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Posts posted by cutielou22

  1. What it is doing:

    Right now it is taking the last known team members ($allteammembers) on all the rest of the results that do not have any team members. - So it should show nothing.


    What I want it to do:

    To show nothing for $allteammembers when there is no data found. - Like the way I think I have it coded.


    The Full Code Going Through Database:

    	if ($stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT title, caption, category, image, placement, teammember1, teammember2, teammember3, otherpeople, downloads, views FROM photogallery WHERE year = ? AND timeofday = ? AND status = 1 ORDER BY category, placement")) {
        $stmt->bind_param('is', $year, $timeofday);
        $stmt->bind_result($title, $caption, $category, $image, $placement, $teammember1, $teammember2, $teammember3, $otherpeople, $downloads, $views);
    	while($stmt->fetch()) {
    	if ((!empty($placement))) {
    	$stmt2 = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT boat, teammember1, teammember2, teammember3, channel, flathead, blue, total, bigfish, totalweight FROM tourneyresults WHERE year = ? AND timeofday = ? AND placement = ?");
    	$stmt2->bind_param('isi', $year, $timeofday, $placement);
    	$stmt2->bind_result($boat, $member1, $member2, $member3, $channels, $flatheads, $blue, $total, $bigfish, $weight);
    	$link1 = addplus($member1);
    	$link2 = addplus($member2);
    	$link3 = addplus($member3);
    	if ((!empty($member1)) && (!empty($link1))) {$member1 = "<a href='$mainurl/fisher/$link1'>$member1</a>";}
    	if ((!empty($member2)) && (!empty($link2))) {$member2 = "and <a href='$mainurl/fisher/$link2'>$member2</a>";}
    	if ((!empty($member3)) && (!empty($link3))) {$member3 = "and <a href='$mainurl/fisher/$link3'>$member3</a>";}
    	if ($boat) {$boat2 = "~ Boat #$boat";} else {$boat2 = "";}
    	if ($channels) {$channels2 = "$channels Channel(s)";} else {$channels2 = "";}
    	if ($flatheads) {$flatheads2 = " | $flatheads Flathead(s)";} else {$flatheads2 = "";}
    	if ($blue) {$blue2 = " | $blue Blue(s)";} else {$blue2 = "";}
    	if ((!empty($member1)) && (!empty($link1))) {$allteammembers = "<b>Team Members: </b>$member1 $member2 $member3 $boat2<br><span style=\"padding-left: 20px\">Caught: $channels2$flatheads2$blue2</span><br><br>";} else {$allteammembers = "";}
    $link5 = addplus($teammember1);
    $link6 = addplus($teammember2);
    $link7 = addplus($teammember3);
    if ((!empty($teammember1)) && (!empty($link5))) {$teammember1 = "<a href='$mainurl/fisher/$link5'>$teammember1</a>";}
    if (!empty($teammember2) && !empty($link6)) {$teammember2 = "and <a href='$mainurl/fisher/$link6'>$teammember2</a>";}
    if (!empty($teammember3) && !empty($link7)) {$teammember3 = "and <a href='$mainurl/fisher/$link7'>$teammember3</a>";}
    if ((!empty($teammember1)) && (!empty($link5))) {$teammemberspictured = "<b>Team Members Pictured: </b>$teammember1 $teammember2 $teammember3<br>";} else {$teammemberspictured = "";}
    	if ((!empty($otherpeople)) && (((!empty($teammember1)) && (!empty($link5))) || ((!empty($member1)) && (!empty($link1))))) {$otherpeople2 = "<b>Other People in This Photo:</b> $otherpeople<br>";}
    	if (!empty($otherpeople) && ((empty($teammember1)) && (empty($link5))) && ((empty($member1)) && (empty($link1)))) {$otherpeople2 = "<b>People in This Photo:</b> $otherpeople<br>";}
    	if (($category == "0") || (empty($category))) {$category2 = "No Category";}
    	if (($category == "1")) {$category2 = "First Place Winner";}
    	if (($category == "2")) {$category2 = "2nd-5th Place Winners";}
    	if (($category == "3")) {$category2 = "6th-12th Place Winners";}
    	if (($category == "4")) {$category2 = "13th-20th Place Winners";}
    	if (($category == "5")) {$category2 = "13th-24th Place Winners";}
    	if (($category == "6")) {$category2 = "Big Fish Winners";}
    	if (($category == "7")) {$category2 = "Take Off";}
    	if (($category == "8")) {$category2 = "Weigh In";}
    	if (($category == "9")) {$category2 = "Scoreboard";}
    	if (($category == "10")) {$category2 = "Prizes from Drawing";}
    	if (($category == "11")) {$category2 = "Kids Prizes and Face Painting";}
    	if (($category == "12")) {$category2 = "Morning Meeting";}
    	if (($category == "13")) {$category2 = "Sign Up";}
    	if (($category == "14")) {$category2 = "Spectators";}
    	if (($category == "15")) {$category2 = "Misc.";}
    	if (($category == "16")) {$category2 = "Extra Photos";}
    	if ($timeofday == "night") {$subfolder = "NightTourney";} else {$subfolder = "year";}
    	<div class="gallery" id="container">
      	<div id="left">
    		<img src="$mainurl/images/$subfolder/$year/$image">
      	<div id="bottom">
    		$category2 | <a href="$mainurl/images/year/$year/$image" class='links'>Download Image</a> | $downloads downloads | $views views | Report Error | Add A Comment
      	<div id="right">


