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Everything posted by abrahamgarcia27

  1. Hey: I currently have an ubuntu virtual machine running my apache2 server. This server contains phpmyadmin and it was working fine 2 days ago. When i access phpmyadmin within the virtual computer like http://localhost/phpmyadmin i can login fine but when i access it through the mac computer that runs the virtual computer like it just gives me a link like this I don't know if anyone has encountered this problem before.
  2. Hello: I bought a jquery audio player, but i want the player to keep playing the indicated song without refreshing when the page is refreshed. I was thinking on using the jQuery load() function, but i don't know what is the best option to perform this action.
  3. and where there is no next band or previous band?
  4. This is the following Structure of the problem i am dealing with Page bands.php -> Queries all the Results of Bands and ORDER BY band_name ASC WHERE STATUS = 1 Once Band is Clicked it goes to -> viewband.php WHERE band_id information is displayed Once in viewband.php -> i have a two buttons one for next band and one for previous band The question is how do i structure the query i dont want to display the next bigger id. Rather i want to display the next band WHERE that band_name is next AND WHERE STATUS = 1 Does any one have an idea on how i can structure this query?
  5. well i think this has to do alot with your database structure this is the code i think might work <?php $img1 = 1.jpg; $img2 = 2.jpg; //query a count of user_posted if($row['COUNT(user_posted)'] >= 100){ echo $img1; }else { echo $img2; } ?>
  6. well i think you have a page where it displays all the products which they have a link to the product_name=item-name correct ? so before we do this we will change all the products link to this <?php $word = $row['itemname']; $word2 = str_replace( ' ', '-', $word ); ?> <a href="?id=<?php echo $word2; ?>">See Product</a><br /> <?php //this is the other page $string = $_GET[itemname]; $string2 = str_replace( '-', ' ', $string ); echo $string2; //use string two to query your data "SELECT * FROM Table WHERE name = {$string2}" ?>
  7. well one suggestion your if statement is pretty much useless because all your member id's have to have 0 right? What is is that you want to do? i dont understand it from your script?
  8. yeah it queries the data from your database
  9. i think this is what your looking for, but i dont know anything about what percentage you want. What this percentage is telling yo is that the rent is 22% percent of the total purchase price. I am not sure if this is what you are looking for <?php $purchase = 44000; $rent = 9860; $percent = round($rent / $purchase * 100, 2); //this is wrong, it returns 4.3 but should be over 18 echo "Percentage is {$percent}%"; ?>
  10. yeah of course just put the value in both the value and name field of the select. what is this drop down purpose?
  11. yeah sorry for that is from one of my past code that i done. The Option Value is what your are actually posting in my case is the class_id and the other is what it is actually displaying in the drop down class_title. So just replace that with your table information.
  12. Try this <?php $word="this is the spaced word"; $word2 = str_replace( ' ', '-', $word ); echo $word; echo "<br />"; echo $word2;echo "<br />"; ?> <a href="?id=<?php echo $word2; ?>">click</a><br /> <?php $string = $_GET[id]; $string2 = str_replace( '-', ' ', $string ); echo $string2; //use string two to query your data ?>
  13. the thing is that this will not do your query, you are probably have to modify your code a bit <?php $word="this is the spaced word"; $word2 = str_replace( ' ', '', $word ); ?>
  14. i would put all the select names i think they are cities into a table and query all of them to make your code shorter and cleaner. <? session_start(); $_SESSION['oldID'] = $_POST['oldID']; $_SESSION['animalID'] = $_POST['animalID']; $_SESSION['status'] = $_POST['status']; $_SESSION['date'] = $_POST['date']; $_SESSION['species'] = $_POST['species']; $_SESSION['breed'] = $_POST['breed']; $_SESSION['sex'] = $_POST['sex']; $_SESSION['primary_colour'] = $_POST['primary_colour'];; $_SESSION['colour'] = $_POST['colour']; $_SESSION['distinctive_traits'] = $_POST['distinctive_traits']; $_SESSION['fur_length'] = $_POST['fur_length']; $_SESSION['age'] = $_POST['age']; $_SESSION['desexed'] = $_POST['desexed']; $_SESSION['microchipped'] = $_POST['microchipped']; $_SESSION['suburb'] = $_POST['suburb']; $_SESSION['pound_area'] = $_POST['pound_area']; $_SESSION['contact'] = $_POST['contact']; $_SESSION['link'] = $_POST['link']; $_SESSION['notes'] = $_POST['notes']; $_SESSION['uploaded_file'] = $_FILES['uploaded_file']; $_SESSION['imageFile'] = $_FILES['uploaded_file']['name']; $_SESSION['imageMime'] = $_FILES['uploaded_file']['type']; $_SESSION['imgData'] = $_FILES['uploaded_file']['tmp_name']; $_SESSION['imgSize'] = $_FILES['uploaded_file']['size']; //If the photo field is empty, we call the no photo stuff if($_SESSION['imgSize'] === 0){ header("Location: nophoto.php"); }else{ header("Location: Photo.php"); } ?>
