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Posts posted by dodgeitorelse3

    	var labelsdb = <?php echo json_encode($labelsdb); ?>; //array from database for dates and times
    	var datadb = <?php echo json_encode($datadb); ?>; // array from database for number of players
    	var datadon = <?php echo json_encode($datadon); ?>; // array from database for number of players
    	var datadoff = <?php echo json_encode($datadoff); ?>; // array from database for number of players
    	var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart"); // points to canvas
    	ctx.style.backgroundColor = "#2F3136"; //canvas background color
    	var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
    		type: 'line',
    		data: {
    			labels: labelsdb,
    				datasets: [{
    					label: 'Players',
    					yAxisID: 'A',
    					backgroundColor: '#593A45', // color for active players bars in graph
    					borderWidth: 1, // border for active players bars in graph
    					borderColor: '#F45E7F',
    					steppedLine: true, //true keeps even line horizontal until change, false displays curved line
    					data: datadb
    				}, {
    				    label: 'Online',
    					yAxisID: 'B',
    					backgroundColor: '#808080', // color for active players bars in graph
    					borderWidth: 1, // border for active players bars in graph
    					borderColor: '#CECECE',
    					steppedLine: true, //true keeps even line horizontal until change, false displays curved line	
    					data: datadon
    		options: {
    			responsive: true, //whether graph is responsive when zoom in or out
    			maintainAspectRatio: false,
    				scales: {
    					xAxes: [{
    						scaleLabel: {
    							display: true,
    							fontColor: '#FFFFFF',
    							fontStyle: 'bold',
    							fontSize: 14
    						ticks: {
    							autoSkip: false,
    							maxTicksLimit: 24,
    							maxRotation: 45, //rotate text for hours at bottom of graph
    							minRotation: 45, //rotate text for hours at bottom of graph
    							fontColor: '#FFFFFF', // color of hours at bottom of graph
    								major: {
    									enabled: true, // <-- This is the key line
    									fontStyle: 'bold', //You can also style these values differently
    									fontSize: 14 //You can also style these values differently
    						type: 'time', //to show time at bottom of graph
    							time: {
    								unit: 'hour',
    								displayFormats: {
    								hour: 'hA', //example displays 9AM or 6PM
    								stepSize: 1 //1 for each hour to display at bottom of graph, 2 to show every 2 hrs.
    						display: true,
    							gridLines: {
    								display: true, // display vertical gridline
    								color: '#686868', //color of vertical gridlines
    								zeroLineColor: '#686868' //colors first vertical grid line
    					yAxes: [{
    						id: 'A',
    						type: 'linear',
    						position: 'left',
    							ticks: {
    								fontColor: '#FFFFFF', // color of numbers at left side of graph for number of players
    								stepSize: 1
    							gridLines: {
    								display: true, //display horizontal gridlines
    								color: "#686868" //color of horizontal gridlines
    							scaleLabel: {
    								display: true, //display label at left vertical side of graph
    								labelString: 'Players', //text to be displayed at left vertical side of graph
    								fontColor: '#FFFFFF',
    								fontStyle: 'bold',
    								fontSize: 14,
    					}, {
    						id: 'B',
    						type: 'linear',
    						position: 'right',
    							ticks: {
    								max: 1,
    								min: 0,
    								stepSize: 1,
    								fontColor: '#808080',
    								fontStyle: 'bold',
    								fontSize: 14
    							gridLines: {
    								display: true, //display horizontal gridlines
    								color: "#686868" //color of horizontal gridlines
    							scaleLabel: { 
    								display: true, 
    								labelString: 'Online', 
    								fontColor: '#808080',
    								fontStyle: 'bold',
    								fontSize: 14 


  2. I have this code. The players works and scales to the left side 0-23 but online scales to left side 0-23 instead of right side 0-1. What am I doing wrong?

