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Posts posted by spiderwell

  1. as per the last post, slot it in here on the login.php:

    list($user_id,$user_email) = mysql_fetch_row($result);
    	// this sets variables in the session 
    	$_SESSION['user']= $user_email;  
    	$_SESSION['id']= $user_id
    then on the about me insert, do as Justin posted only substitute $_SESSION['user'] with $_SESSION['id']
    personally i think emails work just as well as a unique identifier so you could still do it with the email address.

  2. 3rd time lucky (god i hope so!)

    $words = array('ass','fuck','shit');
    $string = 'Blah blah blah ass blah blah fuck blah blah shit!';	
    foreach ($words as $value) 	
    if (strpos($string,$value))
    		echo "naughty words limit";

  3. this should do the trick, the mistake i made was with instr() it didnt count number of times a rude word might appear, so was looking for 3 different rude words, rather than a total of 3 rude words, be they all different or the same.


    EDIT*** i should be shot for skim reading, this allows you to have 2 rude words and not more, really as soon as you get a hit of 1 curse word you want it to stop. i will post YET A?NOTHER solution haha i think i need to go to bed!! ******


    $i = 0;
    $limit = false;
    $words = array('ass','fuck','shit');
    $string = 'ass ass blah blah ass blah blah shit  blah ass!';
    foreach ($words as $value) 	{
    $i += substr_count($string,$value);// includes multiple counts of the same naughty word
    		$limit = true;
    		echo "naughty word limit";
    if ($limit)break;// stops the search going any further

  4. try this mate, no offence to other poster, but I can't see that snippet working, or maybe I am just going mad:

    $i = 0;
                    $words = array('ass','fuck','shit');
    $string = 'Blah blah blah ass blah blah fuck blah blah shit!';
    foreach ($words as $value) 
                                     if (strpos($string,$value))
    		$i ++;		
                     if($i>3) echo "naughty words limit";	


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