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Everything posted by lovephp

  1. What should the query be like to store attendance and also working hours for night shift workers the date changes by the time work gets over. M clueless how to achieve this as to get total records of working hours month wise. I did the attendance part also added field as in ams out time with time mysql field on a date timestamp but something don't seem ok. Any suggestions would be helpful
  2. and what is the issue you are facing exactly with those codes? inside the case whichever way you wish you can insert update or delete data from db. be it through calling a function or straight away but make sure u define id related to your post.
  3. I just wanted to know why people get offended if someone call them bro? though we know in real its not but why get offended? its just a question i wanted to know for sometime )
  4. PS - why do you expect the forum to solve a problem that you didn't write? agree that is true. i got hold of the situation now thanks thought
  5. sorry for the delay in reply, well here is my codes if i happen when i enter that symbol in title field only then i see the error which is referring to config.php file line 92 its the url slug function which i have and line 92 is this portion if($this->seems_utf8($string)){ the complete slug code is function create_slug($string){ $string = remove_accents($string); $string = symbols_to_words($string); $string = strtolower($string); $space_chars = array( " ", "…", "–", "—", "/", "\\", ":", ";", ".", "+", "$", "%", "#", "~", "_", "|", ); foreach($space_chars as $char){ $string = str_replace($char, '-', $string); } $string = preg_replace('/([^a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)/', '', $string); $string = preg_replace('/-+/', '-', $string); if(substr($string, -1)==='-'){ $string = substr($string, 0, -1); } if(substr($string, 0, 1)==='-'){ $string = substr($string, 1); } return $string; } function remove_accents($string) { if(!preg_match('/[\x80-\xff]/', $string)){ return $string; } if($this->seems_utf8($string)){ $chars = array( chr(195).chr(128) => 'A', chr(195).chr(129) => 'A', chr(195).chr(130) => 'A', chr(195).chr(131) => 'A', chr(195).chr(132) => 'A', chr(195).chr(133) => 'A', chr(195).chr(135) => 'C', chr(195).chr(136) => 'E', chr(195).chr(137) => 'E', chr(195).chr(138) => 'E', chr(195).chr(139) => 'E', chr(195).chr(140) => 'I', chr(195).chr(141) => 'I', chr(195).chr(142) => 'I', chr(195).chr(143) => 'I', chr(195).chr(145) => 'N', chr(195).chr(146) => 'O', chr(195).chr(147) => 'O', chr(195).chr(148) => 'O', chr(195).chr(149) => 'O', chr(195).chr(150) => 'O', chr(195).chr(153) => 'U', chr(195).chr(154) => 'U', chr(195).chr(155) => 'U', chr(195).chr(156) => 'U', chr(195).chr(157) => 'Y', chr(195).chr(159) => 's', chr(195).chr(160) => 'a', chr(195).chr(161) => 'a', chr(195).chr(162) => 'a', chr(195).chr(163) => 'a', chr(195).chr(164) => 'a', chr(195).chr(165) => 'a', chr(195).chr(167) => 'c', chr(195).chr(168) => 'e', chr(195).chr(169) => 'e', chr(195).chr(170) => 'e', chr(195).chr(171) => 'e', chr(195).chr(172) => 'i', chr(195).chr(173) => 'i', chr(195).chr(174) => 'i', chr(195).chr(175) => 'i', chr(195).chr(177) => 'n', chr(195).chr(178) => 'o', chr(195).chr(179) => 'o', chr(195).chr(180) => 'o', chr(195).chr(181) => 'o', chr(195).chr(182) => 'o', chr(195).chr(182) => 'o', chr(195).chr(185) => 'u', chr(195).chr(186) => 'u', chr(195).chr(187) => 'u', chr(195).chr(188) => 'u', chr(195).chr(189) => 'y', chr(195).chr(191) => 'y', chr(196).chr(128) => 'A', chr(196).chr(129) => 'a', chr(196).chr(130) => 'A', chr(196).chr(131) => 'a', chr(196).chr(132) => 'A', chr(196).chr(133) => 'a', chr(196).chr(134) => 