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Everything posted by fugix

  1. have you tried to attempt it yourself at all, or researched?
  2. hope so, if i were you i would send them a message in regards to this
  3. glad you found the solution, however you will want to make sure that people using ie9 are able to view the page correctly as well.
  4. well im not sure what editor you are using, however there should be an option in the edito options showing the default charset and how to change it...also, i think your var may be displaying strange characters because you have not prepped it to pass through the url. try header("Location: EST_quotation_insert.php?company_name=urlencode($company_name)"); or even one step further header("Location: EST_quotation_insert.php?company_name=htmlentities(urlencode($company_name))");
  5. if you were going to go about it using the logic in the code that you previously posted, you would of course need to update your code every year with the correct dates
  6. I did not think of using that.. I did that and it worked perfect. Sometime it is the simplest anwers that you never think of glad it gave you the result that you were looking for, everyone misses the little things sometimes,happens to all of us, if you could, please mark this thread as solved located in the bottom left hand of the page, thank you
  7. instead of using width: and height: you can either set images using a max-width: or max-height: . this will help to maintain the images proportions so you dont get an unproportional funny looking image
  8. you state that in_array() is too much and you/re looking for a shorter way. then you use it in your code? also in the code you provided, you did not filter the image size.
  9. i have read into this a little and have found a few websites that talk about a few issues that can be causing this..it is possible that your server may be overriding your charset...read this and let me know if it helps
  10. you could go about it in the same manner that you filtered out weekends. just find the correct day and month
  11. I would recommend using an array as well. something like $fileExt = "pjpeg"; $ext_arr = array("jpeg", "jpg", "png", "gif", "pjpeg"); if(!in_array($fileExt, $ext_arr)) { echo 'boo'; }
  12. That's not Flash, it's JavaScript. right you are, my mistake..
  13. I will look into your problem shortly, however as a side note, i would recommened against using $PHP_SELF as your forms action, here's why
  14. mysql_real_escape_string isn't supposed to escape backticks . . . thats what I thought too, i believe that the only special chars that mysql_real_escape_string() cannot escape are the % and _ since they can be used as wildcards. I'm thinking that maybe he placed a ` in one of his post indices instaed of a ' ??
  15. looks clean, i like the flash implementation. first thing that i notice is the nav bar being cut off a bit. Also, i would probably make the link at the bottom have a hover effect of some sort make them appear more like link so users do not confuse them for simple text.The footer is also cut of on the right side. your font and text sizing choice is nice, its very easy to read. would probably make the contact text a tad bigger, little hard to read. Overall looks clean though, good job
  16. right you are, that code i posted would work for the next 10 days but not business days, thanks for catching my error maq. I'll write something else up and post later Edit: however, you could implement something similar to what i posted, except you will want to make an array of numbers representing the business days. 1= monday 2= tuesday 3= wednesday 4=thursday 5=friday 8=next monday.....etc
  17. interesting, thank you for telling us what was causing the error. Edit: please mark this thread as solved in the lower left hand of the page.
  18. you could add a for loop to loop through the next ten days, like so for (i=1; i<11; i++) { $future_date = mktime(0,0,0,date("m"),date("d")+i,date("Y")); echo date("Y/m/d", $future_date); }
  19. if it was an error with the actual mysql_real_escape_string() function, when you echoed the string it would return false on error, not empty. this makes me believe that data is not actually being passed to the variable before using the function on it.
  20. you'll want to validate user input. then incorporate the mail() function into your script to send an email with a verification link. Set it up so when the use clicks on the link, there account will be verified. you can do this by setting a field in your database that stored your member information, set it as an int with a default value of 0. When the verification link is clicked, have the int in your db set to 1 which will give them access to log-in
  21. to create hover effects, you can use either javascript...using a combination of the onmouseover and onmouseout events. Or, you can use css and the :hover pseudo-class. this website here has a pretty neat example if something similar
  22. in the article class. take out the position relative.
  23. can you tell me which divs belong to which boxes?
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