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Everything posted by willpower

  1. Hi I have a DB which needs to be backed up regularly. It is on a shared server. I need to write a php script that a)backs up the DB and b) kindly emails me the backed up file. I would be happy with a non compressed .sql (text) file. Kinda thought this bit would be easy...but so far I cant even find out where to start. Any help, guidance or similar scripts greatfully appreciated. Thanks Will
  2. Two tables...debits and credits date field in each with dateTime format. I need to select all rows where user='$userID' and then print them to screen in a chronological order. I have no idea how to do this over 2 tables. Any help appreciated. Thanks Will
  3. Hi. I had a dynamic img creation with gdlib and Right Alignment. I 'pinched' this script which worked well until my host upgraded to php5. Any ideas. the following error messages are received. ‰PNG IHDR2ý~Ê Warning: imagepng() [function.imagepng]: gd-png: fatal libpng error: zlib error in /home/clearcon/public_html/fonts/title.php on line 40 Warning: imagepng() [function.imagepng]: gd-png error: setjmp returns error condition in /home/clearcon/public_html/fonts/title.php on line 40 Heres the code <?php header("Content-type: image/png"); $text = str_replace("_"," ",$_GET['title']); $font = "DAX-REGU.TTF"; $size = 22; $angle = 0; //check width of the text $bbox = imagettfbbox ($size, $angle, $font, $text); $bbox["left"] = 0- min($bbox[0],$bbox[2],$bbox[4],$bbox[6]); $bbox["top"] = 0- min($bbox[1],$bbox[3],$bbox[5],$bbox[7]); $bbox["width"] = max($bbox[0],$bbox[2],$bbox[4],$bbox[6]) - min($bbox[0],$bbox[2],$bbox[4],$bbox[6]); $bbox["height"] = max($bbox[1],$bbox[3],$bbox[5],$bbox[7]) - min($bbox[1],$bbox[3],$bbox[5],$bbox[7]); extract ($bbox, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'bb'); //check width of the image $insert = imagecreatetruecolor(400,50); //choose textcolor (white) $width = imagesx($insert); $height = imagesy($insert); $pad = 2; $white=imagecolorallocate($insert,255,255,255); $col=imagecolorallocate($insert,55,27,66); imagefilltoborder ( $insert, 0, 0, $white,$white ); //write text // top: //imagettftext($insert, $size, $angle, $width/2-$bb_width/2, $bb_top+$pad, $col, $font, $text); // left: //imagettftext($insert, $size, $angle, $bb_left+$pad, $height/2-$bb_height/2, $col, $font, $text); // bottom: //imagettftext($insert, $size, $angle, $width/2-$bb_width/2, $height-$bb_height-$pad, $col, $font, $text); // right: imagettftext($insert, $size, $angle, $width-$bb_width-$pad, 22, $col, $font, $text); //output picture imagepng($insert,"",100); imagedestroy($insert); exit; ?>
  4. it appears that you have closed your (sub)while loop to early and it does not include the avatar so it will keep returning the same one.
  5. membershipno is an INT $search = "0102" I need to SELECT * FROM members WHERE membershipno LIKE 'search%' Can anyone help me search for an INT like this?
  6. you will be breaking the url as whitespace in a url is not allowed. as all characters need to be present the " " (space) is substiuted by %20 Give me the RAW data presumably $s before you manipulate it and give me what you WANT the output to be. And as the last poster said....if you DO need a space, please advise WHY Will
  7. Are you using a Database at all, as the soultion would be much simpler
  8. I think this is my fault. I have read those already...and that is where i am stuck tbh. I guess I am not trying to search, but rather 'query' the XML I am capable of parsing each element at will, but I need to look inside the element and see if it meets a given criteria. Hope that makes more sense. So far I have yet to determine such a function
  9. yeah, i cant seem to find a way of searching through to find a string etc as i would using a DB
  10. you have actually set the user name and password etc haven't you and arent just using a generic script?
