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Posts posted by peppericious

  1. I have a "vocab list" on a page in the form of a ul with li items.

    The number of vocab entries (li items) varies. I'd like to display the vocab in two adjacent columns.


    For argument's sake, suppose there are 19 items in the list, like this:


    Is there a way of counting the number of li items, splitting the list in two, and then displaying the content like this, in two divs:

    <div>Col 1
    <div>Col 2

    Frankly, I have no idea how to go about this. Thanks in advance if anyone can shed light for me...


  2. I teach 6 different class groups, named "A" to "F", respectively.
    I have a small homework database from which I want to display the most recent 1 item of homework (record) for the class groups I have on any particular day of the week.
    So, for example, if it's Monday today, I want to display 5 items of homework, in order, for groups "A", "B", "C", "D" and "E".
    On the other hand, if it's Thursday today, I want to display 3 items of homework, in the order "F", "E" and "D", as that is the way my class groups are ordered on Thursday.
    I've created a switch statement and a select query as follows but the query isn't pulling the records out as I want them. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong in the select query? How should I combine the auto-incrementing id column and the classgroups column so that the records are displayed as I want them?...
    (Right now, Tuesday, it's displaying D, C, B, A but it should be displaying A, B, C, D…)
    switch (date("l")) {
        case 'Monday':
            $ord =  "`id` DESC, FIELD(`classgroup`, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E')";
            $lim = 5;
        case 'Tuesday':
            $ord = "`id` DESC, FIELD(`classgroup`, 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D')";
            $lim = 4;
        case 'Wednesday':
            $ord = "`id` DESC, FIELD(`classgroup`, 'F', 'C', 'E')";
            $lim = 3;
        case 'Thursday':
            $ord = "`id` DESC, FIELD(`classgroup`, 'F', 'E', 'D')";
            $lim = 3;
        case 'Friday':
            $ord = "`id` DESC, FIELD(`classgroup`, 'F', 'B', 'A')";
            $lim = 3;
    $q = "SELECT `id`, `classgroup`, `body`, `pointcles`, `arevoir`, DATE_FORMAT(created, '%a, %b %D') as `cr` FROM `homework` ORDER BY $ord LIMIT $lim";


  3. As part of your function to add the new inputs, you need to initialize the datepicker on the new inputs. This bit of code you have:

    	    $(function() {
    Will only initialize the inputs which exist at the time the page is loaded. Any elements added later are not affected.




    ... ahh, easy when explained. I've initialised the datepicker now, too, for the additional inputs and everything is working perfectly. Much appreciated, thanks.

  4. I'm trying to invoke jquery datepicker for multiple "inv_date" inputs in the same form but it's only appearing for the first instance.


    My form is like this:

    		<form method='post' action=''>
    			<div id='inputs_wrapper'>
    				<div class='inputs'>
    					<div class='element'>
    						<label for='company'>Company</label>
    						<input type='text' class='ind_input' name='company[]' value='' />
    					<div class='element'>
    					  <label for='inv_date'>Invoice Date</label>
    					  <input type='text' name='inv_date[]' class='ind_input' value=''/>
    					<div class='element'>
    						<label for='inv_no'>Invoice #</label>
    							<input type='text' class='ind_input price' name='inv_no[]' value='' />
    					<div class='element'>
    						<label for='description'>Description</label>
    							<input type='text' class='ind_input' name='description[]' value='' />
    					<div class='element'>
    						<label for='inv_total'>Invoice Total</label>
    							<input type='text' class='ind_input price' name='inv_total[]' value='' />
    					<!-- new elements start -->
    					<div class='element'>
    					  <select name='payt_type[]' id='payt_type'>
    					      <option value='' selected='selected'>Payment Method...</option>
    					      <option value='vd'>Visa Debit</option>
    					      <option value='v'>Visa</option>
    					      <option value='so'>Standing Order</option>
    					      <option value='c'>Cash</option>
    					<div class='element'>
    					  <select name='category[]' id='category'>
    					    <option selected='selected' value=''>Category...</option>
    					    <option value='tr'>Translation</option>
    					    <option value='pr'>Printing</option>
    					    <option value='pp'>P&P</option>
    					    <option value='ad'>Advertising</option>
    					    <option value='hd'>Hardware</option>
    					    <option value='sw'>Software</option>
    					    <option value='cns'>Consumables</option>
    					    <option value='comm'>Communications</option>
    					    <option value='snd'>Sundries</option>
    					<div class='element'>
    						<div class='radios'>VAT:   <label style='display:inline'><input type='radio' name='vat_rate[]_0' value='0' id='vat_rate_0' />0</label>   <label style='display:inline'><input type='radio' name='vat_rate[]_0' value='.23' id='vat_rate_1' />23</label>   <label style='display:inline'><input type='radio' name='vat_rate[]_0' value='.135' id='vat_rate_2' />13.5</label>
    					<!-- new elements end -->
    					<!-- <a href='#' class='removeclass' style='position: absolute; right: 10px;'>X</a> -->
    			</div> <!-- inputs collection end -->
    		<div class='clearer'> </div>
    	</div> <!-- inputs wrapper end -->
    	<input type='submit' name='submit' value='Submit' />

