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Everything posted by cssfreakie

  1. use firebug, besides that your footer has not width or height nor a clear:both; do this: #footer { background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #000000; border-top: 2px solid #FFFFFF; clear: both; /*added */ color: white; height: 50px; /*added */ text-align: center; width: 900px; /*added */ } and remove your inline style, every time someone uses inline style a kitten dies
  2. cheers! good luck on the hunters website
  3. well it depends on your design how much padding and margin you use. Just remember padding is to add extra background around an element and margin is for transparent space. It's all about the boxmodel and using float and clear the proper way
  4. no they are not part of the language, in a way that it can't be used for everything. But some browser interpret it, that's why some people use it.
  5. I saw quite some questions in the above thread, but to remove (which i would not like haku said) outline-bottom:none;
  6. No problem, If you take a pen and pencil, for the way this site is made. you will notice you have 1 wrapper div Give it a fixed width and set overflow hidden. Than place the content and use floats to put block on the same line and clear to start at a new line. this design could be done completely without any positioning relative.
  7. cssfreakie

    Is this ok?

    I second that!your #box1 to #box100000 is madness, classes are the way to go
  8. as far as i can tell the stuff below already is wrong. Don't assign properties like that. p.clr, .clr { clear:both; padding:0; margin:0; } do either .clear or p.clear you do the same with quite some other elements. maybe got a live example, saves me reading through hundreds of lines of irrelevant css.
  9. You made your design more difficult than needed, you are using loads of min widths to compensate for that. This could have been done with just floats. position relative or absolute is not needed here. Besides that your wrapper div, is smaller than the contents,. have a read on overflow:hidden instead of setting a fixed height. Although that article is aimed at people using a clearfix, if you read it well, you can apply the same to your site. Other wise your clients will call you within a week that they can make the page grow in height.
  10. a hack is just a nifty trick to get certain results, in this case for specific browser versions. Here the * will be ignored by other (modern)browsers, but IE 7 and lower interpret it anyways. There are quite a few of these hacks, like an underscores, the holy hack, et cetera, but In my opinion this is exactly what conditional comments are for. I rather have a clean stylesheet. and make some extra ones, that are only loaded by browsers that sucks. SO yeah they are part of the css practise in a way that they are used, but they are only meant to target specific versions and types of browsers. But this will be an ongoing debate there are pro's and contra's and you need to choose. Thanks goodness, Due to IE 9 which is only supported by vista and up, hopefully we don't have to worry about these things for much longer. (i hope)
  11. Thanks m8! I will buy them both and start with zandstra. I am still learning php procedural style, but it's always good i think to have more books Cheers!
  12. hehe thanks for the kind words! Firebug (addon for firefox) is really a nice tool, i made a little video on it (5min) you might want to check it out. if you have questions on it let me know. as far as <center> yes that is deprecated, so it might not be supported in the future. now <p align="center"> </p> i would not recommend either since it is inline style. and that is pretty much always redundant. Just put styles in an external stylesheet and use either selector, #id's or .classes to set style to something. Now as far as the width of your website. Its wrapped up in a container div <div id="container"> if you want to make your website wider, i recommend 960px so just set the width: #container { /* at line 6 of your stylesheet */ border: thin solid #8D9F4D; margin: 0 auto; text-align: left; width: 960px; /* i adjusted only this */ z-index: 0; } and as far as suggestions, this may sound stupid, but i have some useful articles on common things on my blog which could help you get a better idea of things in a simple way. Cheers! cssfreakie
  13. Well, i think it depends on who pays. If someone want's the website to look the same in all browsers it takes extra time, but that's what they pay for. And why use css hacks, if they only target older browsers (IE7 and lower) that's just extra stuff modern browsers don't need, although they will ignore it, it's the extra. As far as a reset.css. It's a starting point which you should adjust to your needs. But for most people around here, that have no idea what to do a reset.css is by far the quickest way to style a website as a clean slate. In the end it's just a matter of doing it your own way.
  14. Well i like the background image! not sure who made that, but it's pretty good. Now your menu's are in a complety different style, although I like that style it's a bit weird in combination with the background. Maybe have a look at http://eu.battle.net/wow/en/ and look at the pallet. Your forms are nice and clear btw, a well done job!
  15. nightslayer, the book of zandstra is the good one right, because the quote above implies that you started, left it unfinished and moved to another. Sorry for asking, but i am going to buy a book on oop And i know there is a complete topic dedicated to this, but for some reason I think you are someone that knows this
  16. Hi all, I am trying to structure my php files a bit, in an orderly way, so that i have a file that makes a connection with a database, another file that processes a query, another that validates etc. Now I was thinking to make another file to close the database connection. But on the other hand it's just a small snippet, and I could just put it in my template. Does anyone have any thought on this? Although i read connections are closes automatically, I also read that it can't harm to close it manually anyway. Cheers cssfreakie
  17. nope they are working on it. But if you leave a lot of smileys and say it's solved it's good enough
  18. did you read the link it added? anyway i gave the things some color and indentation: easier to see what you do: not sure if this is what you want, but the cryptic: how to div in div... doesn't make it any clearer <style type="text/css"> .centered { top: 50%; left: 50%; width: 80px; height: 130px; background-image: url(images/stand.gif); background-repeat: no-repeat; border:1px solid red; } .cent{ margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; min-height: 10px; width:20px; background:#000; } </style> <table align="center" > <tr> <td align="center"> <div class="centered"> <div></div> <div class="cent"></div> </div> </td> </tr> </table>
  19. Develop for Firefox, adjust for others, Btw, you have an inline style (which is bad) of margin: -25px; remove that and it looks fine in Firefox: <p style="margin-top: -25px;"><span class="book-title">Administration Ethics in the Twenty-first Century</span><br> Published by <a title="Peter Lang Publishing Group" target="_blank" href="http://www.peterlang.com/index.cfm?event=cmp.ccc.seitenstruktur.detailseiten&seitentyp=produkt&pk=45580&concordeid=66120">Peter Lang Publishing Group</a>, June 2008<br> Paperback, 285 pages, ISBN-10: 0820461202, ISBN-13: 978-0820461205<br> Not published in hardcover.</p> incase you want to use hacks, which i think you should not, because firefox does a great job: here is some ifo: http://perishablepress.com/press/2009/06/28/css-hacks-for-different-versions-of-firefox/
  20. could you instead of posting your php (which is a serverside script) post the outputed html. or maybe link to online content so we can inspect it. Btw, why on earth are you placing div's in a table. and why are you using tables for this? -edit: btw to center a div (or any block element, you first need to give it a width other than 100% (which is the default value)
  21. Well the * is to target IE7 and lower, so other browsers ignore it, but it's not a good practise to use css hacks like that, in my opninion. Better use conditional comments to target specific versions of IE.http://www.quirksmode.org/css/condcom.html
  22. Nice Neil, Thanks for sharing!
  23. First of all don't use those css hacks. target specific browsers by using conditional comments and use a reset.css (see sticky) Now a LI has a standard indentation and list-style if you want to get rid of it, you need to set that, (most reset.css allready do that)
  24. well if you set an a element to display:block it will behave as a block element that needs float to sit on the same line with other block elements. as far as the look of your website. there is no visual distinction between the main column and the aside (right side) I would give the aside a not to bright color so that the main column pops out and the less crucial info (right side) is asking less attention. maybe try this: #sidebar { /* at line 63 at style.css */ background: none repeat scroll 0 0 #F3F3F3; /* added a bit color */ float: right; padding: 10px 0 20px 10px; width: 30%; } anyways good to hear it worked
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