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Everything posted by Ollifi

  1. Please look the path (with FTP software) for any error_log or something like it file.
  2. $fp = fopen("index.php","r"); //Open the file for reading only Opens file index.php in your local server. Do you want that? Maybe you can just try the example directly (just change the URL) from php reference curl_init
  3. Did you read my and wildteen88´s messages both ?
  4. I don´t know what is your array like but try with a for loop. <?php $jsonFile = file_get_contents('list.json'); $jsonArray = json_decode($jsonFile, true); for($i=0;$i<count($jsonArray);$i++){ print $jsonArray[$i]; } ?> If it does not work please execute following code and post results here <?php $jsonFile = file_get_contents('list.json'); $jsonArray = json_decode($jsonFile, true); print_r($jsonArray); ?>
  5. Does it give any error in server error log? Maybe you can try add following to lite_process.php file? ini_set("display_errors", 1); error_reporting(E_ALL);
  6. It should be just ok. Or try this: print $_SESSION['SESS_ID']; print"<br>"; print $id;
  7. What error does it give? For which line? Have you tried print_r function ?
  8. https://cms.paypal.com/us/cgi-bin/?cmd=_render-content&content_ID=developer/howto_api_overview
  9. Here is very simple example: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff512406.aspx You can create AppID here: http://www.bing.com/developers/createapp.aspx
  10. Thank you so much!It works just as excepted!
  11. Thank you for help. I tried with this code: <?php $filu = array_reverse(file("news.txt")); $maara=count($filu)+1; for($i=$maara;$i>0;$i--){ $exp = explode("|", $filu[$i]); $pvm = str_replace("\n", "", $exp[3]); print'<a href="read.php?a=read&id='.$i.'"><strong>'.$exp[0].'</strong></a> (<span class="day">'.$pvm.'</span>)'; print"<br>"; } ?> But it only shows me the first line of the file. Others are just ().
  12. Google translate API is changing to payment based, so you won´t get it free anymore. (The payment starts on December http://code.google.com/apis/language/translate/overview.html) But here is very simple instructions for Bing translate http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ff512404.aspx
  13. Do you mean this: echo "...Read More On "; echo"<a href='"; the_permalink(); echo "'>"; the_title_shorten(45,'...'); echo "</a>";
  14. thank you for the script. Is it possible to do the same with for function?
  15. Sorry, but it didn´t worked. Please have look whats wrong: <?php $filu = array_reverse(file("news.txt"), true); for($i=0;$i<count($filu);$i++){ $exp = explode("|", $filu[$i]); $pvm = str_replace("\n", "", $exp[3]); print'<a href="read.php?a=read&id='.$i.'"><strong>'.$exp[0].'</strong></a> (<span class="day">'.$pvm.'</span>)'; print"<br>"; } ?> And here is the news.txt file: TITLE|LONGTEXT|SHORTTEXT|DATE TITLE|LONGTEXT|SHORTTEXT|DATE But now it shows the news from oldest to the latest. And forgot to mention- the file is ordered from oldest to the latest (line0=oldest news,latest line=latest news)
  16. Ok, good if it helped =) Just remember to mark this topic solved if you dont need more help?
  17. So do you want that when you write the next letter the people watching will see it immediately? If so, you need to create a new AJAX request to server every time you type a letter. Then the other side update should get new data example between 0.5sec-1sec.
  18. I´m not sure do you mean this but: <?php $content = "Some Content Here"; $from = array("/\[tag_name page=\'(.*?)\' length=\'(.*?)\'\]/is"); $to = array("Tag name $1, length $2"); $content = preg_replace($from, $to, $content); print $content; ?> If you want to execute a function then it would go <?php $content = "Some Content Here"; function someFunction($var1, $var2){ // do something with the var1 & var2 } $from = array("/\[tag_name page=\'(.*?)\' length=\'(.*?)\'\]/e"); $to = array('someFunction("$1", "$2")'); $content = preg_replace($from, $to, $content); print $content; ?>
  19. Thank you very much, I will try it!
  20. Hello, I have a PHP news script which I have coded myself. Everytime when I want to show all the news I´ll first use function array_reverse for the news textfile array. But, when I add a new news in the file, the news ID changes. Line numbers: <x> So example the textfile: <0>First message <1>Second message <2>Third message When I add the new news: <0>First message <1>Second message <2>Third message <3>Fourth message And when I use array_reverse <0>Fourth message <1>Third message <2>Second message <3>First message But I want that the "First message" always has ID number 0 etc. (line number is ID number) How could I do so? Should I make some changes for the for function? Thank you for help, hopefully you will understand my explaining
  21. Thank you for the tip, but they are JS bookmarklets, so they actually do not have any ´site´.
  22. Hello, I installed new version of Chrome and now it displays a globe when no icon is available in bookmark bar. How could I restore it the old value, that when there is no icon,it displays no icon? Image:
  23. I got it fixed: javascript:(function () {var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName('a');var length = anchors.length;for (i=0; i<length; i++){if(anchors[i].name){var vanha=anchors[i].innerHTML;anchors[i].innerHTML=""+vanha+" <span style='font-size:10px;color:black'><a href='javascript:prompt(\"URL:\", \""+location.href+"~no.paging#"+anchors[i].name+"\");'>ID</a></span>";}}})();
  24. What about this: <?php $where_form_is="http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].strrev(strstr(strrev($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']),"/")); // Checkbox handling $field_1_opts = $_POST['field_1'][0].",". $_POST['field_1'][1]; $headers="From:".$_POST['email']."\r\nReply-To:".$_POST['email'].""; mail("randy@reefsclub.com","Invitation - Form submission","Form data: rooms: $field_1_opts First Name: " . $_POST['fname'] . " Last Name: " . $_POST['lname'] . " Your Email: " . $_POST['email'] . " Phone Number: " . $_POST['pnumber'] . " Request your arrival date: " . $_POST['field_2'] . " Request your departure date: " . $_POST['field_3'] . " Please send me an ownership package: " . $_POST['field_4'] . " ",$headers); include ("confirm.html"); ?>
  25. Hello, thank you for it. But it still doesnt work javascript:(function () {var anchors = document.getElementsByTagName('a');var length = anchors.length;for (i=0; i<length; i++){if(anchors[i].name){anchors[i].text="Testi...";}}();
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