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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. well in: <select name="gorilla" size="5" multiple="multiple"> name="gorilla" gives it a name of gorilla size="5" tells how many options are shown (so if you have 10 options, but size is 5 its shows only 5 and you need to scroll for the rest) multiple="multiple" tells you can select multiple items, if you remove that part you can only select 1 There are some other attributes you can add, but i recommend to check the manual for that or use a lovely search engine like google. If you have code that needs a review or having problems with code, we can help run this and it should be clear <select name="gorilla" size="5" multiple="multiple"> <option>bla</option> <option>bla</option> <option>bla</option> <option>bla</option> <option>bla</option> <option>moo</option> <option>moo</option> <option>bla</option> <option>moo</option> <option>moo</option> <option>bla</option> <option>moo</option> <option>moo</option> <option>bla</option> <option>moo</option> <option>moo</option> </select>
  2. isn't this what you want? if not provide some more code (rightclick view source copy paste or link to an online example) <select name="gorilla" size="5" multiple="multiple"> <option>bla</option> <option>bla</option> <option>bla</option> <option>bla</option> <option>bla</option> </select>
  3. Because the sun is shining here is an example a { text-decoration:none; padding: 2px 5px; background:red; } a:hover{ /* on mouse over */ background:green; color:#fff; }
  4. Thought you didn't like zip files? :-\ Yep! But this time i don't have to open it myself haha
  5. This is more php question if you ask me, but since it involves a tiny bit of html here you are. pro tip: google.com is recently released and it seems to be able to find what you search for.http://tinyurl.com/2e4pcbp <?php session_start(); $_SESSION['str_system_message'] = '<img src="http://www.macgeekblog.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/bart.gif" alt="" />'; if (isset($_SESSION['str_system_message'])){ echo $_SESSION['str_system_message']; } ?> Tried it out it works out of the box good luck with it
  6. have a read on the (pseudo):hover class
  7. OK i just tried it but it seems something is not right, just to tell what i did. I made a file named test.php and placed the following code in it. <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" /> <link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" /> <title></title> </head> <body> <div id="my_print_div"> <strong>This is a test</strong><br /><br />Hello World </div> <script type="text/javascript"> // the text file name (same as the html file + .txt) var txt_file = "C:\\Users\\CSSFREAK\\Desktop\\test.txt"; // you will have to change this, use double \ // creating a file and printing it function create_file(){ var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject"); var f = fso.CreateTextFile(txt_file, true); f.WriteLine(document.getElementById('my_print_div').innerText); f.Close(); print_file(); }; function print_file(){ var shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); shell.Run("notepad.exe /p "+txt_file); }; create_file(); </script> </body> </html> than on my desktop i made a file named test.txt with no content in it I right clicked it to check the path and copied that in the code above. After that i ran the script on my localhost (which is wamp) in IE9. Is there something i am missing here? I also tried the same without a test.txt on my desktop, but it made no difference. (could it maybe have something to do with the ActiveXObject ?
  8. hmm that's pretty weird, it shows up perfectly at my place. Do you maybe mean the Cufon "Sponsors" ? if so you might want to google if your browser version loves it Couldn't it be that your Host is caching stylesheets? some do and it can take up to an hour for something to appear. Just ask them to be certain. [attachment deleted by admin]
  9. Here you are. the style sheet could have been more optimized, but it does the job better than it was Had some spare time [attachment deleted by admin]
  10. Hi twilitegxa, I am pretty sure I said it earlier to you, but if you design for firefox(gecko) and adjust for other browsers you are doing it the quickest way. I also see you are using quite some extra divs that do not need to be there. This design could have been done with for instance 3 divs and a wrapper div to center it. Instead of cleaning this up I rather provide you some code (if next time you promise to design for firefox and adjust for others ), because it can be done much faster. be right back
  11. Well before you touch something like Photoshop, Gimp, illustrator, Inkscape or any other program that has nothing to do with coding (css) first spend some time learning some basics. For instance your top horizontal menu, It's made with a million div's while it could have been done with an unordered list. Almost the same is true for your left menu, but here you use a table to style it. Tables are not meant for that, nor are a million paragraph tags inside it. And last but not least the right content. Again tables. If you want to start of off, I can highly recommend a good book and a decent editor (I use Netbeans). And if you have spare time for instance visit my blog, some things I said above are seen pretty often so I decided to write something about it. Like the boxmodel, when to use tables, how to make a horizontal menu, how to make that menu vertical, etc. Start at the beginning and apply it, after than dive into graphic design. Otherwise you will be bound to tabular design for the rest of your life and that certainly will limit your expression
  12. The code looks okay, but without seeing an online example or the elements you are targeting with css, it's hard to tell, why chrome in your case is not doing as you like. Although I doubt it's Chrome Got an online example, and can you say, what exactly is not working and how it should be if it was working.
  13. Oh wow Thanks No gray! really appreciate this I am going to test that in the morning. And let you know how it went. Wicked! Cheers! P.s. may I ask where you learned this from? a book in particular?
  14. Awesome Job guys! Praise these digital gods for creating this super algorithm Oh noes deedee just ran away with the super computer..
  15. That's classified, I can tell you.. James bond style Anyways it works wonderfully with a usb stick which I attach to the table. But it seems to response to any device that is being unplugged.
  16. Yeah it's pretty awesome, I liked the way they send the mail by liking a stamp and pressing it on an invisible card.
  17. Yeah it saves me the money too. Instead I just ordered a new battery for my dinosaur laptop, and installed a nifty program called Lalarm. It scared the hell out of me. In a nutshell, you can arm you laptop, and if someone types in the wrong password, removes the battery, usb-stick, power-cord or anything it will Put the volume to 100% and scare the hell out of you. I recorded my own message, and let it go off. To bad it took me 5 minutes to search for the solution how to un-arm it , while someone was screaming at me It can even send sms messages, destroy specific folders and much more. I really feel Like James Bond now. Weird thing is now i am hoping someone will attempt to steal it and meets the fury of my voice at 140DB
  18. Hmm i just been to a shop next door, and a 10.1 " screen is for midgets. I started ms word and all I could see was around 10 lines of text. Seems i have stick to my dinosaur laptop
  19. haha please don't I was already flabbergasted to be a normal one there are loads of others that deserve more credits. \I'll have a look at your thing
  20. Thanks mate, i'll have a look at those hp's
  21. check this out http://mail.google.com/mail/help/motion.html The future is bright:)
  22. any alternative for taking notes in college or a seminar? I saw a HP with pretty much the same specs.
  23. woo that's nice, I still have to learn a lot on php Thanks mjdamato!
  24. and it misses a dial function I just spoke to some dude from their company, and which kinda made not want to buy it. He couldn't explain why both the 3 cell and the 6 cell have the same battery time according to the specifications.
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