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Everything posted by lkbolt

  1. Thanks for the critique, I am in the process of getting out to the farm and taking some pictures of my own I got these from the trainer and they are not very good quality. The picture gallery has links at the top of the photos you will see our horse and our riders. then if you choose our riders at the bottom of the photo there is navigation to the next picture I may need to move the navigation to the top with the links and make a note of the links. I will also try something other than the gradient but for this site I for some reason like it.
  2. please check out and let me know what you think. http://www.oakrunstable.com
  3. I am constantly trying to update the page to make it interesting but also keep it simple. Thanks in advance. http://www.lightbolttech.com
  4. No it's not advertising I was asking a very legitimate question and I found my answer. I did not try to sell anything to anyone and I am sure other webmasters will have gained some knowledge from my post. Yes PHPFreaks.com is a very popular site. Yes reciprocal linking is a basic SEO necessity. Thanks again.
  5. Just wanted to say thanks for all of the responses. I was just trying to see if linking my site to this site which is a very popular site would increase my re-index speed and it did. So bottom line if you make changes to your main site wording and would like your site re-indexed quicker post your website on a popular site and make sure your site has a link back to the popular site on your site.
  6. I have made changes to my Website www.lightbolttech.com and I would like to know if there is a quick of way gettings theses changes re-indexed on the major search engines. Thanks for any help in advance.
  7. Thanks for looking at my site. Do you have any ideas on how to spice it up. Also can you post a screen shot of the layout problem in Firefox on MAC so I can see where the problem is. Thanks
  8. I have rounded the corners on the white background and i do think it looks better. I also didn't notice or read the other post with the geeksquad link. I am a one man show right. I am now where geeksquad was 10-12 years ago a start-up. They also have a team of professional web designers and about 50 million a year bigger budget than I have right now. Please give me any new updates changes things like that if you have a font type suggestion for the site what font's do people enjoying reading. I am planning on incorporating a Lightning Bolt into the header I have a friend of mine who is a graphic design artist who is working on it for me now. Thanks again...
  9. I have made a few changes to the footer. I got rid of the Valid xhtml and Valid CSS icons even though the site CSS was Valid. I have included a link to the template designer and a couple of other links and images for the web server and php. Thanks again..
  10. Thanks for the responses. I appreciate the critique. It is a template I am going to incorporate on the main page a list all the resources that I am using within the website IE(template hub, abyss webserver, PHP and a few other free resources. I just like to show the ip because it is also the source of my counter beside it. The company is not 12 years old that is just my experience. The company is only 2 weeks old. Thanks again...
  11. Please let me know what you think layout, code and content. Thanks in advance. http://www.lightbolttech.com
  12. I found what I was looking for here is how I got it done. I put the following code into the content <div> Tag on my main index.php page where I wanted each page to show its content: <?php $page=array(1=>'page1.php',2=>'page2.php',3=>'page3.php'); if(isset($_GET['id'])){ $PageToInclude=(isset($page[$_GET['id']]))?$page[$_GET['id']]:"errorpage.php"; //errorpage.php included if someone messes with the url. include($PageToInclude); } else { $homepage='home.php'; include($homepage); } ?>
  13. how do I incorporate my whole site, all my pages home about services contact into one or 2 pages. I have the front page built I have a content area that I would like to be able to show all pages in it and not a frame maybe have a 2nd page with functions to call each page to the content area and have a php require in the content area. I just not sure how to do this or where to start I have used php scripts and understand how they work most of the time I am just not sure how to start on this project.
  14. I have a simple website with a couple of different pages. I would like to be able to in a div tag with a php require or even inside the same page be able to show whatever link is clicked on that part of the page is shown. this is kinda of difficult to explain. What I am trying to do is get the entire site down to 1 or 2 pages. with all content in the content part of the page being presented by whatever link is clicked.
  15. Will a MOD please move this post to the Flat File Section of the Forum. I am sorry haven't been here in a while didn't notice that section. Like I said previously I am not a PHP expert and have not dealt with Flat file scripting before. was not sure what info someone would need to help me. Please only post helpful replies to this topic.
