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Posts posted by spiderwell
what have you tried so far?
($row['Band_1_Price'] *2.22)
this is phpfreaks, not paypalfreaks.
1. they use credit card or sign up there and then
2.if you read up on paypal site, it will tell you how.
3. "please contact PayPal customer support"
IE is my default browser, but i always launch FF manually lol
GOTO 65535
i would like to echo the other members sentiments
so you can check other sites are broken or not?
I am not sure of a program that can do it, but why would you want to
did you think about using absolute paths?
or adding a base path into the html document?
without knowing what $this->checkLogin(); returns, we can't really tell you...
Thanks spiderwell,
I hope to avoid mysql database, as the system is simple and I prefer not to get involved with slow queries.
Regarding one single file, I was thinking of problem associated with large file; as in the case of separate file, only a small file is read for each query.
if the system is simple, how are the queries slow?
in regards to files i guess its down to personal preference, but I think unless the site is going to have a LOT of traffic, like 1000's per hour, do you need to worry about performance that much?
just how big or busy is the site going to be? do you really need to worry about saving micro times (for want of a beter word)
You guys are nothing short of GENIUSES!!!!!! Man I love this place. Thanks again boyz and girlz....another one for the books! SOLVED!!!!
think you mean geniui
if you store it all in a database, you can parse it as xml if required or push it to php variables, getting the best of both.
as for storing in seperate files, I wouldn't do that personally, but I don't think theres a huge amount of difference other than creating a method for file naming so you can keep track of all the files.
with a database you can have better control of your data also, such as filtering and ordering, which is all built into databases. file systems do have functionalitys like that but it refers to the date a file was changed, not say when the article was written.
one man Vs the might of facebook
**edit haha beat me to it, i was to long winded and slow typing **
its a special kind of if statement, a very short boolean one (true/false)
breaking it down it checks if the form posted has the field staff_id
that is wrapped in a ternary comparison operator which is the bit you don't understand. it basically works like this (if true) ? 'return this'; 'else return this'
so in this instance it is saying if the $_POST['staff_id'] exists, return its value (the return is passed to $current_staff_id), otherwise return nothing.
isset($_POST['staff_id'])) ? $_POST['staff_id'] : NULL;
and the result is passed to the variable
$current_staff_id = (isset($_POST['staff_id'])) ? $_POST['staff_id'] : NULL;
at the moment, the reason why you are updating the last user, is because when you post the form, you also do the select statement still, and the last user in the data has his id passed to $current_staff_id and thats the id that is passed to the update sql statement.
what you need to do is put the form tags where i told you, add a hidden field to the form that is the userid for that row in the recordset. then when the from is posted, inside the update if statement, grab the hidden id from the form $_POST array, and pass that one to the update sql statement instead. that way you will seperate out the ids
that must be killing yah.
i just got my job, applied for it on a tuesday, interview the same afternoon, got the news i got the job about 10am the next day
looking it seems you have one big form encompassing all the divs and users. is that the reason? dont you need a seperate userid for each user, by making each div its own form?
if your echo out your sql statements by passing them to a variable, you can see what is or isnt happening
should I change the others with the same syntax also?
$name=mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['name']); $email=$_POST['email']; $msg=$_POST['msg'];
what do you reckon
been dong SEO for the last 2 days, yawn city. lol
still all done now , so hopefully something a bit more stimulating will land in the 'to do' box
if the form is posted and the user logs in, set a session variable say $_SESSION['logged'] = true.
then if form gets resent, first thing it does is check for that variable, and if so, skip logging user in.
Although I think you are focusing too much on something that really isnt a big deal.
If you are a designer, please go back to the design board! no really.
This reminds me of sites built by people who can code but not have any flair in design.
I will leave it at that or I might upset people
but this said, we all start somewhere, and look around for inspiration at other sites and ideas, minimal and functional doesnt mean do the minimum possible!
as already stated, just make more site examples and you should really experiment with layouts and designs so they are quite different to each other, showing your ability to be creative.
imo marketing and radio/tv adverts would be a better place to put your money......
use require_once() ?
yah but no php errors listed
Define exchange rate and multiple value to data
in PHP Coding Help