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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. http://bayarearcsociety.com/content/pages/video_b52.flv there is no such file in that folder
  2. Do you have magic quotes on?? if so put it off and check again.
  3. There are quite some editors like Netbeans that help you while coding, You're less likely to make an error that way.
  4. ah okay, well i think the following should work $query = "INSERT INTO vehicles (cars, places) VALUES ('$car[0]', '$place[0]'),('$car[1]', '$place[1]'),('$car[2]', '$place[2]')"; if that doesn't work try $query = "INSERT INTO vehicles (cars, places) VALUES ('{$car[0]}', '{$place[0]}'),('{$car[1]}', '{$place[1]}'),('{$car[2]}', '{$place[2]}')"; notice I named it car and place instead of cars and places i saw it after posting
  5. I have a feeling that you are changing the location of the video's... can you put your videos in the exact same folder as the swfplayer and tell us exactly the location if you change it Besides that it's nice for people here to know that your old site where it seems to work is http://bayarearcsociety.com/index.html and your new site where it doesn't work is http://bayarearcsociety.com/index.php Now on your new site the player loads perfectly, so what seems to be wrong is the location to the video, or some other freaky param in the flash vars. Your player is in http://bayarearcsociety.com/content/pages/avs4you_player.swf But your videos are clearly not inside that folder although you are linking to them in the script...
  6. have a look here, than you also know what it means: http://www.php.net/manual/en/language.operators.logical.php
  7. read the tutorial of phpfreaks about joins, I am pretty sure that is what you need.
  8. this is what i would do to test. place this at the top of your script: <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", 1); ?> $car='monkey'; $place='atlantis'; $query = "INSERT INTO vehicles (cars, places) VALUES ('$car', '$place')"; echo $query; mysql_query($query) or die(mysql_errno(). mysql_error())); I often do it like that to makes sure the query looks like it should, in the end strip all the redundant parts.
  9. As far as I know this can only be done with Ajax (the onclick insert in to table event that is) May want to look in Jquery ajax
  10. This topic has been moved to JavaScript Help. Oopsie http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=329034.0
  11. have read here, you would almost forgot someone put time in your previous post.
  12. Hi Seany have a read 5 post below your post in the same forum I think it's the exact same question, there are some references there to an article. Read it, code it, and if you need help afterwards let us know http://www.phpfreaks.com/forums/index.php?topic=328566.0
  13. Hi guys, I am trying to play a bit with a function i found (and adjusted) but for some reason All I get is a print window popping up and after a few seconds the window bleeps but nothing happens. Anyone has an Idea how to create it so that i could print automatically (on my localhost) for say every 5 minutes. Can this be done or should I use VBS for this. (or maybe a trained hamster to press 'enter' every 5 min Sorry that this script looks kinda stupid, but i know little of javascript, just wanted to play a bit with it. <script type="text/javascript"> window.print(); shell = new ActiveXObject("WScript.Shell"); setTimeout("shell.sendKeys('{ENTER}')",1300); </script> I got my inspiration from: http://isaacschlueter.com/tests/landscape.html and http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en/netfxjscript/thread/63734fa3-ac5d-4857-8413-5302cfd2307c
  14. yeah they left out the fan so the battery would last longer. But I hope it wont get to hot, Otherwise i should buy a fancy toaster Thanks Crayon!
  15. the only way to delete an account is to call an airstrike
  16. Hi guys, I was thinking of buying a very tiny laptop to bring to seminars and work in the train. I want to spend as little as possible and i found this one. Just for some reading and writing. It has a 10.1" screen and a battery-life of 7 hours. What do you guys think? http://tinyurl.com/6887nsc If you know a better one for nearly the same amount, let me know Cheers!
  17. Outline? well that is the last thing i would think of with a question like: ..since outlines do not take up any space.
  18. Thanks Kickstart! I thought maybe databases got more advanced in the meanwhile. Good they didn't saves me time re reading Cheers!
  19. Hi guys, Just a quick question, I am not a star in database modeling (yet ) And started reading about it. And was wondering if the following is correctly thought: When designing a database, whenever there is a many to many relationship one should always create an extra table. For instance: house pupil choice subject ============ =========== ========== ========== houseID --+ pupilID ---+ id +---- subjectID house_name | pupil_name +---< pupilID | subject house_master +--< houseID subjectID >--+ where a pupil can choose more subjects, and a subject can be chosen by more pupils Or is the word "always" incorrect and could this be done in a more clever way. I am using mysql and the table type is innodb Thanks in advance guys p.s. the example above is from the tutorial of phpfreaks
  20. i have no idea, but google seems to know this: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3009888/autoplay-audio-files-on-an-ipad-with-html5
  21. No problem I was already wondering what would you do with the data if all characters are transformed (since you can't change it back)
  22. activating helps you make sure your emails don't get it there spamfolder, and if they do they directly find it and mark it safe. it blocks most spambots from automatic attacks/registrations. Doesn't it all make sense, we all like to be treated as an individual customer (not in all types of shops but most), wouldn't it be wonderful if in a semi anonymous world a shop knows his customers.
  23. good questions, I would go for the registration though. Make sure though it's an easy process and you explain why you want them to register. Keep in contact, help them afterwards more directly, know their preferences et cetera registering somewhere gives me the confidence (in a way) that they have some security standards
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