  16. I have downloaded and installed a Personal Information Manager (PPIM). What I am wanting to do is add a feature to it to popup an alert when you login if a calendar event is over due. The events are stored in a flat file not a mysql database. they are stored by id# Date and Time. Also I would like to add a feature to be able to be able to mark an event as complete and move it to another flat file instead of deleting the event. Any help to get started would be great. i do know a little about php scripting but most of my experience has been with mysql not flat files. Thanks. Below is the scripting for adding an event, deleting an event or listing the events. <?php //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // ADD EVENT - Saves event to file //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function add_event() { global $script_file; $newline = "\r\n"; $event_title = $_POST['event_title']; $event_title = ereg_replace('"', '\"',$event_title); $event_date_id = $_POST['event_date_id']; $event_hour = $_POST['event_hour']; $event_min = $_POST['event_min']; $event_ampm = $_POST['event_ampm']; $event_description = $_POST['event_description']; $event_description = nl2br($event_description); $event_description = ereg_replace('"', '\"',$event_description); $event_milhour = $event_hour; if ($event_ampm == "pm" && $event_hour < 12) { $event_milhour = $event_hour +12; } $temp_month = date('m',$event_date_id); $temp_day = date('d',$event_date_id); $temp_year = date('Y',$event_date_id); $event_timestamp = mktime($event_milhour, $event_min, 0, $temp_month, $temp_day, $temp_year); if ($_POST['oldevent_file'] != "") { $delfile = $_POST['oldevent_file']; unlink($delfile); } $line1 = '<?php' .$newline; $line2 = '$event_title = "'.stripslashes($event_title).'";'.$newline; $line3 = '$event_date_id = "'.stripslashes($event_date_id).'";'.$newline; $line4 = '$event_hour = "'.stripslashes($event_hour).'";'.$newline; $line5 = '$event_min = "'.stripslashes($event_min).'";'.$newline; $line6 = '$event_ampm = "'.stripslashes($event_ampm).'";'.$newline; $line7 = '$event_description = "'.stripslashes($event_description).'";'.$newline; $line8 = '?>'; $out2file = $line1.$line2.$line3.$line4.$line5.$line6.$line7.$line8; $filename = "events/".$event_timestamp.'-'.time().'.event'; $gp = fopen($filename,'w'); fwrite($gp, $out2file); fclose($gp); $temp = "events.php?date=$event_date_id"; print '<script>'; print 'location.replace("'."$temp".'")'; print '</script>'; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // NEW EVENT - Has user enter new event //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function new_event($event_file = "") { global $event_date_name; global $event_date_id; $months = array ('','Jan','Feb','March','April','May','June','July','August','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'); if ($event_file != "") { $event_file = 'events/' . $event_file . ".event"; require($event_file); $event_title = ereg_replace('"', '"',$event_title); $event_description = ereg_replace('<br />', '',$event_description); $event_date_name = date('F d Y',$event_date_id); print '<h3><b>Edit Event for '."$event_date_name".'</b></h3>'."\n"; } else { $event_title = ""; $event_speaker = ""; $event_month = ""; $event_day = ""; $event_year = ""; $event_hour = ""; $event_min = ""; $event_ampm = ""; $event_time_add =""; $event_description = ""; print '<h3><b>Enter New Event for '."$event_date_name".'</b></h3>'."\n"; } print '<form ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" name="newevent" onsubmit="return checkvalues()" action="events.php" method="post" >'."\n"; print '<table>'."\n"; print '<tr>'."\n"; print ' <td align="right">Title Of Event:</td>'."\n"; print ' <td><input type="text" name="event_title" size="55" value="'."$event_title".'"/></td>'."\n"; print '</tr>'."\n"; print '<tr>'."\n"; print ' <td align="right">Time:</td>'."\n"; print ' <td><select name="event_hour">'."\n"; print ' <option value="">Hour</option>'."\n"; for ($i = 1; $i<=12; $i++) { if ($event_hour == $i) { print ' <option selected="selected" value="'."$i".'">'."$i".'