'C', chr(196).chr(135) => 'c', chr(196).chr(136) => 'C', chr(196).chr(137) => 'c', chr(196).chr(138) => 'C', chr(196).chr(139) => 'c', chr(196).chr(140) => 'C', chr(196).chr(141) => 'c', chr(196).chr(142) => 'D', chr(196).chr(143) => 'd', chr(196).chr(144) => 'D', chr(196).chr(145) => 'd', chr(196).chr(146) => 'E', chr(196).chr(147) => 'e', chr(196).chr(148) => 'E', chr(196).chr(149) => 'e', chr(196).chr(150) => 'E', chr(196).chr(151) => 'e', chr(196).chr(152) => 'E', chr(196).chr(153) => 'e', chr(196).chr(154) => 'E', chr(196).chr(155) => 'e', chr(196).chr(156) => 'G', chr(196).chr(157) => 'g', chr(196).chr(158) => 'G', chr(196).chr(159) => 'g', chr(196).chr(160) => 'G', chr(196).chr(161) => 'g', chr(196).chr(162) => 'G', chr(196).chr(163) => 'g', chr(196).chr(164) => 'H', chr(196).chr(165) => 'h', chr(196).chr(166) => 'H', chr(196).chr(167) => 'h', chr(196).chr(168) => 'I', chr(196).chr(169) => 'i', chr(196).chr(170) => 'I', chr(196).chr(171) => 'i', chr(196).chr(172) => 'I', chr(196).chr(173) => 'i', chr(196).chr(174) => 'I', chr(196).chr(175) => 'i', chr(196).chr(176) => 'I', chr(196).chr(177) => 'i', chr(196).chr(178) => 'IJ',chr(196).chr(179) => 'ij', chr(196).chr(180) => 'J', chr(196).chr(181) => 'j', chr(196).chr(182) => 'K', chr(196).chr(183) => 'k', chr(196).chr(184) => 'k', chr(196).chr(185) => 'L', chr(196).chr(186) => 'l', chr(196).chr(187) => 'L', chr(196).chr(188) => 'l', chr(196).chr(189) => 'L', chr(196).chr(190) => 'l', chr(196).chr(191) => 'L', chr(197).chr(128) => 'l', chr(197).chr(129) => 'L', chr(197).chr(130) => 'l', chr(197).chr(131) => 'N', chr(197).chr(132) => 'n', chr(197).chr(133) => 'N', chr(197).chr(134) => 'n', chr(197).chr(135) => 'N', chr(197).chr(136) => 'n', chr(197).chr(137) => 'N', chr(197).chr(138) => 'n', chr(197).chr(139) => 'N', chr(197).chr(140) => 'O', chr(197).chr(141) => 'o', chr(197).chr(142) => 'O', chr(197).chr(143) => 'o', chr(197).chr(144) => 'O', chr(197).chr(145) => 'o', chr(197).chr(146) => 'OE',chr(197).chr(147) => 'oe', chr(197).chr(148) => 'R',chr(197).chr(149) => 'r', chr(197).chr(150) => 'R',chr(197).chr(151) => 'r', chr(197).chr(152) => 'R',chr(197).chr(153) => 'r', chr(197).chr(154) => 'S',chr(197).chr(155) => 's', chr(197).chr(156) => 'S',chr(197).chr(157) => 's', chr(197).chr(158) => 'S',chr(197).chr(159) => 's', chr(197).chr(160) => 'S', chr(197).chr(161) => 's', chr(197).chr(162) => 'T', chr(197).chr(163) => 't', chr(197).chr(164) => 'T', chr(197).chr(165) => 't', chr(197).chr(166) => 'T', chr(197).chr(167) => 't', chr(197).chr(168) => 'U', chr(197).chr(169) => 'u', chr(197).chr(170) => 'U', chr(197).chr(171) => 'u', chr(197).chr(172) => 'U', chr(197).chr(173) => 'u', chr(197).chr(174) => 'U', chr(197).chr(175) => 'u', chr(197).chr(176) => 'U', chr(197).chr(177) => 'u', chr(197).chr(178) => 'U', chr(197).chr(179) => 'u', chr(197).chr(180) => 'W', chr(197).chr(181) => 'w', chr(197).chr(182) => 'Y', chr(197).chr(183) => 'y', chr(197).chr(184) => 'Y', chr(197).chr(185) => 'Z', chr(197).chr(186) => 'z', chr(197).chr(187) => 'Z', chr(197).chr(188) => 'z', chr(197).chr(189) => 'Z', chr(197).chr(190) => 'z', chr(197).chr(191) => 's', chr(226).chr(130).chr(172) => 'E', chr(194).chr(163) => ''); $string = strtr($string, $chars); } else { $chars['in'] = chr(128).chr(131).chr(138).chr(142).chr(154).chr(158) .chr(159).chr(162).chr(165).chr(181).chr(192).chr(193).chr(194) .chr(195).chr(196).chr(197).chr(199).chr(200).chr(201).chr(202) .chr(203).chr(204).chr(205).chr(206).chr(207).chr(209).chr(210) .chr(211).chr(212).chr(213).chr(214).chr(216).chr(217).chr(218) .chr(219).chr(220).chr(221).chr(224).chr(225).chr(226).chr(227) .chr(228).chr(229).chr(231).chr(232).chr(233).chr(234).chr(235) .chr(236).chr(237).chr(238).chr(239).chr(241).chr(242).chr(243) .chr(244).chr(245).chr(246).chr(248).chr(249).chr(250).chr(251) .chr(252).chr(253).chr(255); $chars['out'] = "EfSZszYcYuAAAAAACEEEEIIIINOOOOOOUUUUYaaaaaaceeeeiiiinoooooouuuuyy"; $string = strtr($string, $chars['in'], $chars['out']); $double_chars['in'] = array(chr(140), chr(156), chr(198), chr(208), chr(222), chr(223), chr(230), chr(240), chr(254)); $double_chars['out'] = array('OE', 'oe', 'AE', 'DH', 'TH', 'ss', 'ae', 'dh', 'th'); $string = str_replace($double_chars['in'], $double_chars['out'], $string); } return $string; } function symbols_to_words($output){ $output = str_replace('@', ' at ', $output); $output = str_replace('%', ' percent ', $output); $output = str_replace('&', ' and ', $output); return $output; } i found it online its not written by me and here is how i post $jtitle = $_POST['title']; $jcompanyname = $_POST['companyname']; $jcompanymobile = $_POST['companymobile']; $jcompanyemail = $_POST['companyemail']; $jarea = $_POST['area']; $jcategory = $_POST['category']; $jdescription = $_POST['description']; $jurl = strtolower(''.create_slug(substr($jtitle, 0,90)).'/'); if(!isset($error)){ try { $stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO table (posterID, tbl_title,tbl_company_name,tbl_company_mobile,tbl_company_email,tbl_area,tbl_category,tbl_description,tbl_url) VALUES (:posterID, :tbl_title, :tbl_company_name, :tbl_company_mobile, :tbl_company_email, :tbl_area, :tbl_category, :tbl_description, :tbl_url)'); $stmt->execute(array( ':posterID' => $uid, ':tbl_title' => $jtitle, ':tbl_company_name' => $jcompanyname, ':tbl_company_mobile' => $jcompanymobile, ':tbl_company_email' => $jcompanyemail, ':tbl_area' => $jarea, ':tbl_category' => $jcategory, ':tbl_description' => $jdescription, ':tbl_url' => $jurl )); $stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO floodcontrol (memberID) VALUES (:memberID)'); $stmt->execute(array(':memberID' => $uid )); unset($jtitle, $jcompanyname, $jcompanymobile, $jcompanyemail, $jarea, $jcategory, $jdescription, $jurl); header("Location: ".DIR."".$seturl.""); exit(); } catch(PDOException $e) { $error[] = $e->getMessage(); } }
  6. why is this message showing up when i try to post something with this symbol ¶ in the title field which is a varchar but if i put this symbol in text field no error shows
  7. well what i was trying was to do the pagination without the parameters because i just wanted to search a table for a particular user. please take a look if this looks ok to you? it now works as i wanted it to but to be sure if you guys thing i did it right way or not $per_page = 1; $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table WHERE memberID = :memberID"; $stmt = $db->prepare($query); $stmt->bindParam(':memberID', $uid, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->execute(); $total = $stmt->fetchColumn(); $pages = ceil($total / $per_page); $page = min($pages, filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array( 'options' => array( 'default' => 1, 'min_range' => 1, ), ))); $offset = ($page - 1) * $per_page; $query = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE memberID = :memberID ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT :per_page OFFSET :offset"; $stmt = $db->prepare($query); $stmt->bindParam(':memberID', $uid, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':per_page', $per_page, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':offset', $offset, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); also one question in url pages are like file.php?page=2 for example and if i try to add a " even if the page is last why doing php?page=2" another page shows though if i click it goes back to page=2 again.