    ... and I'm appending additional inputs with this:

    <script type='text/javascript'>
    	$(document).ready(function() {
    		// select input text on click
    	        $(document).on('click','input[type=text]',function(){ this.select(); });
    	    $(function() {
    		var max_inputs       = 8; //maximum input boxes allowed
    		var inputs_wrapper   = $("#inputs_wrapper"); //Input boxes wrapper ID
    		var add_button       = $("#add_more_inputs"); //Add button ID
    		var x = inputs_wrapper.length; //initlal text box count
    		var field_count=1; //to keep track of text box added
    		$(add_button).click(function (e)  //on add input button click
    		        if(x <= max_inputs) //max input box allowed
    		            field_count++; //text box added increment
    		            //add input box
    		            $(inputs_wrapper).append("<div class='inputs'><div class='element'><label for='company'>Company</label><input type='text' class='ind_input' name='company[]' value='' /></div><div class='element'><label for='inv_date'>Invoice Date</label><input type='text' name='inv_date[]' class='ind_input' value=''/></div><div class='element'><label for='inv_no'>Invoice #</label><input type='text' class='ind_input price' name='inv_no[]' value='' /></div><div class='element'><label for='description'>Description</label><input type='text' class='ind_input' name='description[]' value='' /></div><div class='element'><label for='inv_total'>Invoice Total</label><input type='text' class='ind_input price' name='inv_total[]' value='' /></div><div class='element'><select name='payt_type[]'>  <option value='' selected='selected'>Payment Method...</option>  <option value='vd'>Visa Debit</option>  <option value='v'>Visa</option>  <option value='so'>Standing Order</option>  <option value='c'>Cash</option></select></div><div class='element'><select name='category[]'><option selected='selected' value=''>Category...</option><option value='tr'>Translation</option><option value='pr'>Printing</option><option value='pp'>P&P</option><option value='ad'>Advertising</option><option value='hd'>Hardware</option><option value='sw'>Software</option><option value='cns'>Consumables</option><option value='comm'>Communications</option><option value='snd'>Sundries</option></select></div><div class='element'><div class='radios'>VAT:   <label style='display:inline'><input type='radio' name='vat_rate[]_"+field_count+"' value='0' id='vat_rate_"+field_count+"' />0</label>   <label style='display:inline'><input type='radio' name='vat_rate[]_"+field_count+"' value='.23' id='vat_rate_"+field_count+"' />23</label>   <label style=display:inline'><input type='radio' name='vat_rate[]_"+field_count+"' value='.135' id='vat_rate_"+field_count+"' />13.5</label></div></div><a href='#' class='removeclass' style='position: absolute; right: 10px;'>X</a></div>");
    		            x++; //text box increment
    		return false;
    		$("body").on("click",".removeclass", function(e){ //user click on remove text
    		        if( x > 1 ) {
    		                $(this).parent('div').remove(); //remove text box
    		                x--; //decrement textbox
    		return false;

    ... but the datepicker is appearing for only the first "inv_date" instance, as I said.


    Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?



  5. I need to mark up a lot of dialogues, which will be created on an ongoing basis. Every second paragraph will be spoken by alternate participants in the dialogue.
    The dialogues will always be like this, with the participants' names at the start of the paragraphs...
    <p>Joe: Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall...</p>
    <p>Jill: The Grand Ol' Duke of York, he had ten thousand men...</p>
    <p>Joe: And so on and so forth</p>
    <p>Jill: And whatever the weather</p>

    But they will need to be marked up like this:

    <div class='dlg'>
    	<div class='person_1'>Joe</div>
    	<div class='spk_1'>Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Humpty Dumpty had a great fall...</div>
    <div class='dlg'>
    	<div class='person'>Jill</div>
    	<div class='spk'>The Grand Ol' Duke of York, he had ten thousand men...</div>
    <div class='dlg'>
    	<div class='person_1'>Joe</div>
    	<div class='spk_1'>And so on and so forth</div>
    <div class='dlg'>
    	<div class='person'>Jill</div>
    	<div class='spk'>And whatever the weather</div>
    Can anyone suggest a way of doing the conversion?
    Thanks in advance.
  6. Simeon.. well you are great!!! 


    but we still have an issue.. It did get rid of all the syntax errors.. I uploaded the code and ran it and got another error.. --- now I cannot connect to the database.. 

