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Posts posted by jcombs_31

  1. I've created some pretty simple event calendars that output a monthly table and query the database for daily events.  I'm looking to create a much more advanced calendar like you would find in a desktop app like outlook.  I need recurring events and floating events and probably times because people will be submitting requests for schedules.


    I'm really just trying to wrap my head around the basic database design to handle the floating and recurring events.  I don't to be limited to a weekly recurrence pattern.  I would like options like daily, weekly, monthly, or maybe even biweekly, etc. How do you account for a recurring event that has no end date in the database?


    Maybe this is something easy to create, but I would like some direction on the database schema that would work best to help get me going in the right direction.


    Any thoughts or references on this would be very helpful.

  2. If you just want to create a diagonal line pattern, create a small square document, say 5x5, then use the 1pixel pencil tool and zoom in to create 1px squares diagonally.  You can then save that as a pattern, edit > define pattern.  If that is what you are asking.

  3. There are plenty of problems with macs, especially some of the older ibooks, but they have come a long way. I support a mixed network environment of both mac and windows and there are some active directory integration problems.  Lately I've been using Open Directory which actually isn't bad.  I'm really not a fan of the hardware but the software certainly has come a long way.


    I just recently had to swap some hard drives on older ibooks and I had to completely disassemble the laptop to get the the drive.  That is just poor design and a trap to customers in my opinion. 

  4. ok... so now that I have the while loop going how do I echo out just one of the tables?


    I can print_r($row) all day long, but how do I access just one of the DB tables?


    That depends on your query and the method for retrieving the results.  If you are using mysql_fetch_assoc, you would do something like


    while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result) {
      echo $row['fieldname'];

  5. Please explain why you repeat the menu text. Doesn't make sense to me.  Sometimes you see something like About (about the person) or something to that extend, but not the same exact text repeated, serves no purpose.  Then you repeat the same menu down the left column.  You have taken redundancy to a whole new level.


    The design itself isn't that bad, but it can use some work. The little ribbon/flower type design at the top/left I think should extend beyond the actual container.


    At first I thought your gallery only had 2 images.  You should find a better way to showcase your work. That should be the main area of interest for your website and seems like not much attention went to it.

  6. Yes Corbin, that was a random example, the urls don't actually have numbers.  It seems I found the problem.  I had to disable multiviews for the rewriting to work correctly.  I couldn't figure this out, because my rules worked in a production server, but I just recently set up my testing server and it was giving me problems.


    This was a good few hours of aggravation. 

  7. I have a basic directory structure that I want to use with a rewrite rule.  Here is the basic directory structure




    So you see I have php files with the same names as the directories.


    In info.php for example, I will have a switch to include a file inside the info directory.  Something like


    $page = $_GET['page'];
    switch($page) {
      case 'file1'


    I want my URL to look like this [mysite.com/info/file1]


    So, I thought I could write some pretty basic rewrite rule  ( mind you I don't really know much of anything about mod_rewrite )


    What I have is this


    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME}
    RewriteRule ^info/([a-z]+)/?$ info.php?page=$1 [NC,L]


    But if I go to the url [mysite.com/info/file1] , I get file1, but not included as part of info.php


    If I simply change the rule to


    RewriteRule ^somethingelse/([a-z]+)/?$ info.php?page=$1 [NC,L]


    and then visit [mysite.com/somethingelse/file1] it works fine.  So, I'm having a problem with the rewrite matching the directory name. 


    I could just be doing this all wrong, so if anyone can give a good example and explanation of how to accomplish what i want, that would be great :)

  8. There is definitely too much 'white' space.  I fail to see the point in ads unless you are generating a lot of traffic, which you certainly shouldn't have at this point because I don't really see why someone would come back to your site?  If this is a portfolio site, you DEFINITELY shouldn't have ads.  A portfolio site is to gain clients and present your work, not gain ad revenue even if you receive a lot of traffic.


    What exactly is the donate button for?  Why would people send you money?  At this point you don't even have any tutorials.  Check out http://gotoandlearn.com/.  This site has a wealth of video tutorials and I don't see any ads or donate buttons.  You also shouldn't try to scale up your paypal button. 

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