    Snippet Not Working Correctly:

    	if ((!empty($member1)) && (!empty($link1))) {$allteammembers = "<b>Team Members: </b>$member1 $member2 $member3 $boat2<br><span style=\"padding-left: 20px\">Caught: $channels2$flatheads2$blue2</span><br><br>";} else {$allteammembers = "";}

    I would like to know how to fix it and why it is doing it exactly? All my ideas failed. :/

  2. Also, in NotePad++, I want to upload this file to my web site, I see where there is an upload button, but it is not enabled to allow me to upload this test program to my site.


    On Notepad++ you can use FTP to automatically upload and edit files on your website.

    1. First off, in Notepad++ look in the top menu for "Plugins".
    2. From there you should see in the dropdown menu "NppFTP"
    3. Hover over that and click "Show NppFTP Window". That will add it to the screen - if not already showing.

    Now to add your FTP details do the following:

    1. Click the Setting icon in the NppFTP window/area.
    2. Choose "Profile Settings".
    3. Click "Add new" in bottom left corner.
    4. Now enter your FTP details. If you do not know this information you will need to go to your webhost and find something like "FTP details" in your cpanel.


    Also: .php files will show the coding. Change the file to .html if you want to test the result.

  3. Ran some extra tests and changed coding slightly (getting different results):

    if ($handle = @opendir("../../images/year/$year/")) {
        $blacklist = array('.', '..', 'index.php', 'index.html');
        while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
            if (!in_array($file, $blacklist)) {
    	if($stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT id, image, title, caption, secureid FROM photogallery WHERE image = ? AND year = ? AND timeofday = ?"))
    	$stmt->bind_param('sis', $file, $year, $timeofday);
    	$stmt->bind_result($id, $image, $title, $caption, $photoid);
    		if ((isset($id)) && (isset($photoid)) && (isset($image))){
    		$idcheck = "<font color=\"green\">Found in Database</font>";
    		$admin = "<a href=\"../edit/photos.php?photoid=$photoid\">Edit</a>";
    		$details = "<b>$title</b> $caption";
    		} else {
    		$idcheck = "<font color=\"red\">Not Found in Database</font>";
    		$admin = "<a href=\"../add/photos.php?image=$file&year=$year&timeofday=$timeofday\">Add</a>";
    		$details = "";
    		echo "$file $image $details $idcheck $admin<br>";
    } else {echo "This image directory was not found.";}

    What It is Doing:
    Right now it is only reading the first file through the database and adding those results to the others file in the directory.


    EXAMPLE: This is what it is doing now.