    I have triple checked the user, pass, ip and all parameters.. I think it is just that they are on two seperate servers, the form and the database.. 

    I have whitelisted both on the other server in cpanel so that should not be the issue.. your suggestions??



    Here is the error now... 


    Warning: mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111) in/home2/astrans/public_html/employment/contact_action_contact.php on line 9

    Could not connect: Can't connect to MySQL server on '' (111)


    Here is the updated code: 

    //send data to sql database first
    $link=mysql_connect ($server, $username, $password); 
    if (!$link)  { 
      die('Could not connect: ' . mysql_error()); 
    @mysql_select_db($database, $link); 
    $mysqli_query=mysqli_query("INSERT INTO Driver_applicants (FirstName, LastName, Applicationdate, Phone, AltPhone, DL, StreetAddress, City, State, Zip) VALUES ('$_POST[APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_FirstName]','$_POST[APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_LastName]','$_POST[DateofApplication]','$_POST[APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_PhoneNumber]','$_POST[APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_SecondaryPhone]','$_POST[License1]','$_POST[APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_CurrentAddress]','$_POST[APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_CurrentCity]','$_POST[APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_CurrentState]','$_POST[APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_CurrentZip]'"); 
    if (!mysql_query($mysql_query,$link)) 
      die('Error: ' . mysql_error()); 
    //now send email to applications@aandstransportation.com
    $to = 'applications@aandstransportation.com';
    $from = $_POST['ApplicantName'];
    // $status = $_POST['Project_status'];
    /* subject */ 
    $subject = "Application For Employment Web Submission"; 
    /* message */ 
    $message = '<html> 
    <title>Application For Employment Web Submission</title> 
    <p>Dear '.$to.',</p> 
    <td colspan="2">"Employment Application Details:"</td>
     <td>Applicant Name: </td><td>'.$_POST['ApplicantName'].'</td>  
     </tr>  <tr> 
      <td>Date of Application: </td><td>'.$_POST['DateofApplication'].'</td>
     <td>Company: </td><td>'.$_POST['Company'].'</td>  
    <td>Address: </td><td>'.$_POST['Address'].'</td>  
     <td>Signature: </td><td>'.$_POST['Signature1'].'</td>  
     <td>Date: </td><td>'.$_POST['Date'].'</td>  
                      <td></h3><strong> FOR COMPANY USE</strong> </h3></td>  
    <td> </td>
     <td>APPLICANT HIRED: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANTHIRED'].'</td>  
     <td>District: </td><td>'.$_POST['District'].'</td>  
     <td>DATE EMPLOYED: </td><td>'.$_POST['DATEEMPLOYED'].'</td>  
     <td>Interviewing Manager: </td><td>'.$_POST['InterviewingManager'].'</td>  
     <td>Signature: </td><td>'.$_POST['InterviewingManager_Signature'].'</td>  
     <td>Human Resources: </td><td>'.$_POST['HumanResources'].'</td>  
     <td>Signature: </td><td>'.$_POST['HumanResources_Signature'].'</td>  
    <td> </td>
                    </h3>  <strong> <td>APPLICANT TO COMPLETE</h3></strong></td>  
     <td>LastName: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_LastName'].'</td>  
     <td>FirstName: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_FirstName'].'</td>  
     <td>SSN: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_SSN'].'</td>  
     <td>Phone Number: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_PhoneNumber'].'</td>  
     <td>Secondary Phone: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_SecondaryPhone'].'</td>  
     <td>Position(s) applied for: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_Position_applied__for'].'</td>  
     <td>Rate of pay expected: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_Rate_of_pay_expected'].'</td>  
    <td> </td>
                      <td></h3> <strong>Current<br />
     <td>Address: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_CurrentAddress'].'</td>  
     <td>City: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_CurrentCity'].'</td>  
     <td>State: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_CurrentState'].'</td>  
     <td>Zip: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_CurrentZip'].'</td>  
     <td>How Long?: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_CurrentHowLong'].'</td>  
    <td> </td>
                      <td></h3> <strong>Previous Addresses</strong></h3></td>  
     <td>Address: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_PreviousAddress1'].'</td>  
     <td>City: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_PreviousCity1'].'</td>  
     <td>State: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_PreviousState1'].'</td>  
     <td>Zip: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_PreviousZip1'].'</td>  
     <td>How Long?: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_PreviousHowLong1'].'</td>  
    <td> </td>
     <td>Address: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_PreviousAddress2'].'</td>  
     <td>City: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_PreviousCity2'].'</td>  
     <td>State: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_PreviousState2'].'</td>  
     <td>Zip: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_PreviousZip2'].'</td>  
     <td>How Long?: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_PreviousHowLong2'].'</td>  
    <td> </td>
     <td>Address: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_PreviousAddress3'].'</td>  
     <td>City: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_PreviousCity3'].'</td>  
     <td>State: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_PreviousState3'].'</td>  
     <td>Zip: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_PreviousZip3'].'</td>  
     <td>How Long?: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_PreviousHowLong3'].'</td>  
    <td> </td>
     <td>Do you have the legal right to work in the United States? : </td><td>'.$_POST['Do_you_have_the_legal_right_to_work_in_the_United_States'].'</td>  
