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Everything posted by willpower

  1. <?php $email_address = "my_email_address"; //need to change to your address $subject = "Contact from Website"; $name = $_POST['name']; $email = $_POST['email']; $event = $_POST['event']; $dateevent = $_POST['dateevent']; $comments = $_POST['comments']; $message ="Contact Name:".$name."\n\nEmail-Address:".$email."\n\nEvent:".$event."\n\nDate:".$date."\n\nComments:".$comments; mail($toname."<".$email_address.">",$subject,$message,"From: ".$name."<".$email.">"); //Redirects to sent.htm header("Location: sent.htm") ?>
  2. have you escaped your php as per my post. no evidence of it on yoru update Will
  3. hmmm not sure about the code thing going on there...BUT you have not escaped your php if (file_exists("<?=Environment::webroot()?>/images/event/$id/images/header_1.jpg")) {?> <img border="0" src="<?=Environment::webroot()?>/images/event/$id/images/header_1.jpg>" /> <?} else {?> <img border="0" src="<?=Environment::webroot()?>/images/header_1.jpg>" /> <?} ?>
  4. with respect...you need to tell us...does it work...if not what error do you recieve???
  5. that may be the case, however i have used this on external domains and it has worked.
  6. if (file_exists("http://whatever")) { //do this } else { //do that }
  7. So close what you have done...if you think about it...is tell the script to mail the $message...and then said...and by the way...this is what the $message is. Wew need to let the script know before hand. so $message = "blah"; mail("Lisa Cleveryley <".$email_address. ">",$subject_prefix,$message,"From: ".$name." <".$email.">");
  8. lmao you need to check if files uploaded are /image/jpeg, image/jpg or image/pjpeg That should catch all images of type jpg in IE, Firefox, and Opera.
  9. personaly when I need to use spaces I replace them with _ $url="blah...Baby Names" $url= str_replace("_"," ",$url)
  10. I take it then that it still DOESNT work. then I cant say for sure. try echoing out ALL the variables to screen first and check that they are as you'd want. in the html there are some type= without the " " after them....but dont know if that would make the diff. You can add ALL but the id into your UPDATE if you like. but you CANNOT add the id as we discussed previously
  11. you ahev an error in your $sql HERE entrant_answer = '$entrant_answer';"; should be HERE entrant_answer = '$entrant_answer'";
  12. Id correct that an SSL certificate is ONLY required if you are HANDLING sensitive data. If the user data is entered on the Payment Server...your ok (clearly as long as they are reputable and do posses one!) Many people STILL purhase one to add to buyer confidence....but thats a choice and budge issue
  13. aww...nearly. Right the $comments bit in the mail command is basically providing you with the message to be sent. So what we have to do is contruct that 'message'. 1. Change the code back to mail (.........$message.....) rather than comments (yes undo what we just spoke about in last post) and then we will add in our NEW $message. Obviously...before we mail it...we need to say what it will be. $message = now we tell it what we want in it. $message = $comments; but we want more in there dont we...like the $event.... $message = $comments.$event; BUt unfortunately this will just stick them together in an upleasnt way so we add so text in there too. $message="Comments: ".$message."\n\nEvent:".$event; The text you want to include in put in " " the . means attach this and the \n means 'next line' So NOW you should be just about able to construct the email in the way you want with the formatting you want.
  14. You only have <? $title ?> you need to echo it <?php echo $title; ?>
  15. Sorry...This is a vague post. To add CC facility you need to use a payment procesing company. PayPal is the obvious....but others such as Protx are more accommodating in style, presentation and flexibility. To recieve payments you need an Internet Mercahnt account. These are avaiable from Banks 1. Set up cart. 2. Set up mercahnt account 3. Set up transfer of cart info to payment processing company 4. Payment processing returns user to your success or failure page. 5. If successful they transfer the money into your Internet Merchant Account.
  16. ok...this will be simple...BUT...we need to se a) your HTML that generates the buttons. (are they grouped or can there be more than one choice)
  17. ERmmm I mean...well done...you passed that little test i set you. Good learning...Keep it up!
  18. yes thats right you have echo $_SESSION['s_username'] ...change that
  19. then just set the new values...in other words only those that have changed. ID is staying the same right...so $sql = "UPDATE property SET address_no='$address_no', etc. in the case where the id and username are staying the same. if the username is changing simply stick it back in. The point is that you only have to include the fields you want in the UPDAT statement...you dont have to include them all
  20. first. Is this a NEW record that you are INSERTING or an OLD record that your UPDATING
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