    BoatDock2004.jpg BoatDock2004.jpg Take Off Found in Database Edit
    Weigh-in2004.jpg BoatDock2004.jpg Take Off Found in Database Edit
    FirstPlace2004.jpg BoatDock2004.jpg Take Off Found in Database Edit

    What I Want It To Do:
    I want it to show all the results regardless if found in the database or not and with the correct information (right now it is not showing the correct information afterwards as shown in the example above).


    EXAMPLE: Notice how image files are now matching up. (They do not necessarily need to match up maybe return blank if not found in the database.)

    BoatDock2004.jpg BoatDock2004.jpg Take Off Found in Database Edit
    Weigh-in2004.jpg Weigh-in2004.jpg NOT Found in Database Edit
    FirstPlace2004.jpg FirstPlace2004.jpg NOT Found in Database Edit

  4. Here is The Code:

    if ($handle = @opendir("../../images/year/$year/")) {
        $blacklist = array('.', '..', 'index.php', 'index.html');
        while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
            if (!in_array($file, $blacklist)) {
    	$stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT id, image, title, caption, secureid FROM photogallery WHERE image = ? AND year = ? AND timeofday = ? LIMIT 5");
    	$stmt->bind_param('sis', $file, $year, $timeofday);
    	$stmt->bind_result($id, $image, $title, $caption, $photoid);
    	while ($stmt->fetch())
    		if (($id) && ($photoid)){
    		$idcheck = "<font color=\"green\">Found in Database</font>";
    		$admin = "<a href=\"../edit/photos.php?photoid=$photoid\">Edit</a>";
    		$details = "<b>$title</b> $caption";
    		} else {
    		$idcheck = "<font color=\"red\">Not Found in Database</font>";
    		$admin = "<a href=\"../add/photos.php?image=$file&year=$year&timeofday=$timeofday\">Add</a>";
    		$details = "";
    		echo "$image $details $idcheck $admin<br>";
                echo "$file $details $idcheck $admin<br>";
    } else {echo "This image directory was not found.";}


    What It is Doing:

    Right now it is only showing the ones found in the database.


    What I Want It To Do:

    I want it to show all the results found in the database and the ones that are not found in the database. So I can see everything.


    If you need any more information. Please ask.

  5. The problem is that you're both using MRES() and prepared statements. Use one or the other, but not both at the same time.

    In this case, it's safe to remove the manual escaping of the input data. Since you're using prepared statements.

    Thanks I did not know this!


    Also, thanks @Psycho for helping me fix the main problem. :)

  6. @Psycho I tried your suggestion and found out mysqli_real_escape_string (); was causing the problem for some reason when putting it into the database. Why would that happen? How would I go about fixing this (if possible)?