     <td>Date of Birth: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_PreviousDate_of_Birth'].'</td>  
     <td>Can you provide proof of age?: </td><td>'.$_POST['Can_you_provide_proof_of_age'].'</td>  
     <td>Have you worked for this company before?: </td><td>'.$_POST['Have_you_worked_for_this_company_before'].'</td>  
     <td>Where?: </td><td>'.$_POST['APPLICANT_TO_COMPLETE_PreviousWhere'].'</td>  
     <td>Are you currently employed?: </td><td>'.$_POST['Are_you_currently_employed'].'</td>  
     <td>How were you referred to the company?: </td><td>'.$_POST['How_were_you_referred_to_the_company'].'</td>  
     <td>If yes, explain if you wish: </td><td>'.$_POST['If_yes_explain_if_you_wish'].'</td>  
    <td> </td>
                      <td><h3><strong>EMPLOYMENT HISTORY</strong></h3></td>  
     <td>Employer: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_Employer'].'</td>  
     <td>Employed from: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_Employedfrom'].'</td>  
     <td>To: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_To'].'</td>  
     <td>Address: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_Address'].'</td>  
     <td>City: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_City'].'</td>  
     <td>State: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_State'].'</td>  
     <td>Zip: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_Zip'].'</td>  
     <td>Contact Person: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_ContactPerson'].'</td>  
     <td>Phone Number: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_PhoneNumber'].'</td>  
     <td>Position Held: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_PositionHeld'].'</td>  
     <td>Salary/Wage: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_SalaryWage'].'</td>  
     <td>Reason For Leaving: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_ReasonForLeaving'].'</td>  
     <td>Were you subject to FMCSRs* (DOT regulations) while employed: </td><td>'.$_POST['Were_you_subject_to_FMCSRs_DOT_regulations_while_employed'].'</td>  
     <td>Were you subject to DOT drug & alcohol testing?: </td><td>'.$_POST['Were_you_subject_to_DOT_drug_alcohol_testing'].'</td>  
     <td> </td>
     <td>Employer: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_Employer1'].'</td>  
     <td>Employed from: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_Employedfrom1'].'</td>  
     <td>To: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_To1'].'</td>  
     <td>Address: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_Address1'].'</td>  
     <td>City: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_City1'].'</td>  
     <td>State: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_State1'].'</td>  
     <td>Zip: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_Zip1'].'</td>  
     <td>Contact Person: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_ContactPerson1'].'</td>  
     <td>Phone Number: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_PhoneNumber1'].'</td>  
     <td>Position Held: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_PositionHeld1'].'</td>  
     <td>Salary/Wage: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_SalaryWage1'].'</td>  
     <td>Reason For Leaving: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_ReasonForLeaving1'].'</td>  
     <td>Were you subject to FMCSRs* (DOT regulations) while employed: </td><td>'.$_POST['Were_you_subject_to_FMCSRs_DOT_regulations_while_employed1'].'</td>  
     <td>Were you subject to DOT drug & alcohol testing?: </td><td>'.$_POST['Were_you_subject_to_DOT_drug_alcohol_testing1'].'</td>  
    <td> </td>
     <td>Employer: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_Employer2'].'</td>  
     <td>Employed from: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_Employedfrom2'].'</td>  
     <td>To: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_To2'].'</td>  
     <td>Address: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_Address2'].'</td>  
     <td>City: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_City2'].'</td>  
     <td>State: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_State2'].'</td>  
     <td>Zip: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_Zip2'].'</td>  
     <td>Contact Person: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_ContactPerson2'].'</td>  
     <td>Phone Number: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_PhoneNumber2'].'</td>  
     <td>Position Held: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_PositionHeld2'].'</td>  
     <td>Salary/Wage: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_SalaryWage2'].'</td>  
     <td>Reason For Leaving: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_ReasonForLeaving2'].'</td>  
     <td>Were you subject to FMCSRs* (DOT regulations) while employed: </td><td>'.$_POST['Were_you_subject_to_FMCSRs_DOT_regulations_while_employed2'].'</td>  
     <td>Were you subject to DOT drug & alcohol testing?: </td><td>'.$_POST['Were_you_subject_to_DOT_drug_alcohol_testing2'].'</td>  
    <td> </td>
     <td>Employer: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_Employer3'].'</td>  
     <td>Employed from: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_Employedfrom3'].'</td>  
     <td>To: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_To3'].'</td>  
     <td>Address: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_Address3'].'</td>  
     <td>City: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_City3'].'</td>  
     <td>State: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_State3'].'</td>  
     <td>Zip: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_Zip3'].'</td>  
     <td>Contact Person: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_ContactPerson3'].'</td>  
     <td>Phone Number: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_PhoneNumber3'].'</td>  
     <td>Position Held: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_PositionHeld3'].'</td>  
     <td>Salary/Wage: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_SalaryWage3'].'</td>  
     <td>Reason For Leaving: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_ReasonForLeaving3'].'</td>  
