he was refering to a link, you write a link in html:
<a href="page.php">page</a>
. you can then use php to echo out that
if you can't get the concepts of links and the difference with a select you might struggle
french, well maybe lol
i assume you would be going down the php route or you would not be here, so thats a good one for a start.
tie it in with mysql, html and css, you can do a lot with those, you would also benefit with javascript, xml and probably some others I have missed.
you read the file and put into a form textarea, and edit it, then post form to a page that will get the new htaccess data and write to the said file.
to have parts of it non editable might be a bit trickier but of course anything can be done in code
a little shove never helps
get a record set of users (or whatever it is) and loop through it.
use the data to create links a bit like this:
echo "<a href='deleteuser.php?id=" . $row['id'] . "'>delete " . $row['username'] . "</a>";
if you wanted to use the select. you would need an onclick/change(i'm not sure which) event to post the form, then the receiving page could take the selected option value to generate a redirect to that page.
if the user is logged in, its often that some details of the user is stored in the session object. Using that you could prefill the form element of the current user. or use it to identify and then pull user details from the database.
day 3, not as daunting, lots of learning still. but also loving it, just analyzing their system is teaching me new things! i love that. getting paid to learn!
sure i have, perhaps I misunderstood it
accessing the common object you can create a flash cookie that will only play the movie the first time the user visits the site, and it wont restart but reading it over, I see now he is more likely to want the music to be continuous in which case I refer him to your response.
its not a whole new language, its just got new stuff. so some browsers support it better than others, but they can all do it, using www.html5test.com you can see how well, and guess what, IE comes last in the list!!
not true, with actionscript it could be done or javascript. a combination of setting a variable when the site is first visited, which when the page is reloaded or a new one served sets the movie to not play.
i got a pc laptop and a mac, but you can install a windows environment on a mac and do it that way, but most mac users would rather suck dogpoop popsicles than do that....
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