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Posts posted by willpower

  1. REmove this line


    mail($email_address, $subject, $event, $dateevent, $comments "From: $name <$email>\nX-Mailer: Simple PHP Contact Form 1.0 (www.korske.com)");



    and replace with


    mail("Lisa Cleveryley <".$email_address. ">",$subject_prefix,$message,"From: ".$name." <".$email.">");

  2. your nearly there!!!.



    mail($email_address, $subject, $message, "From: $name <$email>\nX-Mailer: Simple PHP Contact Form 1.0 (www.korske.com)");


    Think about his line.  It mails all the other bits and pieces.

    You need to send a $message ...right?

    well you work the rest out

    So we can create a $message by saying $message="This is my message...name=".$name." and email=".$email." and event=".$event." and ....you work the rest out!




    am i am bad teacher???

  3. Yeah..sorry just read the post again and actually looked at your page this time.


    you have HTML...


    <select name="event" size="1">


    You need to have a $_POST statement for each name.  Here the name is "event"


    So the PHP to get this information becomes




    for the <option value=" other">Other</option>

    it would be







    use the $message in your code to stake these all together




    Now this is not going to be pretty!!!! but one step at a time

  4. OK


    Really we could do with seeing your html form.


    But in its absense let me make the following clear.


    The html form has an action attached (or should have) to the <form> tag.  Make sure this points to the php file.


    The <input> tags all should have a name value ie

    <input type="text" name="Your Name" />


    Where each element has a name you need to make sure that there is a


    $something= $_POST['something'];


    that corresponds with it.


    ie $name=$_POST['Your Name'];


    This lets PHP identify the field in the form to the the posted information from.


    Sort all that out and come back to us.



  5. you have double open quotes that are unescaped.


    You haven't closed your { } for starters.


    Other then that I'm not sure yet.


    Enclose it in php tags on the board and it should highlight it for you which will help.


    while ($dbRecord=mysql_fetch_array($queryResult))
            echo "<TR><TD><A href=\"comic.php?title=$dbRecord["title"]\">".$dbRecord["title"]."[/url]</TD>"."<TD>".$dbRecord["author"]."</TD>"."<TD>".$dbRecord["artist"]."</TD>"."<TD>".$dbRecord["publisher"]."</TD></TR>";


    Look at the colors.  You will see the blue in the echo statement.  this needs tro be fixed.

  6. You wont include a file with the header comand.  The header command will reedirect  rather than include


    if you are looking to redirect then the command is correct.


    the main ideas here would be o capture the url (if i understand your question) and for this id use $url =$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];


    the use the $url var in the redirect where appropriate. The explode can be used...perhaps by exploding at each "/".  But from yor post I'd struggle to offer more info.



  7. $query="SELECT.............my statement..........";






    do { ?>



      <td><? echo $row_result['Song Title'];?></td>

    <td><a href "<? echo $row_result['Link'];?>"> Link Title </a>



    <? } while ($row_result = mysql_fetch_assoc ($result))





    Now this is only part of the code...but it should give you an idea

  8. sorry you are right


    the code you have (i blieve) is problematic as it spits all the row from the DB as 1 string.  You will need to rework this before you can have a link where you want it.


    you will need to seperate out all fields so that your downlaod field can be treated differently



  9. so you currently echo the results from ['description']?


    just add a conditional.


    if ($_Session['lang']=="en") { echo //english description;}

    if ($_Session['lang']=="fr") { echo //french description;}

    if ($_Session['lang']=="gr") { echo //german description;}


    PS last post just came up.  Yes if you did that ID's would be a problem....but y would you delete 1 descrition and not all.


    Anyway youur table is fine.

  10. now...with the greatest of respect....we cant help with that sort of response.


    You have given no indication of a) how your tables are set up...and b) how you come to your next problems about deletion.


    Lets start again.


    Try and be more precise in the environment that you are working and the specific issue(s) that you have.


    Everything will go wrong is a little but vague...lol



  11. Id use sessions


    lets say that you have identical data in 3 tables...1 table for each language.








    I'd set the Session['lang'] to default to "english"




    then i'd "SELECT products from '$lang' WHERE...."


    then if someone clicks a button (flag) reset the $Session to the relevant language.


    That could be one solution.


    it kinda depends on what table format you have.

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