     <td>Were you subject to FMCSRs* (DOT regulations) while employed: </td><td>'.$_POST['Were_you_subject_to_FMCSRs_DOT_regulations_while_employed3'].'</td>  
     <td>Were you subject to DOT drug & alcohol testing?: </td><td>'.$_POST['Were_you_subject_to_DOT_drug_alcohol_testing3'].'</td>  
    <td> </td>
     <td>Employer: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_Employer4'].'</td>  
     <td>Employed from: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_Employedfrom4'].'</td>  
     <td>To: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_To4'].'</td>  
     <td>Address: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_Address4'].'</td>  
     <td>City: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_City4'].'</td>  
     <td>State: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_State4'].'</td>  
     <td>Zip: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_Zip4'].'</td>  
     <td>Contact Person: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_ContactPerson4'].'</td>  
     <td>Phone Number: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_PhoneNumber4'].'</td>  
     <td>Position Held: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_PositionHeld4'].'</td>  
     <td>Salary/Wage: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_SalaryWage4'].'</td>  
     <td>Reason For Leaving: </td><td>'.$_POST['EMPLOYMENT_HISTORY_ReasonForLeaving4'].'</td>  
     <td>Were you subject to FMCSRs* (DOT regulations) while employed: </td><td>'.$_POST['Were_you_subject_to_FMCSRs_DOT_regulations_while_employed4'].'</td>  
     <td>Were you subject to DOT drug & alcohol testing?: </td><td>'.$_POST['Were_you_subject_to_DOT_drug_alcohol_testing'].'</td>  
    <td> </td>
    <td><h3><strong>ACCIDENT RECORD</strong> for past 3 years or more (attach sheet if more space is required). If non, write none.</h3></td> 
    <td> </td> 
     <td>Last Accident: </td><td>'.$_POST['Last_Accident1'].'</td>  
     <td>Next Previous: </td><td>'.$_POST['Next_Previous11'].'</td>  
     <td>Next Previous: </td><td>'.$_POST['Next_Previous12'].'</td>  
    <td> </td>
    <td><h3><strong>TRAFFIC CONVICTIONS</strong> and forfeitures for the past 3 years (other than parking violations). If none, write none.</h3></td> 
     <td>Last Violation: </td><td>'.$_POST['Last_Accident2'].'</td>  
     <td>Next Previous: </td><td>'.$_POST['Next_Previous21'].'</td>  
     <td>Next Previous: </td><td>'.$_POST['Next_Previous22'].'</td>  
     <td>Next Previous: </td><td>'.$_POST['Next_Previous23'].'</td>  
     <td>Have you EVER been convicted of a DUI, DWI and/or DUBAL?: </td><td>'.$_POST['Have_you_EVER_been_convicted_of_a_DUI_DWI_and_or_DUBAL'].'</td>  
     <td>Have you EVER been convicted for reckless driving?: </td><td>'.$_POST['Have_you_EVER_been_convicted_for_reckless_driving'].'</td>  
     <td>Have you EVER been convicted of fleeing or attempting to elude a police officer?: </td><td>'.$_POST['Have_you_EVER_been_convicted_of_fleeing_or_attempting_to_elude_a_police_officer'].'</td>  
     <td>Have you EVER been convicted of leaving the scene of an accident?: </td><td>'.$_POST['Have_you_EVER_been_convicted_of_leaving_the_scene_of_an_accident'].'</td>  
     <td>Have you EVER been convicted of a railroad crossing violation?: </td><td>'.$_POST['Have_you_EVER_been_convicted_of_a_railroad_crossing_violation'].'</td>  
     <td>Have you EVER been convicted of passing a school bus while it is unloading or loading?: </td><td>'.$_POST['Have_you_EVER_been_convicted_of_passing_a_school_bus_while_it_is_unloading_or_loading'].'</td>  
     <td>Has your license EVER been suspended or revoked?: </td><td>'.$_POST['Has_your_license_EVER_been_suspended_or_revoked'].'</td>  
     <td>If so, please explain:: </td><td>'.$_POST['If_yes_explain_if_you_wish1'].'</td>  
     <td>Have you ever been convicted of a felony?: </td><td>'.$_POST['Have_you_ever_been_convicted_of_a_felony'].'</td>  
     <td>If so, please explain: </td><td>'.$_POST['If_yes_explain_if_you_wish2'].'</td>  
    <td> </td>
    <td> <h3>  <strong>EXPERIENCE AND QUALIFICATIONS - DRIVER</strong></h3></td> 
    <td> </td>
     <td>State: </td><td>'.$_POST['Listalldriverlicenses_State1'].'</td>  
     <td>Licence: </td><td>'.$_POST['License1'].'</td>  
     <td>Class/Endorsements: </td><td>'.$_POST['Class_Endorsements1'].'</td>  
     <td>Expiration: </td><td>'.$_POST['Expiration1'].'</td>  
     <td>State: </td><td>'.$_POST['Listalldriverlicenses_State2'].'</td>  
     <td>Licence: </td><td>'.$_POST['License2'].'</td>  
     <td>Class/Endorsements: </td><td>'.$_POST['Class_Endorsements2'].'</td>  
     <td>Expiration: </td><td>'.$_POST['Expiration2'].'</td>  
     <td>State: </td><td>'.$_POST['Listalldriverlicenses_State3'].'</td>  
     <td>Licence: </td><td>'.$_POST['License3'].'</td>  
     <td>Class/Endorsements: </td><td>'.$_POST['Class_Endorsements3'].'</td>  
     <td>Expiration: </td><td>'.$_POST['Expiration3'].'</td>  
     <td>A. Have you ever been denied a licens, permit or privilege to operate a motor vehicle?: </td><td>'.$_POST['Have_you_ever_been_denied_a_license'].'</td>  
     <td>Please list any other driving experience (equipment type & approximate dates/miles driven): </td><td>'.$_POST['If_yes_explain_if_you_wish3'].'</td>  
     <td><strong>Education </strong>listing highest grade completed and any degrees earned </td><td>'.$_POST['listing_highest_grade_completed_and_any_degrees_earned'].'</td>  
    <td> </td>
     <td>Signature: </td><td>'.$_POST['Signature'].'</td>  
     <td>Date: </td><td>'.$_POST['Date1'].'</td>  
     <td> </td>
    /* To send HTML mail, set the Content-type header. */ 
    $headers  = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; 
    $headers .= "Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1\r\n"; 
    $headers .= "From: " . $from . "\r\n"; 
    /* and now mail it */ 
    /*echo $message; die;*/
    @mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers);
    echo "<h4>Your message has been sent to us with your full application details.<br />
                <span>We will reply soon as soon as possible to follow up with you on our hiring process.  Thank you for considering A&S Transportation, Inc. for employment.</span></h4>";