  7. Here is the full page coding:

    $pagetitle = "Edit Band";
    $checkrank = 45;
    include "../../header.inc.php";
    $bandurl = mysqli_real_escape_string ($mysqli, $_GET["bandurl"]);
    $bandurl = cleansafely($bandurl);
    $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT id, bandname, bandurl, bio, source, formed, interests, influences, status, twitter, facebook, myspace, youtube, itunes, website, hometown, genre1, genre2, genre3, genre4, recordlabel, email, manager, manager2, bookingagent, bookingagent2, extra, dateadded FROM bands WHERE bandurl = ?");
    $stmt->bind_param('s', $bandurl);
    $stmt->bind_result($bandid, $bandname, $bandurl, $bandbio, $source, $formed, $interests, $influences, $status, $twitter, $facebook, $myspace, $youtube, $itunes, $website, $hometown, $genre1, $genre2, $genre3, $genre4, $recordlabel, $email, $manager2, $manageremail, $bookingagent2, $bookingagentemail, $extra, $dateadded);
    $extra = cleansafely($extra, "<br /><p><a><b><u><s><br><i>");
    $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT id, name FROM genres");
    $stmt->bind_result($id, $genrename);
    while ($stmt->fetch()){
    $genreoptions .= "<option value='$genrename'>$genrename</option>";
    ECHO <<<END
    <div class=clr></div>
    <center><a href="$baseurl/band/$bandurl" class="myButton">Band Page</a> <a href='$baseurl/589642r3d/add/bandmember.php?bandurl=$bandurl' class="myButton">Add Band Member</a></center>
    <div class=clr></div>
    <form action='band.pro.php' method='post' name='theMWAform' id='theMWAform' >
        <table width='98%' border='0' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='3'>
    	    <td>Band Name</td>
    	    <td>$bandname <input type='hidden' name='bandname' id='bandname' value='$bandname' maxlength='200'>
      <input type='hidden' name='bandid' id='bandid' value='$bandid'>
      <select name="status">
       <option value='$status'>$status</option>
       <option value='Active'>Active</option>
       <option value='Hiatus'>Hiatus</option>
       <option value='Inactive'>Inactive</option>
      <span class='small'>Year Formed</span> <input type='text' name='formed' size='6' id='formed' maxlength='4' value='$formed'>
    	    <td><textarea name='bio' type='text' rows='20' cols='150' id='bio' class='optional'><pre>
    $bandbio = htmlspecialchars($bandbio);
    //$bandbio = addbreaks($bandbio);
    //$bandbio = cleansafely($bandbio, "<br /><p><a><b><u><s><br><i>");
    echo $bandbio;
    ECHO <<<END
    	    <td>Biography Source</td>
      <select name='source'>
      <option value='$source'></option>
      <option value='0'>No Source</option>
      <option value='1'>Band Site</option>
      <option value='2'>Last FM</option>
      <option value='3'>Reverb Nation</option>
      <option value='4'>Live Nation</option>
      <option value='5'>AP (Alternative Press)</option>
      <option value='6'>Band of the Day</option>
      <option value='7'>Rolling Stone</option>
      <option value='8'>MTV</option>
      <option value='60'>Wikipedia</option>
      <option value='80'>Facebook</option>
      <option value='81'>MySpace</option>
      <option value='90'>User Submission</option>
      <option value='99'>Unknown Source</option>
    	    <td>Band Members</td>
    	    <td width=100%>
      <div class="memberdiv">Edit Band Members <a href='../list/bandmembers.php?bandurl=$bandurl' target='_blank'>Here</a>.<br></div>
    	    <td>Website </td>
    	    <td><input name='website' size='35' type='text' id='website' class='optional defaultInvalid url' value='$website'>
    		  <span class='example'>http://www.example.com</span></td>
    	    <td><input name='twitter' size='35' type='text' id='twitter' class='optional' value='$twitter'>
       <span class='example'>Just the username.</span></td>
    	    <td><input name='facebook' size='35' type='text' id='facebook' class='optional' value='$facebook'>
       <span class='example'>Just the username.</span></td>
    	    <td><input name='myspace' size='35' type='text' id='myspace' class='optional' value='$myspace'>
       <span class='example'>Just the username.</span></td>
    	    <td><input name='youtube' size='35' type='text' id='youtube' class='optional' value='$youtube'>
       <span class='example'>Just the username.</span></td>
    	    <td><input name='itunes' size='35' type='text' id='itunes' class='optional' value='$itunes'>
    		  <span class='example'>Just the username.</span></td>
    	    <td><input name='hometown' size='35' type='text' id='hometown' class='optional' value='$hometown'></td>
      <select name="genre1">
       <option value='$genre1'>$genre1</option>
      <select name="genre2">
       <option value='$genre2'>$genre2</option>
      <select name="genre3">
       <option value='$genre3'>$genre3</option>
      <select name="genre4">
       <option value='$genre4'>$genre4</option>
    	    <td>Record Label</td>
    	    <td><input name='recordlabel' size='35' type='text' id='recordlabel' class='optional' value='$recordlabel'></td>
    	    <td><input name='email' size='35' type='text' id='email' class='optional email' value='$email'></td>
    	    <td><span class='small'>Name</span><input name='manager' size='35' type='text' id='manager' class='optional' value='$manager2'>
    		  <span class='small'>Email</span><input name='manageremail' size='35' type='text' id='manageremail' class='optional' value='$manageremail2'></td>
    	    <td>Booking Agent</td>
      <td><span class='small'>Name</span><input name='bookagent' size='35' type='text' id='bookagent' class='optional' value='$bookagent2'>
    		  <span class='small'>Email</span><input name='bookagentemail' size='35' type='text' id='bookagentemail' class='optional' value='$bookagentemail2'> </td>
    	    <td><input name='history' value='1' type='checkbox' id='history' class='optional'>
      <select name="message">
       <option value=''></option>
       <option value='1'>Bio Edited</option>
       <option value='2'>Influences Edited</option>
       <option value='3'>Interests Edited</option>
       <option value='50'>Whole Page Edit</option>
    	    <td><textarea name='interests' type='text' rows=10 cols=85 id='interests' class='optional'>$interests</textarea></td>
    	    <td><textarea name='influences' type='text' rows=10 cols=85 id='influences' class='optional'>$influences</textarea></td>
    	    <td>Extra Info</td>
    	    <td><textarea name='extra' type='text' rows=10 cols=85 id='extra' class='optional'>$extra</textarea></td>
        <p align='center'>
    	  <input type='submit' class='mybutton' value='Edit Band'>
    include "../../footer.inc.php";