    //arrays used in javascript
    	//$labelsdb = array('2018-12-20 00:11', '2018-12-20 00:37', '2018-12-20 00:43', '2018-12-20 03:15', '2018-12-20 03:42', '2018-12-20 03:56', '2018-12-20 04:17', '2018-12-20 04:33', '2018-12-20 07:23', '2018-12-20 10:00', '2018-12-20 12:23', '2018-12-20 14:00', '2018-12-20 18:42', '2018-12-20 19:17', '2018-12-20 23:53');
    	//$datadb = array(2,12,2,7,23,5,8,2,0,4,0,8,1,0,3);
    	//$datadon = array(1,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1);
    	//$datadoff = array(0,1,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,0);
    	var labelsdb = <?php echo json_encode($labelsdb); ?>; //array from database for dates and times
    	var datadb = <?php echo json_encode($datadb); ?>; // array from database for number of players
    	var datadon = <?php echo json_encode($datadon); ?>; // array from database for number of players
    	var datadoff = <?php echo json_encode($datadoff); ?>; // array from database for number of players
    	var todays_date = "20Dec2018"; // todays date
    	//var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart").getContext('2d'); // points to canvas
    	var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart"); // points to canvas
    	ctx.style.backgroundColor = "#2F3136"; //canvas background color
    	var myChart = new Chart(ctx, {
    		type: 'line',
    			data: {
    				labels: labelsdb, //data from database for dates and times
    				datasets: [{
    					backgroundColor: '#593A45', // color for active players bars in graph
    					label: 'Players', // label for legend 
    					yAxisId: 'y-axis-players',
    					data: datadb, //data from database for number of players
    					borderWidth: 1, // border for active players bars in graph
    					borderColor: '#F45E7F',
    					steppedLine: true, //true keeps even line horizontal until change, false displays curved line
    					yAxisId: 'y-axis-online',
    					backgroundColor: '#E5E5E5', // color for active players bars in graph
    					label: 'Online', // label for legend 
    					data: datadon, //data from database for number of players
    					borderWidth: 1, // border for active players bars in graph
    					borderColor: '#CECECE',
    					steppedLine: true, //true keeps even line horizontal until change, false displays curved line	
    			options: {
    				responsive: true, //wheteher graph is responsive when zoom in or out
    				maintainAspectRatio: false,
    				legend: {
    					labels: {
    						fontColor: '#FFFFFF' // color of legend label
    				scales: {
    					xAxes: [{
    						scaleLabel: {
    							display: true,
    							//labelString: updated, //displays date at very bottom of graph
    							fontColor: '#FFFFFF',
    							fontStyle: 'bold',
    							fontSize: 14,
    						ticks: {
    							autoSkip: false,
    							maxTicksLimit: 24,
    							maxRotation: 45, //rotate text for hours at bottom of graph
    							minRotation: 45, //rotate text for hours at bottom of graph
    							fontColor: '#FFFFFF', // color of hours at bottom of graph
    							major: {
    								enabled: true, // <-- This is the key line
    								fontStyle: 'bold', //You can also style these values differently
    								fontSize: 14 //You can also style these values differently
    						type: 'time', //to show time at bottom of graph
    						time: {
    							unit: 'hour',
    							displayFormats: {
    							hour: 'hA', //example displays 9AM or 6PM
    							stepSize: 1 //1 for each hour to display at bottom of graph, 2 to show every 2 hrs.
    						display: true,
    						gridLines: {
    							display: true, // display vertical gridline
    							color: '#686868', //color of vertical gridlines
    							zeroLineColor: '#686868' //colors first vertical grid line
    					yAxes: [{
    						scaleLabel: {
    							display: true, //display label at left vertical side of graph
    							labelString: 'Players', //text to be displayed at left vertical side of graph
    							fontColor: '#FFFFFF',
    							fontStyle: 'bold',
    							fontSize: 14,
    							position: 'left', 
    							id: 'y-axis-players',
    						ticks: {
    							fontColor: '#FFFFFF', // color of numbers at left side of graph for number of players
    							stepSize: 1 // 1 is to display 0, 1, 2, 3 or 2 will display 0, 2, 4, 6
    						gridLines: {
    							display: true, //display horizontal gridlines
    							color: "#686868" //color of horizontal gridlines
    					   scaleLabel: { 
    							display: true, 
    							labelString: 'Online', 
    							fontColor: '#E5E5E5',
    							fontStyle: 'bold',
    							fontSize: 14 },
    							position: 'right', 
    							id: 'y-axis-online',
    							//type: 'linear',
    								ticks: {
    									min: 0, 
    									beginAtZero: true, 
    									stepSize: 1, 
    									max: 1, 
    									fontColor: '#E5E5E5',
    									fontStyle: 'bold',
    									fontSize: 14
    								ticks: {
    									fontColor: '#FFFFFF', // color of numbers at right side of graph for online
    									stepSize: 1 
    									gridLines: {
    										display: true, //display horizontal gridlines
    										color: "#686868" //color of horizontal gridlines


  3. I don't know what code is in test_time.php so I get an error that that page is not found. When I remove the form action page and leave it blank it seems to work for me and it seems to be starting the time when page loads. This was tested on my linux server.


  4. check your path to the file.


    I used your code with my path and got

    $string = file_get_contents('found.txt');
    $found = 'found';
            if($string == $found){
                    echo "string match";
            else {
                    echo "string does not match found";
    echo "<br>";
    echo "value of string: $string";
    echo "<br>";
    echo "value of found: $found";

    and displays

    string match
    value of string: found
    value of found: found
  5. I have a page that contains an iframe. The page that loads into the iframe is called scan.php which scans a directory for any files or subfolders. I have learned how to turn off buffering so that as each item is returned it displays on the page in the iframe. Is there a way to keep the page scrolled to the bottom as each item is returned?

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