    Your thoughts? 



    You're using mysql and mysqli extensions in the same script. Don't think you can do that...


    Also, second-last line should be:


    .. rather than:

  7. Only the table rows should be echoed within the loop. The opening and closing table tags should be outside. So, you should have:


    $query = mysql_query($sql); //give resource the variables
    echo "<table border='1' cellpadding='2' cellspacing='3' width='100%'>"; // << table top *outside* the loop
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {  //display results for hour defined by SQL
    if (!$query) { // add this check.
        die('Invalid query: ' . mysql_error());
    } //-------------------End of SQL for daily stats
    echo "<tr><th>Hour</th><th>Total Quantity</th><th>Total Value</th><th>Average Quantity</th><th>Average Value</th><th>Average Value per Item</th></tr>";
    echo "<tr><td>" .$row['HOUR'];
    echo "</td><td>" .$row['Total Quantity'];
    echo "</td><td>" .$row['Total Value'];
    echo "</td><td>" .$row['Average Quantity'];
    echo "</td><td>" .$row['Average Value'];
    echo "</td><td>" .$row['Average Value Per Item'];
    echo "</td></tr>";
    echo "</table>"; // << table bottom *outside* the loop



    I'm new to the forums and would like to take this opportunity to say hello to everybody. :)


    I'm having a slight problem and was wondering if you kind folks could shed some light on it for me please. Basically, I am trying to add numbers, ascending from 1 to 50, to the left side of each persons username. The person with the highest gold amount would have 1. next to their name, then 2. for the second highest, and so forth. I'm thinking a for or foreach loop is the answer, but I cannot seem to get it right.


    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `users` ORDER BY `gold` DESC LIMIT 50";
    $qry = mysql_query($sql);
    while ($res = mysql_fetch_array($qry)) {
         echo $res['username'] . " "; 
         echo $res['gold'] . "<br /><br />";



    Thanks for your time.