  8. This is what I have so far to help you out . .

    * { padding:0px; margin:0px; }
    html, body { width:100%; height:100%; max-height:100%; min-height:100%; }
    #wrapper {
    float: left;
    overflow: hidden;
    /* Header */
    #header {
    padding: 5px;
    /* Middle */
    #subwrapper {
    width: 100%;
    height: 100%;
    position: relative;
    #subwrapper:after {
    content: '.';
    display: block;
    clear: both;
    visibility: hidden;
    height: 0;
    #container {
    width: 100%;
    float: left;
    overflow: hidden;
    #content {padding: 5px 0 0 240px;}
    /* Left Sidebar */
    #leftTop {
    float: left;
    margin-left: -100%;
    margin-bottom: 50px;
    width: 225px;
    height: 85px;
    padding: 5px;
    #leftBottom {
    float: left;
    width: 225px;
    margin-left: -100%;
    padding: 5px;
    <!DOCTYPE html>
    <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <!--[if IE]><script src="http://html5shiv.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/html5.js"></script><![endif]-->
    <meta name="keywords" content="" />
    <meta name="description" content="" />
    <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" type="text/css" media="screen, projection" />
    <div id="wrapper">
    <div id="header">
    </div><!-- #header-->
    <section id="subwrapper">
     <div id="container">
      <div id="content">
      </div><!-- #content-->
     </div><!-- #container-->
     <aside id="leftTop">
     </aside><!-- #leftTop -->
     <aside id="leftBottom">
     </aside><!-- #leftTop -->
    </section><!-- #subwrapper-->
    </div><!-- #wrapper -->

  9. Find:

    <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" align="center">
    <td rowspan="2" class="move3"><a target="_blank" href="http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=3822802&goback=%2Eanp_3822802_1349390210881_1"><br />
           <img src="http://respiratoryscholar.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/banner.jpg" style="border-width: 0px" /></a></td>
    <td class="move1">
           <a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Respiratory-Scholar/176717429043118" target="_blank"><br />
           <img src="http://respiratoryscholar.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Facebook-button.jpg" style="border-width: 0px" /></a></td>
    <td class="move2">
           <a href="http://twitter.com/RespiroScholar" target="_blank"><br />
           <img src="http://respiratoryscholar.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/twitter_button.jpg" style="border-width: 0px" /></a></td>


    And replace it with:

    <table cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" align="center">
    <td rowspan="2"><a target="_blank" href="http://www.linkedin.com/groups?gid=3822802&goback=%2Eanp_3822802_1349390210881_1"><br />
     <img src="http://respiratoryscholar.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/banner.jpg" style="border-width: 0px" /></a></td>
     <a href="http://www.facebook.com/pages/Respiratory-Scholar/176717429043118" target="_blank">
     <img src="http://respiratoryscholar.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/Facebook-button.jpg" style="border-width: 0px" /></a></td>
     <a href="http://twitter.com/RespiroScholar" target="_blank">
     <img src="http://respiratoryscholar.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/twitter_button.jpg" style="border-width: 0px" /></a></td>


    I did remove the classes you had - you can add them back if you would like, but that might move them again.

