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Beach Racer

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  1. I forgot to tell you that i had 2 errors on my phpmyadmin (1)The phpMyAdmin configuration storage is not completely configured, some extended features have been deactivated (2)Connection for controluser as defined in your configuration failed. So if you do what i posted then the problem will be fixed
  2. i figured it out this might help every 1 that has this problem go to xampp/phpmyadmin folder an find config.inc.php an change this to (1) it maybe set to (0) like mine was n i put it at 1 n it cleared everything up now i have NO ERRORS on my phpmyadmin. Hope this helps. Enjoy!!!!! Im goin bac to finish up on my phpmyadmin if any 1 has any ? feel free to email me at curtis@barrettdiesel.com /* * Servers configuration */ $i = 1;
  3. the prob was i didn't know how to make it work like who is online and click show and everything. Can some 1 pls help me <?php session_start(); mysql_connect("localhost","root","") or die(mysql_error()); mysql_select_db("chat"); $mandeep = '<img src="img/mandeep.png" height="32" width="32" style="margin-right:10px;" />'; $adhar = '<img src="../design/images/no-image/search.png" height="32" width="32" style="margin-right:10px;" />'; ?> <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /> <title>demo chat</title> <link href="css/chat_css.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /> <script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.3.2/jquery.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.6.2.js"></script> </head> <body> <script type="text/javascript" > $(function() { $("#name-form-1").submit(function() { var check_chat = $('adhar_message').val(); if(check_chat==""&&check_chat==null){ }else { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "submit.php", data: $('#name-form-1').serialize(), dataType: "json", complete: function(){ $("#check_chat").load('submit.php?chat_update=chat_update'); $("#mandeep_message").val(''); } }) $('.check_area').animate({scrollTop: $('.check_area')[0].scrollHeight}); return false; } }); }); </script> <script type="text/javascript" > $(function() { $("#name-form").submit(function() { var check_chat = $('adhar_message').val(); if(check_chat==""&&check_chat==null){ return false; }else { $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "submit.php", data: $('#name-form').serialize(), dataType: "json", complete: function(){ $("#check_chat").load('submit.php?chat_update=chat_update'); $("#adhar_message").val(''); } }) $('.check_area').animate({scrollTop: $('.check_area')[0].scrollHeight}); return false; } }); }); </script> <div class="chat_box" id="adhar"> <div style="width:320px; float:left ; text-align:left">Adhar</div> <div class="check_area"src="submit.php?chat_update=chat_update" scrolling="auto" > <div id="check_chat" style="width:200px; height:auto; min-height:20px; float:left; max-width:200px"> </div> <?php $mycheck = mysql_query("select MAX(id) from chat"); $row_last = mysql_fetch_array($mycheck); $max = $row_last['MAX(id)']; $i=1; while($i<=$max){ if(isset($oi)){$myo =mysql_query("select * from chat where ID='".$oi."'"); $rowo = mysql_fetch_array($myo); } $my =mysql_query("select * from chat where ID='".$i."'"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($my); if($row['ADHAR_MESSAGE']==""&&$row['MANDEEP_MSG']!=""){ if(isset($rowo['MANDEEP_MSG'])&&$rowo['MANDEEP_MSG']==""){ echo '<div class="top_border"></div><div class="p_m"></div><div class="chat_text">'.$row['MANDEEP_MSG'].'</div>'; }else{ echo '<div class="chat_text">'.$row['MANDEEP_MSG'].'</div>'; } } else if($row['MANDEEP_MSG']==""&&$row['ADHAR_MESSAGE']!=""){ if(isset($rowo['ADHAR_MESSAGE'])&&$rowo['ADHAR_MESSAGE']==""){ echo '<div class="top_border"></div><div class="p_a"></div><div class="chat_text">'.$row['ADHAR_MESSAGE'].'</div>'; }else{ echo '<div class="chat_text">'.$row['ADHAR_MESSAGE'].'</div>'; } } $oi=$i; $i++; } ?> </div> <form action="submit.php" method="post" id="name-form"> <input type="text" autocomplete="off" value="" id="adhar_message" name="adhar_message" /> </form> </div> <div class="chat_box" id="mandeep"> Mandeep <div class="check_area"src="submit.php?chat_update=chat_update" scrolling="auto" > <div id="check_chat" style="width:200px; height:auto; min-height:20px; float:left; max-width:200px"> </div> <?php $mycheck = mysql_query("select MAX(id) from chat"); $row_last = mysql_fetch_array($mycheck); $max = $row_last['MAX(id)']; $i=1; while($i<=$max){ if(isset($oi)){$myo =mysql_query("select * from chat where ID='".$oi."'"); $rowo = mysql_fetch_array($myo); } $my =mysql_query("select * from chat where ID='".$i."'"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($my); if($row['ADHAR_MESSAGE']==""&&$row['MANDEEP_MSG']!=""){ if(isset($rowo['MANDEEP_MSG'])&&$rowo['MANDEEP_MSG']==""){ echo '<div class="top_border"></div><div class="p_m"></div><div class="chat_text">'.$row['MANDEEP_MSG'].'</div>'; }else{ echo '<div class="chat_text">'.$row['MANDEEP_MSG'].'</div>'; } } else if($row['MANDEEP_MSG']==""&&$row['ADHAR_MESSAGE']!=""){ if(isset($rowo['ADHAR_MESSAGE'])&&$rowo['ADHAR_MESSAGE']==""){ echo '<div class="top_border"></div><div class="p_a"></div><div class="chat_text">'.$row['ADHAR_MESSAGE'].'</div>'; }else{ echo '<div class="chat_text">'.$row['ADHAR_MESSAGE'].'</div>'; } } $oi=$i; $i++; } ?> </div> <div class="input_cheat_chat"> <form action="submit.php" method="post" id="name-form-1"> <input type="text" autocomplete="off" value=""id='mandeep_message' name="mandeep_message" /> </form> </div> </div> </body> </html>
  4. this is my code $query[] = "(a.name REGEXP '( )*(" . Implode("|", explode(" ", preg_replace("/ +/", " ", $basic_search))) . ")( )*')";
  5. when i search for atx-615w i get 0 results when i search for atx 615w i find what im looking for... i need to know how to put special characters in my preg_replace.. u know like hyphens plus symbols.. do u c the difference in the model # atx-615w has a hyphen the other doesnt i need my search box to find hyphens....thx for ur help
  6. i need some 1 that can help me fix a problem in the preg_replace need to add special characters like - dash/minus sign hyphen
  7. on my website in the search it doesnt show items with a - .. but if u take the dash out and put a space it works.. try this search for atx-615w [attachment deleted by admin]
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