</option>'."\n"; } else { print ' <option value="'."$i".'">'."$i".'</option>'."\n"; } } print '</select>'."\n"; print ' <select name="event_min">'."\n"; print ' <option value="">Min</option>'."\n"; for ($i = 0; $i<=59; $i++) { if ($i < 10) { $newi = "0" . $i; } else { $newi = $i; } if ($event_min == $i && $event_hour != "") { print ' <option selected="selected" value="'."$newi".'">'."$newi".'</option>'."\n"; } else { print ' <option value="'."$newi".'">'."$newi".'</option>'."\n"; } } print '</select>'."\n"; print ' <select name="event_ampm">'."\n"; if ($event_ampm =="pm") { print ' <option value="am" >AM</option>'."\n"; print ' <option value="pm" selected="selected">PM</option>'."\n"; } else { print ' <option value="am" selected="selected">AM</option>'."\n"; print ' <option value="pm" >PM</option>'."\n"; } print '</select>'."\n"; print '</tr>'."\n"; print '<tr>'."\n"; print ' <td align="right">Description:</td>'."\n"; print ' <td><textarea rows="10" cols="45" name="event_description">'."$event_description".'</textarea></td>'."\n"; print '</tr>'."\n"; print '<tr>'."\n"; print ' <td></td>'."\n"; print ' <td><input type="submit" name="newevent_submit" value="Save New Event">'."\n"; print ' <input type="reset" name="newevent_reset" value="Reset">'."\n"; print ' <input type="button" name="newevent_cancel" value="Cancel" onclick="history.back();"></td>'."\n"; print ' <input type="hidden" name="oldevent_file" value="'."$event_file".'" />' . "\n"; print ' <input type="hidden" name="event_date_id" value="'."$event_date_id".'" />'."\n"; print '</tr>'."\n"; print '</table>'."\n"; print '</form>'."\n"; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // PRINT EVENTS //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function print_events( $all=0) { error_reporting(0); global $event_date_name; global $event_date_id; $event_counter = 0; if (isset($_GET['listallevents'])) { $all = 1; } if (!isset($event_date_id)) { $event_date_id=""; } if (isset($_GET['date'])) { $event_date = $_GET['date']; print "<h2>".date("F d, Y",$event_date)."</h2><br/>"; } else { $event_date = "0"; } $pattern = "events/" . "*.event"; foreach(glob($pattern) as $event_files) { $events[] = basename($event_files); } if (!empty($events)) { for ($i=0; $i<count($events); $i++) { $name = ereg_replace(".event", "",$events[$i]); $req = "events/". "$events[$i]"; require($req); if (($event_date_id == $event_date) || $all) { $event_counter=1; $event_full_date = date("F d, Y",$event_date_id); if ($event_ampm == 'pm') { $event_hour = $event_hour + 12; } $event_full_time_id = mktime($event_hour, $event_min); $event_full_time = date("g:i a", $event_full_time_id); print "<h3><b>$event_title</b></h3>"; if ($all) { print "<p><b>$event_full_date $event_full_time</b></p>"; } else { print "<p><b>$event_full_time</b></p>"; } print "$event_description<br />"; print '<a href="events.php?mode=new&id='."$name".'">Edit Event</a>'."\n"; print ' <a href="events.php?mode=del&id='."$name".'" onclick="return confirm('."'Are you sure you want to delete this event?'".');">Delete Event</a>'."\n"; print '<hr />'; } } } if (count($events) == 0 || !$event_counter) { print "There are no events for this date."; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // DEL EVENT //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// function del_event() { if(isset($_GET['id'])) { $file = $_GET['id']; unlink("events/".$file.".event"); $temp = "calendar.php"; print '<script>'; print 'location.replace("'."$temp".'")'; print '</script>'; } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MAIN //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if (isset($_GET['date'])) { $event_date_id = $_GET['date']; $event_date_name = date('F d Y',$event_date_id); } else { $event_date_name = ""; } if (isset($_POST['newevent_submit'])) { add_event(); } if (isset($_GET['mode'])) { if($_GET['mode'] == 'new') { if (isset($_GET['id'])) { new_event($_GET['id']); } else { new_event(); } } else if ($_GET['mode'] == 'del') { del_event(); } else { print_events(); } } else { print_events(); } ?>
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