  11. could you place the connection file on your server and include this file ie include 'http://my.server.com/client/connection.php' ? Just a thought. Will PS PHP5 has this URL include disabled by default but earlier versions dont
  12. PHP5 installed I have an XML file with hundreds of jobs included within it. The task is simple but I have no idea about how to start. Lets say that I want to search for all jobs that have a Live Status. the xml will contain something like <Job> <Job_Number>1245356</Job_Number> <Status>LIVE</Status> <NextField>somedata</NextField> <NextField>somedata</NextField> <NextField>somedata</NextField> and so on </Job> How do I do this a) to return all the nodes which their is a match and b) to retuen only one node upon a match such as Job Number Thanks Will
  13. At least you have put significant thought into this project which is more than can be said for most. Here are my comments for what they may be worth. 1. As a web design Company, I'd suggest it may be appropriate to ensure all your code validates, which it currently does not. Well the code will validate as html4 but you use XHTML1 as your declaration. Choose 1 method and stick to it. 2. Agree with previous posting about 'cramped text' Create more white space around your textual and navigational elements to allow the users eyes the opportunity to a) identify each element, and b) room to mentally think about each element. Especially where you have left hand navigation the text actually touches the nav (in FireFox at least) 3)Perhaps, if you are worried about the red, you could colour code each section of the site, to add variation and clearly identify what section of the site the user is in. Overall the site is reasonable....but if you identify and sort out the typography it will improve drastically. Morse space, better font spacing and line spacing...better use of font sizes and the improvement will be drastic. Hope it helps Will
  14. I rather think that it was you how was cocky...hence my retort. Had you read my post perhaps you may not have been so flippant in your response. I thank you for taking the time to open my post, id thank you even more if you read it. Will
  15. Thanks Seems mr 15 years old with all his working websites needs to learn to read!
  16. http://www.wellho.net/solutions/php-example-php-form-image-upload-store-in-mysql-database-retreive.html
  17. http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php/topic,37442.0.html Start there
  18. no as id 3 IS distinct...i dont want it returned....try again
  19. Hi id | memberNo | memberNo2 1 | 1 | 2 2 | 1 | 3 3 | 2 | 4 How do I select NON DISTINCT values in memberNo History - I am merging several user DB's into one and this is simply a validation process to detect dupliactes Thanks Will
  20. you need to use single quotes around your $variables matey. $query = "INSERT INTO ticket (ticket_number, another_number) values 'ticket_number', '$another_number'); mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_error());
  21. ok...i give up... put simply...site and design have a very narrow audience. period
  22. I take on board your comments... However you really need to focus here...you are NEVER likely to be hired based on your current design standard. You cant just hope and pray...practice wont even help. You need training if you are serious. Consider this... what do you want to do...design or develop. Create the boundary. Then find a partner that cant do what you can, and can do what you cant
  23. I'd like to be honest here if I may... I became extremely annoyed when I saw this site. It screams unprofessional. Without trying to be nasty, it is a classic case of 'hey I can do web design' coz i have an unlicensed copy of Dreamweaver or Frontpage. Do I sound bitter? Yes I do...Why? Because many of us work really hard to establish a living in this field and study hard to refine our skills in design, coding, css, usability, accessibility, compliance, etc etc. Yet people come along with a copy of their latest version of software hacked of peer sharing and set up a business in their bedroom. Now where does that leave you? I congratulate you on trying to start up a business. I wish you well in your endeavors to learn the skills involved with web design and development. BUT and its a huge BUT....learn something about your chosen field before you jump in at the deep end. Lets face it...buying a car doesnt make you a driving instructor! Good luck on the very long road that lies in front of you.
  24. I think that there are several points that we can all take from the discussion. For techiefreak 1. I appreciate that you undertook this as a learning project. Congratulations on finishing it. 2. This is a critique forum. As as result, people will, quite rightly, give you food for thought. 3. If there was no real purpose to the site (since you constructed it to learn only) please do not ask others for opinions on a critique forum....but rather post it on a showcase. 4. Accept the criticisms/feedback offered. After all that is the point of posting, unless you simply want people to tell you how great your site is. For all people with no text plan. 1. There are plans that have free texts 2. Get a new plan that has free texts
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