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Posts posted by spiderwell

  1. great thread. i'm a home grown coder, and have no certs or college courses to state to employers.

    but have done the odd freelance site for family /friends . you don't always have to have letters after your name, just prove to the employer your ability in the role they are offering.

    frankly if you have gotten to interview its more a chance to see if they like you as a person and the skills bit should been covered by your cv/resume


    got a job as a oop php developer on wednesday. very pleased too!


    yay lets all go to work doing what we love

  2. this should point you in the right direction, it would need altering to test it with your database values

    $date = strtotime("2011-05-03");
    echo date("y-m-d H:i:s",$date);


    date("y-m-d H:i:s",$row['STartDate']); //is the T in StartDate a typo?

  3. How come you don't get an error?

    because the if (!$db) bit i think, that says if not database connection do the while loop, because there is one it then skips the while statement

    you should try

    if ($db)
    $result = mysql_query ($query);
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){
    echo "<TABLE border = \"1\" width=\"300\>\n"
                     //blah blah
              }//close while
    }//close if $db
    if ($all==0)
    //blah blah

  4. it doesnt look like you are actually executing the loop with all the info to echo out due to the

    if (!$db)
    while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)){


    in the display partners function


    at the point of executing this, you havent created a $result.

  5. you need to add a check to see if search form was posted, and then do "select * from tblorder WHERE orderid = " . $_POST['orderid']  as the sql query instead of the "select * from tblorder" one.


    note i havent put in any error trapping, putting a $_POST variable directly into sql statement is a no no! (and i dont mean double negative makes a plus  :P), its just to show you how to do it really

    the above search is only ever going to return 1 record though


    hope that helps

  6. do you want to solve this continuing with javascript/jquery?


    or do you want to do the pagenation via php only, so the filters applied, you have to submit form and reload the page, rather than using the jqery/ajax method.


    a standard pagenation is a lot easier to do for obvious reasons, and there are plenty of versions available to find.


    you might depending on your needs want to get this moved to the ajax/javascript section

  7. please give us moer information.

    you state you are using javscript, what for exactly?

    pagenation and filters are normally 'dealt with' by the php .


    where is your page you have problems with, and code?


    when pagenation is in place with a filter, remember to pass all info to each page of results, so it 'remembers' the filters


    you can see this when you hover on the links for page 2,3,4 etc on both your sites when a filter is applied



  8. a recursive function calls itself.

    it works in this way, a function will open a folder, list all files and folders.

    while listing, if current item is a folder, pass this folder back to the function and restart the list (this is actually a new list but becomes nested inside orgiinal list)


    there are plenty of examples of such functions already written out there, just google something like 'file directory recursive php'



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