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Posts posted by willpower

  1. google it.

    basicaly each payment gateway has a unique method of passing the variables from yoursite

    ie on paypal you can chose to create a one line aggregated basket total over or an itemised order...the choice is yours.  Of course then all the handling of CC's is done by them.

    Other gateways just handle the processing of the card such as Protx.

    I will be honest here.  I'd suggest that if you are serious about this job...you'd better hurry.Full time e-commerce is not for the faint-hearted.  Lots and Lots of code to disect even with pre-built apps such as 'oscommerce'

    In all custom built cases you will need a shopping cart functionality (like 'oscomerce'), a payment processing functionality (like 'Protx') a Internet Merchant account (like mega expensive to maintain ...lol) to recieve your payments and finally sh*t loads of time and brains.

  2. here the ' and the " are both escaping the string to be added

    so the '<div..... is being escaped at '

    so it should become

    $info =  "var point = new GLatLng(" . $location . ");";
    $info .= "var marker = createMarker(point,\"$name\",\'<div etc....
  3. i wrote my own script to enable the background images to fit with the style of the site (sad...i know)

    I can let you have the full scirpt if you want.  It is rather simple but in princple it does this.

    Sets a background image from a folder.
    Opens a fonts folder
    Selects a random font
    selects a random number from 0-9
    repeats this to get a series of 5 numbers in random fonts (and x,y co-ords)
    Then generates a complete image with session variable.

    Let me know if this would be of use
  4. After all this time...i have noticed an issue...Capricorn comes last in the list rather than between sag and aquarius. 

    Current list reads

    leo: correct
    Virgo : correct
    Libra: correct
    Scorpio :correct
    Sagitaruis: correct
    Aquarius : correct in that it has looped back to the start but capricorn omiited
    Pisces: correct
    Aries : correct
    Taurus : correct
    Gemini : corect
    Cancer : correct
    Capricorn : god damn it

    Any clues?
    PS is it to do with the fact that capricorn starts in month 12 and ends in month 1
  5. Well sort off.

    I establish the date.  I then want to go to a db containing start signs and find out which is the current star sign based on the date.  I then want to list all start signs starting with the most current.

    ie Records retrieved could be in this order


    I have lost the plot on this...can anyone help me to do this???

    Thanks in advance


  6. I may be  barking up the wrong tree here...but have you tried declaring the $vars at ie:

    $userid=$_GET['userid........and so on

    This should enure that the vars contained in the url are read and utilised.

  7. Hi

    AAt the end of a page I have two buttons...a yes...and a no. This is to alloe the user too vaidate that they have enetered their information correctly befor proceeding.

    Now I need to submit the form to self. The action in the form is correct, however i am trying to do the

    if (isset($_POST['NO'])) { do this}

    if (isset($_POST['YES'])) {do that}

    Should this work in principle or does this only work with a 'submit' button.



  8. Hi

    instead of having


    mysql_free_result ($Recorsedt1);
    mysql_free_result ($Recorsedt2);
    mysql_free_result ($Recorsedt3);
    mysql_free_result ($Recorsedt4);
    mysql_free_result ($Recorsedt5);


    is there a way to

    mysql_free_result (*****all****);

    This would allow me to add this to my footer insted of ending different bits on different include files...all of which i am finding very messy!


  9. Thanks Andy

    I was going at it in a for more complicated manner....not separating the days and the hours. I looked at your response and thought...bloody hell hes missed the point!

    BUT...as ever....I was wrong and when I re-read it....the obvious became clear.

    If only comon sennse was common practice.

    Thanks Mate

  10. Hi

    I want to add a NOW ON AIR LIVE notification to my website. Basically I need to check the current time and then check to see if this time matches or is between thursday 7pm and thursday 10 pm.

    I have no idea how to check the time within a time span....any ideas?


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