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Everything posted by hoangthi

  1. Yeah There is no header function here. This is my code <? if ($_GET['action'] == "defuse") { echo "<td></td> <td> <div align=\"center\"><img src=\"http://i.imgur.com/NCQHDzV.jpg\" alt=\"C4 TNT\" width=\"319\" height=\"121\"> </div></td> <div align=\"center\" class=\"style1\">Select the line that you want to cut! </div></td> <td><form name=\"form1\" method=\"post\" action=\"spend.php?ref={$_GET['ref']}&action=defuse\"> <table border=\"0\" cellpadding=\"2\" cellspacing=\"0\" style=\"width:100%\"> <tbody><tr align=\"center\"> </tr> <tr align=\"center\"> <td align=\"center\"><font size=\"2\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\"><strong> <input name=\"bet\" value=\"blackline\" checked=\"checked\" type=\"radio\"> <sy2>BLACK LINE</sy2></strong></font></td> <td align=\"center\"><font size=\"2\" face=\"Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif\"><strong> <input name=\"bet\" value=\"redline\" type=\"radio\"> <sy1>RED LINE</sy1></strong></font></td> </tr> </tbody></table> <p align=\"center\"> <input name=\"Submit\" value=\"Press to Desufe the Bomb\" type=\"submit\"> </p> </form></td> "; exit(); } ?> Please help me please!
  2. My English is so bad but I see Of course, spend.php is in bomb folder and in the same folder as bombcutting.php
  3. Yeah. I disable the .htaccess and of course, the browser goes to the 404 page. I don't understand why... This is my demo http://dragonace.info/bomb/bombcutting.php?action=defuse Please view source it to help me
  4. Hello everyone. I have a problem about HTML form and I need your help This is my code: echo "<form name=\"form1\" method=\"post\" action=\"spend.php?ref={$_GET['ref']}&action=sth\"> <input name=\"bet\" value=\"Something\" type=\"radio\">SomeThing <input name=\"bet\" value=\"Something\" type=\"radio\">SomeThing <input name=\"Submit\" value=\"Press to submit\" type=\"submit\">" I dont understand why I can't submit the form when clicking the submit button. The browser doesn't goto spend.php page, It shows me 404 not found and Redirects to index page (I use .htaccess) This is my live code online: http://dragonace.info/bomb/bombcutting.php?action=defuse Thank you for reading and sorry for my bad English!
  5. actually, I just want to make a function which is based on this code : https://perfectmoney.com/acct/samples/parse_spend.txt but not successful.... $f=fopen('[url="https://perfectmoney.is/acct/confirm.asp?AccountID=myaccount&PassPhrase=mypassword&Payer_Account=U987654&Payee_Account=U1234567&Amount=1&PAY_IN=1&PAYMENT_ID=1223"]https://perfectmoney.is/acct/confirm.asp?AccountID=myaccount&PassPhrase=mypassword&Payer_Account=U987654&Payee_Account=U1234567&Amount=1&PAY_IN=1&PAYMENT_ID=1223[/url]' I have variables: myaccount, mypassword, payer account.... and I want to make a function to fill in the link
  6. This is their (Perfect Money) example: https://perfectmoney.com/acct/samples/parse_spend.txt This my function: Unfortunately, It doesn't work, I need your help. Thanks so much. <?php $_acct = "U9876543"; // My account $PerfectMoney = "U1234567"; // Receiver account $payout = "0.03"; //Amount $_paymemo = "Something"; //Memo _MakeSpend($_acct,$_acct_pass,$PerfectMoney,$payout,$_paymemo); //new version - RETURN BATCH NUMBER!!! function _MakeSpend($from, $to, $amount, $memo) { $f=fopen('https://perfectmoney.is/acct/confirm.asp?AccountID=1234567&PassPhrase=abcxyz&Payer_Account=$from&Payee_Account=$to&Amount=$amount&PAY_IN=1&Memo=$memo&PAYMENT_ID=1223', 'rb'); if($f===false){ echo 'error openning url'; } // getting data $out=array(); $out=""; while(!feof($f)) $out.=fgets($f); fclose($f); // searching for hidden fields if(!preg_match_all("/<input name='(.*)' type='hidden' value='(.*)'>/", $out, $result, PREG_SET_ORDER)){ echo 'Ivalid output'; exit; } $ar=""; foreach($result as $item){ $key=$item[1]; $ar[$key]=$item[2]; } return $ar; } ?> PS: I am Php newbie, If you can. Please help me to write new function name: _MakeSpend Once Again, Thanks
  7. I want to get both text1 and text2 in my example.... So what should i do?
  8. Hello, i have some problems with 'preg_match_all' to Get contents by Tags name... $source = '<div class="num1"> <div> Text1 </div> Text2 </div>'; $pattern = '/<div class="num1">(.*)<\/div>/isU'; preg_match_all($pattern, $source, $matches); And echo $matches is "Text1", it is not Text1 Text2 So can you help me to get contents by real tags "<div class="num1">...<div>" ? Thanks in advance.
  9. Thank you so much, Simply, add to .htacess this: php_flag magic_quotes_gpc Off
  10. i want to make a form to input tags for preg match all so i nEed initial value of the form...
  11. Easy to do, just create a php.ini with some commands and upload it, but can you help me with an other way?
  12. Here is my basic example: <? echo $result = $_POST["test"]; ?> <form method="post" action="<?php echo $PHP_SELF;?>"> <b>TEST: </b> </br> <textarea rows="2" name="test" cols="60"></textarea><br /> <input type="submit" value="submit" name="submit"> </form> Input abcdefg into textarea and click Submit, and we will see $result = abcdefg; But if i type: /<title>(.*)<\/title>/isU We will have $result = /<title>(.*)<\\/title>/isU (NOT /<title>(.*)<\/title>/isU ) I want to get $result = /<title>(.*)<\/title>/isU Please help me.
  13. can i use it ? $dt = new DateTime('Sat, 28 Apr 2012 05:09:45 GMT');
  14. I have a string in php: I want to convert it to timestamp Example: 1335594473
  15. how can i get each element of $matches Ex: $matches[1], $matches[2]...
  16. This is source of a page: http://vn-ace.com/forum/test.txt I want to get contents betweent <blockquote class="postcontent restore"> and </blockquote> but i dont know how to do ? How can i do ? Please help me. I am newbie. Thanks
  17. Can i use mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); after my code connect to database?
  18. Can i use mysql_query("SET NAMES 'utf8'"); after my code connect to database?
  19. Thank you for replying, Yes. Utf-8 How can me fix this?
  20. $title = 'Wế ầrế Únítếd Stấtệs"; mysql_query("insert into mybb_threads(subject) VALUES('$title')"); And this is in Database(error Font): but I need this: Wế ầrế Únítếd Stấtệs Please help me
  21. I have some words are written by UTF-8. I want to use PHP to convert them to NCR DECIMAL. This is my words. After Convert: Sorry my bad English. Thanks advance This is TEXT FILE my Source. (attach File) [attachment deleted by admin]
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