    If you do want to use a loop, initialise a counter before the loop starts and then increment it before the bottom of the loop:

    $sql = "SELECT * FROM `users` ORDER BY `gold` DESC LIMIT 50";
    $qry = mysql_query($sql);
    $counter = 1; // create a counter before the loop starts
    while ($res = mysql_fetch_array($qry)) {
        echo $counter . " " . $res['username'] . " " . $res['gold'] . "<br />";
        $counter++; // add 1 to counter for each iteration of loop



    foreach ($_POST['result'] as $id => $result) {
        $results[$result][] = $id;
    $query = "UPDATE table1 SET result = CASE \n";
    foreach ($results as $res => $ids) {
        $query .= sprintf("WHEN id IN (%s) THEN '%s'\n", join(',', $ids), $res);
    $query .= 'END';


    Thank you so, so much for your help with this. It works perfectly. I can't say I understand right of the bat how it works, exactly, but I'm studying it right now...


    One final question now, as I look at your code: what does this line do, exactly?

    $results[$result][] = $id;
  10. You need to check what is now posted and change processing accordingly. Use


    echo '<pre>', print_r($_POST, 1), '</pre>';


    .. that's giving me this, for example:


        [result] => Array
                [1] => senior
                [2] => junior
                [3] => senior
                [4] => senior
                [5] => unsuccessful
        [submit] => Run update


    ... but those data aren't getting written to the db when I click submit. I'm still getting 'There was a problem updating the records...'.


    Any thoughts?

  11. Give each group of radio buttons for the child name="child[$id]" and values of Senior, junior, reserve, unsuccessful



    Thanks, Barand. I'm closer to my destination but the update isn't working. I'm getting 'There was a problem updating the records...'. Can you see anything obviously problematic in my code below?


    // if the form is submitted, mark 'successful' children in db
    if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
      $result = $_POST['result'];
      $list_of_ids = join(',', $_POST['result']);
        $sql = "UPDATE table1 SET `result` = $result WHERE id IN ($list_of_ids)";
        $r = mysqli_query($dbc, $sql);
        if(!$r) {
          echo "<p style='color:red'>There was a problem updating the records. Please try again later.</p>";
    // get the children and display them (if they're not marked for deletion)
    $q = "SELECT `id`, `child`, `result` FROM table1 WHERE `delete` = 0";
    $r = mysqli_query($dbc, $q);
    if (mysqli_num_rows($r) > 0) { 
    $output = '<form method="post"><table width="100%" cellpadding="2">';
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($r)) {
      $id = $row['id'];
      $child = $row['child'];
        $output .= "<tr>
            <input type='radio' name='result[$id]' value='senior' />
            <input type='radio' name='result[$id]' value='junior' />
            <input type='radio' name='result[$id]' value='reserve' />
            <input type='radio' name='result[$id]' value='unsuccessful' />
    $output .= "</table>
    <input type='submit' name='submit' id='submit' value='Run update' />
    echo $output;
  12. Children are applying to play on teams. There are more children than there are places, so some will get to play for the Senior team, some for the Junior team, some will be Reserve, and some will be Unsuccessful.
    I want to be able to pull up all children and assign their application result in the db in one update process.
    I have figured out - eventually, thanks to other posts I've seen here - how to do such a single-query-multiple-records-update using just one 'successful' checkbox for each child, using this code:
    // if the form is submitted, mark 'successful' children in db
    if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
      $list_of_ids = join(',', $_POST['child']);
        $sql = "UPDATE table1 SET `result` = 'successful' WHERE id IN ($list_of_ids)";
        $r = mysqli_query($dbc, $sql);
        if(!$r) {
          echo "<p style='color:red'>There was a problem updating the records. Please try again later.</p>";
    // get the children and display them
    $q = "SELECT `id`, `child`, `result` FROM table1 WHERE `delete` = 0";
    $r = mysqli_query($dbc, $q);
    if (mysqli_num_rows($r) > 0) { 
    $output = '<form method="post">';
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($r)) {
      $id = $row['id'];
      $child = $row['child'];
      $result = $row['result'];
        $output .= "<p><input type='checkbox' value='$id' name='child[]'> $child: <strong>$result</strong></p>";
    $output .= "<p><input type='submit' name='submit' value='Update Records' /></p>
    echo $output;


    However, I have not succeeded in figuring out how to modify the above code so that each child has 4 radio buttons (Senior, Junior, Reserve, Unsuccessful), rather than the single checkbox. Thanks in advance for your help which would allow me do that...

