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Everything posted by spiderwell

  1. fingerless gloves have a big flaw for my line of work as a burglar, and therefore i prefer to use 4x4 for ram raiding
  2. i think it should probably be a word... i think i've used it several times before. However its not possible to say jquery is awesomer than ajax is it? it is, because I said it in my post. my reason being its easier to use ajax functions via jquery, than writing them yourself, for me at least.
  3. Both of you are at the top of the food chain. It has been my pleasure to have interacted with "ya'll." But don't stop yet, we have to fine tune this project. Did anyone else immediately think 'Where we're going, we don't need roads'? i didn't
  4. php.net for an obvious reference library tizag.com has simple examples of many things, like file writing, database connecting etc
  5. jquery is awesomer, if that is a word
  6. maybe it means you have finished learning, and are now able to make your own way?
  7. subfolders would definately share a session, perhaps have a session variable identifying if they logged in at /us or /ca
  8. i think they are trying find out how you view the file in the browser. whats the url in the address bar?
  9. i've been thrown in at the deep end with MVC on my new job, i love learning curves like this!!
  10. sure you can use other peoples scripts, but i prefer to write my own if i have time it teaches you more that way definitely. changing bits of scripts will teach you how to hack scripts, not how to code for yourself imo
  11. its not the end of the world, but it wouldn't take a genius to work out what was happening. instead of calling it page for example call it something irrelevant. or pass a number that the receiving script can convert to a file with a switch statement for example.
  12. it will crawl pages that exist, it wont get inside your database
  13. interesting artical, and stupid law! maybe it will stop ebay and youtube suggesting things I really dont want to buy or watch, i doubt it
  14. i found when i started learning asp (my first scripting language) i just found a few examples online of simple things like basic if statements, write/read a text file, set a cookie etc. and just played aorund with them. then i tried a database connection and recordset. http://www.tizag.com/phpT/ is a ggod starting place for beginners
  15. i love bad jokes like this
  16. except for www.hermits.com which doesnt link to anyone
  17. get an iphone then you wont have to worry about watching anything in flash at all
  18. should have been a sheep surely?
  19. yes, 'goto' the naughty step
  20. i will , so far so good, got it working locally. the bit need to do next is link it to a database to store info there.
  21. yeah I am realising this as i research further, looks like ia need a flash or java solution. best 'out the bag' one I can find is www.plupload.com
  22. Hey all, I done some research and can only seem to find solutions that involve a java applet in the browser to break up the files into parts, does anyone else know of any other pure php solutions to uploading large files and using chunks? cheers
  23. theres nothing wrong with doing what you are suggesting. and the file name in the code won't be seen because its in the php code. it will be executed and what you will see is the output of the included file in the browser.
  24. you could use it in a common included file with the path variable declared in that file, then if you change the site to a different location you only need to change one file
  25. http://php.net/manual/en/function.number-format.php
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