  10. I am not sure if you have already tried this or not, but this is what I use to show how many likes for my button.


    Put somewhere after the <body> tag:

    <div id="fb-root"></div>
    <script>(function(d, s, id) {
     var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0];
     if (d.getElementById(id)) return;
     js = d.createElement(s); js.id = id;
     js.src = "//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js#xfbml=1";
     fjs.parentNode.insertBefore(js, fjs);
    }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk'));</script>


    Put this where the button should appear:

    <div class="fb-like" data-href="FULLURLHERE" data-send="false" data-width="450" data-show-faces="false"></div>


    Replace "FULLURLHERE" with your facebook page url.

    There is also a facebook like button generator: https://developers.connect.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/

  11. When I insert a break <br> it shows up as <br> in the textarea. The info is coming from the database.


    How the info is ran through before adding to database (just in case you need this):

    $bandbio = mysqli_real_escape_string ($mysqli, $_POST["bio"]);
    $bandbio = strip_tags($bandbio, "<br /><p><a><b><u><s><br><i>");
    $bandbio = rtrim($bandbio);


    Once taken from the database this is what the info goes through before displaying info in textarea:

    $bandbio = htmlspecialchars($bandbio);
    $bandbio = addbreaks($bandbio); //adds the break tag where needed
    echo $bandbio;


    So how would I make it so the <br> does not show up as html but actually shows as a line-break?


    For Example (this is what I would put in the text area):

    Some[press enter]



    To show up as:




    And not (like it is currently):


  12. I been trying to figure this out for about 3 or so hours (usually I wait 3 days of trying to fix something before I post here, but I can't wait xP) . . . and I am sure - as always - someone sees a simple fix and saves the day on PHPfreaks. :)


    Below is the code and details of what is happening is below.


    $stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT question, uniqueid FROM pollquestion WHERE status = 1");
    $stmt->bind_result($question, $uniqueid);
    while ($stmt->fetch())
    echo "<center><div class=tablebox><h5>$question</h5></div></center><br><div class=tablebox>";
    if (!$mysqli->query("SELECT optionname FROM pollchoices WHERE pollid = $uniqueid")) {echo "Multi-INSERT failed: (" . $mysqli->errno . ") " . $mysqli->error;} else{
    $stmt2 = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT optionname FROM pollchoices WHERE pollid = ?");
    $stmt2->bind_param('s', $uniqueid);
    while ($stmt2->fetch()){echo "$option";}
    echo "</div>";


    With this I get the error "Multi-INSERT failed: (2014) Commands out of sync; you can't run this command now." I looked it up on Google and it was saying I should use multi_query. I replaced the query with multi_query and still no luck and no change in error. So I changed it back.


    I do stuff like this a lot in my coding and never came across this error. Should I be using multi_query? I never used it before, if so - how should I be using it?


    This is what I am trying to get to happen: I get the question for the poll and the unique id. With the unique id I can find out what poll options goes with it. That is all I want to do and I cannot get the poll options to show.

  13. Not really a fan of the layout - it needs some work in my opinion.


    I don't get the point of the homepage either. There is no information just images. Some details about the site on the homepage would be nice. Also, the homepage images load kind of slow also (at least for me) - maybe make them smaller in size.


    I am using Google Chrome on Windows XP.

  14. I must agree pop up alerts are annoying. I don't think much people will favor them over a page display. Pop up alerts are like pop up ads in a way and nobody likes ads. When they see the pop up alert they probably think ads and will want to go in another direction . . .


    And like Pikachu2000 said

    what happens when a user has JS disabled?


    You will have to have the page display anyways.

  15. The site has a nice layout and is organized nicely.


    Just one question is the "Latest Specials" not supposed to be lined up?


    And for the tweets section it also says "loading latest tweets." - It does not seem to actually load any tweets. I am using Google Chrome (if that would make a difference.)

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