  13. Thanks for your help with this, which I'm working to try to implement.


    In the meantime, I've created a little form with 'from' and 'to' datepicker inputs. According to the dates entered in those, I have an sql query to retrieve the appropriate records for whatever time period I wish.


    $q = "SELECT company, description, vat, (total-vat) as subtotal, total, MONTHNAME(inv_date) as month, DAY(inv_date) as day FROM purchase
    WHERE inv_date >= '$from' AND inv_date <= '$to' ORDER BY inv_date";

  14. How are you building the report now? I mean in terms of code and SQL.


    Ok, so far I've just got this... a chronological list of invoices. As I say, though, I'd like to group them in 2-month periods...

    $q = "SELECT company, description, vat, (total-vat) as subtotal, total, inv_date FROM purchase ORDER BY inv_date";
    $r = mysqli_query($dbc, $q);
    $retrieved = mysqli_num_rows($r);
     if ($retrieved > 0) {
    $records_output = '<table width="100%" cellpadding="2">
          <td>Invoice Date</td>
          <td>Inv Date</td>
    while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($r)) {
     $company        = $row['company'];
     $description    = $row['description'];
     $vat            = $row['vat'];
     $subtotal       = $row['subtotal'];
     $total          = $row['total'];
     $inv_date       = $row['inv_date'];
     $records_output .= "<tr>
    $records_output .= '</table';
    echo $records_output;

  15. How are you building the report now? I mean in terms of code and SQL.


    .. er, I'm not building any report yet because I don't know how. I'm simply retrieving all records, sorted by inv_date, as follows:

    SELECT inv_number, vat, total, inv_date FROM `invoices` order by inv_date;

  16. I've written a script to help me keep track of VAT on invoices. It all works fine. However, I would like to group invoices in 2-month periods.


    How can I query the invoices table such that records are returned in 2-month periods according to the inv_date?


    In other words, I want to be able to display a table like this, grouped Jan/Feb, Mar/Apr, etc, with VAT and Inv totals...




    Inv. no. | Desc. | Inv. Date | Vat Amount | Inv. Total

    xxx | xxxx | 22-01-2013 | 23.82 | 127.37

    xxx | xxxx | 28-01-2013 | 14.81 | 79.21

    xxx | xxxx | 14-02-2013 | 20.96 | 112.08


    59.59 318.66





    Inv. no. | Desc. | Inv. Date | Vat Amount | Inv. Total

    xxx | xxxx | 17-03-2013 | 19.97 | 106.77

    xxx | xxxx | 18-03-2013 | 20.69 | 110.62

    xxx | xxxx | 14-04-2013 | 2.80 | 14.99


    43.46 232.38





    Inv. no. | Desc. | Inv. Date | Vat Amount | Inv. Total

    xxx | xxxx | .......... | ..... | .....

    xxx | xxxx | .......... | ..... | .....


    --.-- ---.00




    Any help will be much appreciated.

  17. I'm guessing you probably have little or no experience trying to do projects for big companies or governments. There is a lot more cost associated to doing a project than the actual coding of the website. I have done plenty of projects with big company clients where we easily burn through 100 hours just talking about and planning and getting approval for shit...and when it came down to actually coding something..barely a handful of hours of actual coding. Spending (and charging for) 20 hours worth of < 1 hour worth of "coding" is not uncommon in the business world.


    No, indeed I don't have any experience working for big companies or governments. And, yes, I can well imagine planning and approval time makes up proportionately much more time than coding does. I'm not suggesting for a moment that all this time shouldn't be billed for.


    Still though, 33,000 hours of whatever at a hundred an hour? It's hard for me to imagine that this particular site could warrant such investment...

  18. ... Considering how the website is supposed to be for a whole country and not just some corporation $3.3M seems reasonable.


    ... but, with all due respect, requinix, the cost shouldn't have anything to do with who's got the cheque book... whether that be a government, or an individual. The cost should be based on the amount of time and expertise required to build the site. As for 'reasonable', that's the very question: I know they're crude calculations but 3.3m would pay 16 people 100k a year for 2 years, even if they did no other work.


    By the way, requinix, are you saying that, given the tools the developers appear to have used, they've done a good job (but that if they'd used different tools, they could have done better?... I just wondered about what you said regarding ASP.NET WebForms...)



    As for usability, I find the site to be something of a mess. There seem to be boxes everywhere, placed in a seemingly haphazard fashion, which makes navigation very unintuitive.

  19. It was reported today that Tourism Ireland paid 2.5 million euro to have this site built. An additional 500k euro was paid for the 'ireland.com' domain name, according to the report.


    So, at today's exchange rate, we're talking about 3.3m USD for the build, plus 670k USD for the domain.


    Is this not a staggeringly high cost for the development?... Someone please tell me I'm missing something crucial that justifies this cost...


    Thoughts, anyone?

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