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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. there are multiple ways to do this, and it depends a bit on your gradient. (i am not sure if there is a best way) Right now you are using a linear gradient that end in the bottom with a color of : #CCCCCB so in case you want that particular dive to strech out to the bottom of the page, you could add a background color to it of #CCCCCB What you could also do is set an image as content (in your html to 100% and maybe even a position fixed on it. But in the end it depends on your design, Is the footer at the bottom clearing all above and beneath it or is it a small footer sitting at the right so the left div can reach to the bottom. those are 2 different situations. but something you can already improve is the width of that image. you could make it 1px width and set repeat-x on it
  2. haha no problem, I thought i pm, you, because I saw you made your business of selling websites. Good luck
  3. Thanks! Now i really have to buy a kindle or some sort to upload 1600 pages to my brains
  4. Thanks a lot Nightslyr! I definitely have a look at those books. (was planning on buying a kindle for all these E-books) These are the ones right? http://www.mindview.net/Books/TICPP/ThinkingInCPP2e.html I am pretty sure ones i understand C++ developing in php would sometimes make more sense. Cool now lets start up that Time machine and start learning Thanks mate!
  5. well I am not sure if it is possible but if you were able to get the coordinates of the page and set those in a variable inside of a back-button this might be done without id's, but i know nothing about that, just an idea
  6. Hi guys, I thought I would be nice to learn C++ to get a better understanding of programming. Some time ago i just dived into php, but sometimes I think I am missing what's behind it. Does anyone might wanna give me a heads if it's a good thing to learn c++ to get a better understanding of programming or should i go back more and start of with C than C++. All tips are welcome
  7. That's illegal in our country except for Nevada... lol aweswome, I meant buy a good book. haha
  8. Your either just lazy, or haven't read any of the underlined things i said above. and did a search on them. (those were keywords to help you out) Have a read here: http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS2/selector.html#type-selectors we are not here to write code, if there is no effort shown
  9. hmm i am not sure if there is.
  10. well what you can try is, add the following above the part of the page you want to stop. <a name="activesection"></a> than set the link to this: <a href='#activesection' onclick=\"Popup=window.open('http://mydomain/picture.jpg','Picture')\"><img src='http://mydomain/picture.jpg' /></a> Anyway i never work with pop ups. But I am pretty sure you now know how to link to a certain position of a page.
  11. maybe have an online example? you are showing us a a serverside script. html css are client side.
  12. I would be interested in that too. maybe write a blacklist and do a pregreplace. Or limit the types of characters they may use. Or use html_entities on the style sheet. But never tried it really.
  13. if you insist, pm me the file or link an online example. But really if you took a little time, it could save you.
  14. I works at my place and the code is not wrong, so i just repeat:
  15. I I got it working, damn that was a sneaky one. I had to set 1 very specific option in the internet zone, not local but internet. See image what it was. I got it from here Thanks a million nogray, that script worked great! cheers! [attachment deleted by admin]
  16. U used IE 9 and put out all security settings for activex for both local and online environment. Could it maybe be that it not worked, because i named it .php instead of .html? I doubt it a bit, but you never know I'll try it out and let you know. So just to be sure if i make a .html or .hta file and put the code you supplied in there, if i were to run it it should work? or should i add something. Thanks for the help mate, really appreciate it.
  17. only use tables what they are meant for, have a read on my blog and find out. I'll give you a standard code, try to apply what you saw in the image I send you earlier (those were div's). I give you the first two the next you can do your self I am happy to review that code. But we are not here to write code for others, show some effort! <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" /> <title></title> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <div id="header"></div> </div> </body> </html> happy coding
  18. trust me if you did this before you would have known. I repeat myself for the sake of starving monkeys in the himalaya. clearly you have no idea how to target something from css, which is the first thing you learn. For instance if i want to target a <p> element with that hover effect i do: <style type="text/css"> p { /* Use an external stylesheet! */ padding: 2px 5px; background:red; } p:hover{ /* on mouse over OLDER BROWSERS MIGHT NOT LIKE THIS SO GOOGLE PSEUDO:HOVER CSS!!!! (oops caps) */ background:green; color:#fff; } </style> <body> <body> <p>some text inside a p element</p> </body> Now you can ask me again how to do this for a div, but since you did this before showing it to you twice must ring a bell other wise: google is your friend!
  19. the first advice is separate concerns, Use an external stylesheet. makes your code less sloppy, and it's easier to maintain, faster and less ugly. second, always use an alt=" " attribute on images. third, don't change the size of the image in html, use the size that is suitable otherwise you load a larger image than needed and that's a waste. fourth use indentation. make an external stylesheet and do this css div.my-image{ /*target the div element with the class of my-image */ width:500px; overflow:hidden; /* cut off the image at 500px width */ /* you can set a height for the image */ } in your html <div class="my-image"> <a href="#"><img alt=" "src="images/pic1.jpg"></a> </div> Hope this helps!
  20. first of all, some organization named the w3c, has a great manual. I bet your question on the span is documented. But to answer that in a more general way, It's always good to put text in a suitable element. for instnace a <p> <h1> <span> etc. (buy a good m8, it saves you loads of time) The code you provide works, not sure what your whole script looks like, but if you have an online example we can have a look. Now your code has some weird things, first of all inline style, Don't use it, 99 out of 100 it's redundant and in fact inline style is slower than styles inherited from an external stylesheet. Furthermore why would you use inline style if you already giving the div a class and on top of that an id? Those id's and classes are designed to target the element and set style to it. Hope this helps a bit, but really books are worth there weight in gold.
  21. Tutorials almost always suck for learning these very basics, better buy a good book, it saves you time and money. Oreilly has mostly good books. The code i supplied is css, and targets anchor elements. Css is all about targeting elements by using selectors classes or id's and setting style to it. Css is at it's best in an external stylesheet but you could also use style tags or inline style I can explain it all here, but I think it's best if you buy a decent book, because it seems the whole concept of css not clear it seems. Just google, learn css or learn html or something, if you are not in to books. But trust me a book is the fastest way to learn this.
  22. I assume that you are using the wysiwyg (what you see is what you wish to get) editor. I recommend not to use any of the grafical options for any editor, because they all suck. Now back to the question, this is not real dreamweaver question this is a question about html and css. What you need are the properties float and clear (google is your friend) I attached an image so you can have a general idea of how to apply them. Hope this helps a bit. Just read it try it and let us review your code. P.s. Buy a decent book about css/html. It's worth it and saves you time. [attachment deleted by admin]
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