  15. Is this what you are looking for? <?php // Make a MySQL Connection mysql_connect("localhost", "admin", "1admin") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("test") or die(mysql_error()); // Get all the data from the "example" table $result = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM example") or die(mysql_error()); ?> <select name="" > <?php while($record = mysql_fetch_array( $result )) { ?> <option value="<?php echo $record[class_id];?>"><?php echo $record['class_title']; ?> </option> <?php } ?> </select>
  16. it didnt work, but it sure helped me out this is the code that i used <?php echo "<ul class='services-list'>"; $i = 1; foreach ($rows_class as $record_class ){ if($record_class === end($rows_class) ) { echo "<li class='bubble last'>\n"; } else if($i <= 2) { echo "<li class='bubble'>"; } $string = $record_class['description']; ?> <a href="viewclass.php?class_id=<?php echo base64_encode($record_class[class_id]) ?>"> <h6 class="title"><img src="./images/services/picture-services.png" class="picture" alt="logo" /> <?php echo $record_class[class_title]; ?> </h6></a> <p> <?php echo substr(strip_tags($string), 0, 200); ?> </p> </li> <?php $i++; } ?> </ul>
  17. I am have a query with a limit of 3 i want it to echo the first two in one li class and the 3 in another li class. This is what i have, but i know the logic is not right, but i cant figure it out </div> <?php echo "<ul class='services-list'>"; //echo "<li class='bubble'>"; $i = 1; foreach ($rows_class as $record_class ){ ?> <li class="bubble"><a href="viewclass.php?class_id=<?php echo base64_encode($record_class[class_id]) ?>" /><h6 class="title"><img src="./images/services/picture-services.png" class="picture" alt="logo" /><? echo $record_class[class_title]; ?></h6></a><p><?php $string = $record_class['description']; echo substr(strip_tags($string), 0, 200); ?></p> <?php if( $i % 2 === 0 && $record_class !== end($rows_class) ) { echo "</li>\n<li class='bubble last'>\n";?> <?php } elseif ( $record_class === end($rows_class) ) { echo "</li>\n "; } $i++; } ?> </ul>
  18. I didn't get error the query was not returning any records with backslashes on it
  19. is probably because i have a mess in my code. Well maybe you can spot something or maybe i am doing it wrong i have two tables one order and order_details so i need to get a record from the order table and then bring that record back to order_details so this is how it works Search Bill Of Lading -> (go to order table) Get Order ID -> (go to order details table) -> Get all records for that order so i did this $searchlading = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['searchlading']) ; // get the query for the search engine (if applicable) $trimmed = trim($searchlading); //trim whitespace from the stored variable //query for pedimento $sql_ped = "SELECT order_id, bill_of_lading, pedimento_num FROM `".TABLE_ORDERS."` WHERE bill_of_lading LIKE '%$trimmed%'"; $record_ped = $db->query_first($sql_ped); //query for item details $sql_order = "SELECT order_details_id, order_id, product_id, po_num, warehouse_num, vendor_id FROM `".TABLE_ORDERDETAILS."` WHERE order_id = $record_ped[order_id] ORDER BY order_details_id DESC LIMIT 150"; $rows_order = $db->fetch_all_array($sql_order); ?>
  20. I am trying to perform a search but it doesn't see to pass through i thing its because of this \ does any one know how i can pass this trought to search in mysql table 12\019PB (i cant search this item) $searchlading = mysql_real_escape_string($_GET['searchlading']) ; // get the query for the search engine (if applicable) $trimmed = trim($searchlading); //trim whitespace from the stored variable //query for pedimento $sql_ped = "SELECT order_id, bill_of_lading, pedimento_num FROM `".TABLE_ORDERS."` WHERE bill_of_lading LIKE '%$trimmed%'";
  21. I have a store number that i want to add and echo. This resembles an invoice so i my table has unit_price and total_value which is defined by by multiplying unit_price and pieces. Now that i want to print invoice i want to know how to add all items that are from that invoice_id //get the total value for order $sql_value = "SELECT total_value FROM `".TABLE_ORDERDETAILS."`WHERE order_id = $record_order[order_id]"; $rows_value = $db->fetch_all_array($sql_value); foreach($rows_value as $record_value){ $value = $record_value[total_value]; }
  22. i am trying to use mpdf and i am trying to pass a for each loop. i was thinking equaling to a variable, but i saw you cant do that. foreach($rows_details as $record_details){ echo "<td>$record_details[po_num]</td> <td>$record_details[warehouse_num]</td> <td>$record_details[quantity]</td> <td>$record_details[packages]</td> <td>$record_details[weight]</td> <td>$record_details[product_id]</td> <td>$record_details[pieces]</td> <td>$record_details[unit_price]</td> <td>$record_details[total_value]</td>"; } so i have to pass it through this any one have an idea $html = ' <tr> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> <td></td> </tr> $mpdf->WriteHTML($html); $mpdf->Output(); exit; exit;
  23. Hello i am going to try out fpdf generator, but i wanted to know if anyone knows where i can get invoice templates or how would i go to create them. Could i create them with css and html?
  24. Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening? I can't make it work
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