this?
Is it worth the hassle?
Would it just be easier just to use someone like constantcontact dot comThanks
You can change the "State" value when editing your profile to one that does not exist.
It keeps saying re-enter my password and I am not giving out my location. Do you have a test account?
yes I have it's location listed above http://www.abatch.com/phpfreaks.txt
Thanks all, I've had a couple of people come and play helping me find a data varification mistake. Also I guess no post here is good news.
Thanks again
A php freak came into my site and did some testing for me and entered an item without a category, categories are 1 or greater than 1 and he entered a category of 0.
I have since placed a query in the code to check the values of the categories entered but I was wondering how he did it, so I ask the question in the title.
How did a user bypass the select option?
Looks good to real good to me and it worked well, I didn't read your last sentence of the first post so I was missing the link to the site at first. The logo on the bottom may be too big but this is just a small small issue to me.
Hi, can you guys test my site. Upload a photo, enter text, etc. and look at the overall flow.
so you used session_destroy() and you destroyed your session cookie name (time()-x)?
Can you echo the session variables after you logout?
Can you post your logout code?
Are you using ie?
Not that I'm talking bad about ie but believe it or not I had something like this happen a few months ago, I looked at it for hours, I restarted my machine and I guess ie reloaded correctly and it work from then on.
is id="xxx" auto generated?
Okay I printed $q and found the problem, 12 the number I didn't want was first up in the loop and address in the if() not the elseif()
Sorry about that Muddy_Funster and thanks
In the elseif below if the $group_num is in the $dont_print I don't want add the info, what am I doing wrong
$dont_print = array(0, 12); foreach ($group_array as $key => $group_num) { if (!$add_on_sql) {$add_on_sql = 'WHERE id_group = '.$group_num.'';} elseif (in_array($group_num, $dont_print, FALSE)) {$add_on_sql .= ' OR id_group = '.$group_num.'';} }
Sorry I miss read your first post, I thought you said you had two problems. My bad.
Anyway YOU wrote it in a drupal theme? I counted 29 divs in your html, if you need them good, if not why have them.
Have you drawn out the basic look of your web page?
I got 15 errors in your html here http://validator.w3.org/ and 10 errors in your css here http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/, and you should book mark these two sites. These errors can effect how your web page is displayed.
I don't know but it looks like you made it harder than it needs to be, there are sharper people here and on other sites maybe they can help you.
I think you can get rid of the white area around the parameter by using: body {margin: 0; padding: 0;} note this is not .body. I'm at a loss about the white borders on the left and right.
Were did you get this code from?
So what wrong with picture on the left, what have you changed to make it like the pic on the right?
You need to get firefox's firebug and use it. But when I look at it in firebug page_body has no padding or margins and the space between the page_body and the footer comes from the padding of a div inside another div inside page_body.
Look at the class "left_Text" in firebug and see what happens to it's padding ... I don't know what happens to it when you increase the screen size. After you do that you could also try getting rid of left_text bottom padding and use a margin bottom for page_body.
I'm assuming this isn't your code, or maybe you've gotten pieces from this or that or the other. Also it has a God awful amount of divs in it and you can't name id's the same name in the same file. Always run your css through here http://jigsaw.w3.org/css-validator/ and your html through here http://validator.w3.org/ .
PS you're not closing your image tag on line 310 and .... I think you can use chrome to look at the code and style too.
yeah I was trying ... to increase the sites accessibility across multiple platforms not just laptops/PC's. I am also looking at developing a mobile version of the site too.
Well the very first step will be fixing your html
The first one looks fine, the I couldn't open the second one, do you need to fix the errors to increase the chances of cross browser compatibility.
So I take it you didn't build this. Anyway I'd put another div inside the main div and give it the world of warfare graphic with the jet a background image, that way you'd have two background images in the two divs in the header, one with the gradient background image and the other with the graphic and jet
I just copied the page and css to my computer but not the header image. I then took the min width off and it worked. The only problem Is that it over rode the left column when I collapsed it.
So remove you header bg image and width and see if it works.
With that said the bg image shouldn't stop the collapse of the page.
I'd only have min width on the left column and min width on the main of about 400-500 or so.
Also you have the contents of the left column at 100% then 5px in padding, so your contents width is 100% plus (5px * 2)
also was the world of warfare graphic with the jet a background image?
I think if they have content they'll only shrink so far before one div drops below the other.
I looked at it and can't figure it out, however I placed your html code here http://validator.w3.org/#validate_by_input and came up with 14 error's.
Fix them and see if that helps
I would say use a minimum width but it's pretty wide when the right div falls
I trying to build a page that has a variable width depending on the viewing monitor that also has a fixed column to one side.
My problem is that when I have floated divs in the none floated div and put <br style="clear; both;"/> under the divs or apply the clear to the p tag the clear drops below the right column.
I thought the clear style only applied to it's containing div.
How can I fix this?
This image is an example of my problem
Jesus, thanks fastsol, I don't even think of using the mysqli_num_rows, that does look cleaner. thanks
I have a select that allows a user to select an album. I then run a query to check the post of the select to make sure it's a real album number.
So what I do is run the query then use in_array to see if the entered number is a good album number
My problem is the first one doesn't return an array and when I use print_r I only get one value
I can't get this one to work, why won't the in_array work? I thought $aid_rows = mysqli_fetch_array($ar, MYSQLI_ASSOC) would give me an array
// Check for an album id if (empty($_POST['aid'])) { $errors [] = '<h5 style="color: red;">* You forgot to select an album.</h5>'; } elseif (is_numeric($_POST['aid'])) { $aid_entry = (int)(trim($_POST['aid'])); $aq ="SELECT aid FROM cpg15x_albums"; $ar = mysqli_query($dbc3, $aq);// or die("Error: ".mysqli_error($dbc3)); $aid_rows = mysqli_fetch_array($ar, MYSQLI_ASSOC); if (in_array($aid_entry, $aid_rows)) { $aid = $aid_entry; } else {$errors[] = '<h5 style="color: red;">* Album number error.</h5>';} } else {$errors[] = '<h5 style="color: red;">* Album string error.</h5>';}
My new one that works but I have to use a while loop
// Check for an album id if (empty($_POST['aid'])) { $errors [] = '<h5 style="color: red;">* You forgot to select an album.</h5>'; } elseif (is_numeric($_POST['aid'])) { $aid_entry = (int)(trim($_POST['aid'])); $aq ="SELECT aid FROM cpg15x_albums"; $ar = mysqli_query($dbc3, $aq);// or die("Error: ".mysqli_error($dbc3)); $aid_rows = mysqli_fetch_array($ar, MYSQLI_ASSOC); $aids = array(); while ($aid_rows = mysqli_fetch_array($ar, MYSQLI_ASSOC)) { $aids[] = $aid_rows['aid']; } if (in_array($aid_entry, $aids)) { $aid = $aid_entry; } else {$errors[] = '<h5 style="color: red;">* Album number error.</h5>';} } else {$errors[] = '<h5 style="color: red;">* Album string error.</h5>';}
Need a javascript gallery
in Miscellaneous
I need a js gallery that automatically loads a main photo and I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction to find one.
Currently I'm using http://www.dynamicdrive.com/dynamicindex4/thumbnail2.htm
But my issue is that this code doesn't load a photo until an image is clicked or you hover over it and I want one that loads a chosen photo automatically. (I have a db table with the photos info in it)
Thanks for any help or pointers