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Christian F.

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Posts posted by Christian F.

  1. As far as I can see $var is still not being set, unless one of the IF-tests checks out true. Which means that it's highly likely that they don't.

    I'd run a var_dump () on the contents of the $_POST array, and see what it contains. Also, run a test of invalid categories, before running the loop. That way you control what should be done, and not the database driver. ;)


    PS: I'd use the value from the database as the value for the categories, and not base it upon the name. Or, if that's not viable, use an array of key->value bindings and check against it for validation.

    Example of the latter:

    $categories = array ('Suppressors' => 9, 'Buttstocks' => 1);
    if (!isset ($categories[$_POST['category'])) {
        // Invalid category selected, show warning and return.
    $var = $categories[$_POST['category']];

  2. First off there's no need to escape that double quote there, as it's not a meta character in either RegExp or single-quoted PHP strings.


    Then to your issue: What you want to look for is everything that's not a "<", instead of everything up to the "</a>" tag. In other words [^<]+ is what you're looking for. :)

  3. Ah... Re-reading the code I see I missed out on some details, sorry about that.


    Considering what I previously missed, it seems like you want to take the first element from the $files1 array, rename it to the first result from the MySQL query. Then take the next element, rename it to the next number, and so forth.

    If that's the case, then you'll want to look at  array_shift () instead of foreach () and continue;.

  4. There are a couple of steps that you want to do:

    1. [*]Create a user-specific random hash value.

    [*]Add this to the password.

    [*]Hash the password using a strong hashing algorithm (sha256 or better).

    [*]Store both the hashed password and the salt in the DB.

    Do this every time a user changes the password, and never ever save (or send) the unencrypted password anywhere. Possible exception to this, is if the user generates a random password. Then have it invalidated the first time the user logs on with it, but generally you'll want to avoid this if possible.


    Some people advocate running step 3 multiple times, adding the salt to the hash for each time. Whether or not this is actually adding anything is a point where the experts are divided on, so I can't say either way.


    I'd also advocate using a second hash value, which is stored in your applications configuration file. A site-specific hash value, if you want. That way even if your DB is leaked, the attackers won't have the full hash without gaining read-access to all of your PHP code. (In which case you're fscked anyway.)

  5. Not quite on-topic, but...


    I would actually recommend you to scrap DreamWeaver, and instead start to write the PHP code by hand. Start simple, with a tutorial showing you all of the basics, then work your way up. I believe the PHP manual has a good tutorial to start with.

    In either case, the PHP manual is a very good resource, and which is highly recommended to read through!

  6. If you look at this part here:

    if (!isset ($_POST['chosen'])) {
    $var = "4";
    } elseif (isset ($_POST['chosen'])) {
    array_push ($_SESSION['options_picked'], $var);

    You can see that you're trying to push the variable onto the $_SESSION array, without having it defined first. So if none of the predefined categories are selected, $var will be undefined and cast to an empty string when used in the query.

    I assumed this was because you mistakenly believed it being set above, due to the lack of indenting.


    PS: I also recommend moving the HTML header, doctype and all that out of the $output variable. It doesn't need to be there, after all. ;)


    PPS: You need to validate input, and escape the output in your SQL queries.

  7. Your problem is the use of [^.], which translates to "not a character" (or "only newlines", depending upon the modifier used).


    I've corrected the RegExps, plus removed some unnecessary capturing and make things a bit cleaner.

    function insert_rewrite_rules ($rules) {
    $newrules = array ();
    $page_name = 'mypage';
    //basic rule
    $newrules['(' . $page_name . ')$'] = 'index.php?pagename=$matches[1]';
    //search by id
    $newrules['(' . $page_name . ')/(\d+)$'] = 'index.php?pagename=$matches[1]&id=$matches[2]&search=1';
    //url with page included
    $newrules['(' . $page_name . ')(?:/(\\w+)-bedrooms)?(?:/(\\w+)-bathrooms)?/([^/]+)/(\\d+).html$'] = 'index.php?pagename=$matches[1]&bedrooms=$matches[2]&bathrooms=$matches[3]&query=$matches[4]&pagem=$matches[5]';
    //url with no page
    $newrules['(' . $page_name . ')(?:/(\\w+)-bedrooms)?(?:/(\\w+)-bathrooms)?(?:/([^/]+))*$'] = 'index.php?pagename=$matches[1]&bedrooms=$matches[2]&bathrooms=$matches[3]&query=$matches[4]';
    return $newrules + $rules;
    add_filter ('rewrite_rules_array', 'insert_rewrite_rules');

  8. Have you read in the PHP manual for the basic syntax of the language, as well as substr ()?

    We're not here to write the code for you, you know, but to help people who've tried, got stuck, and generally wants to learn.

  9. I'd use templates. Either in the form of a template engine, or via sprintf ().

    Something like this:

    // At the top of the page, or perhaps in a different file.
    $postTemplate = <<<PostTemp
    <span class="text">%1\$s</span>
    <div class="info">
        <a class="author" href="#"><img src="%2\$s">
        <span class="name">%3\$s</span></a>
        <span>%4\$d curtidas</span>
        <span>%5\$d comentarios</span>
    // Inside the function that writes the post.
    $formatted_bloomp .= sprintf ($postTemplate, htmlspecialchars ($bloomp['text']), rawurlencode (base_url ('upload/picture/' . $bloomp['author_picture'])),
            htmlspecialchars ($bloomp['author_name']), $bloomp['likes_number'], $bloomp['comments_number']);

  10. I strongly recommend reading up on LEFT JOIN, and how to use it.

    From what I gather of your code, you're trying to list up all of the options for all of the cart items of the current user. This is exactly what JOINs are made for, and which will allow you to pull all the relevant data from the database in a single query1.


    If you look at a previous post I made, you'll find a nice example on how you can do what you're looking to do here.


    PS: Remember that the less code you use to achieve what you want, generally the better it is. You want to keep things simple, and avoid repeating patterns of code. Your if-tests and echos are prime examples of repeated patterns which could have been merged, using variables for the tiny bits that differ between them. ;)


    1Database queries are quite expensive time-wise, so most of the time you really want to avoid using them in a loop.

  11. What you need is an UPDATE statement, with a WHERE clause to limit the rows updated to what you want.

    Something like this should work, though it might require you to join table B so try it on some test data first. ;)

    UPDATE `table_a` AS a SET a.`boolean` = $Val WHERE `table_b`.`name` = a.`name`


    Another way of doing it is by using WHERE IN() and a subquery. A quick google search will give you lots of examples on how this is done.

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