  8. you are right i made a mistake there now fixed thank you
  9. ok cool, and then i tried this without search fields just simple pagination but i get the following error Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'PDOException' with message 'SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2031 ' in C:\wamp\www\script\pagi.php on line 28 and the code i tried was like thid $uid = $_SESSION['memberID']; $query = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table WHERE memberID = '".$uid."'"; $stmt = $db->query($query); $stmt->bindParam(':memberID', $uid,PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); $stmt->execute(); global $per_page; $total = $stmt->fetchColumn(); $pages = ceil($total / $per_page); $page = min($pages, filter_input(INPUT_GET, 'page', FILTER_VALIDATE_INT, array( 'options' => array( 'default' => 1, 'min_range' => 1, ), ))); $offset = ($page - 1) * $per_page; $query = "SELECT * FROM table WHERE memberID = '".$uid."' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT :per_page OFFSET :offset"; $stmt = $db->query($query); $stmt->bindParam(':per_page', $per_page, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->bindParam(':offset', $offset, PDO::PARAM_INT); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetchAll(); what am i doing wrong here?
  10. Hey this is something i experienced today browsing some site that exact php file was trying to get downloaded to my pc
  11. So to be able to search more rows i just add only to this line $search_fields = array('title','name','description'); ?
  12. again got a question is this line $search_fields = array('title','name','description'); and any ways related to this $stmt = $db->prepare($query); foreach($params as $param) { $stmt->bindValue($param[0],$param[1],$param[2]); //this line } $stmt->execute(); } this is if i try to add more fields like say mobile,email in $search_fields = array('title','name','description',mobile,email);so i also need to increment here $stmt->bindValue($param[0],$param[1],$param[2],$param[3],$param[4]); like but doing so the page turns blank
  13. no need to say sorry i really don't mind at all. Well i do know how ro read write but where must i put a . Or a commas etc i do not know so this is where i get bad at explaining things
  14. well the key values comes as abc_def so i needed to remove the _ from the key, and yes my English is definitely bad but i try hard to improve
  15. this is sorted after i set domain name in the phpmailer mail.php script i changed the default noreply@domain.com to mine and now it started sending mails real fast
  16. trying to replace value of strings from array only if its not numeric but if numeric make no changes, the calues are somewhat like this abcd-efgh xyz-abc alpha-lima-lima bravo-charlie-charlie and also like 100-500 1000-5200 100000-800000 now what i wish to achieve is those which are not numeric those stings im trying to remove the - with a space but if its numeric value - should stay intact foreach ($_GET as $key => $value) { $key = str_replace('_', ' ', $key); if(!is_numeric($value)){ $value = str_replace('-', ' ', $value); } echo '<small><b>'.ucstring($key). ':</b> ' .ucstring($value). ',</small>'; } echo '<br/>'; } but doing so the code above making no changes to the numeric values even the numeric values - gets removed
  17. this is how the script looks if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ if($_POST['username'] == ''){ $error[] = 'Username is required.'; } if(!isset($error)) $hashedpassword = $user->password_hash($_POST['password'], PASSWORD_BCRYPT); try { $stmt = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO members (username,password) VALUES (:username, :password)'); $stmt->execute(array( ':username' => $_POST['username'], ':password' => $hashedpassword )); echo $to = $_POST['email']; $subject = "Registration Confirmation"; $body = "<p>Dear ".$_POST['username'].",</p><p>Thank you for registering at ".SITEURL.".</p> <p>To activate your account, please click on this link: <a href='".DIR."activate.php?x=$id&y=$activate'>".DIR."activate.php?x=$id&y=$activasion</a></p> <p>Regards,<br/>Admin<br/>".SITEURL."<br/>+91 <a href='tel:8486764090'>8486764090</a></p>"; $mail = new Mail(); $mail->setFrom(SITEEMAIL); $mail->addAddress($to); $mail->subject($subject); $mail->body($body); $mail->send(); } catch(PDOException $e) { $error[] = $e->getMessage(); } } } what more error can i check for?
  18. this is just so strange i tried just the registration in a sub folder and the scripts works fine but not on the main site im developing and i get no error which is being printet
  19. i have had mails being sent ok and i tested server is still sending mail but my scripts stopped sending mail be it with phpmailer of just general test, im talking only withing the script where config file is included ob_start();session_start();error_reporting(0);//set timezone$timezone = "Asia/Manila"; if(function_exists('date_default_timezone_set')){ date_default_timezone_set($timezone); }function validDate($dstring){ return (bool)strtotime($dstring);}//database credentialsdefine('DBHOST','localhost');define('DBUSER','root');define('DBPASS','');define('DBNAME','123');//application addressdefine('DIR','http://localhost/test/');define('SITEURL','www.site.com');define('SITEEMAIL','noreply@site.com');$per_page = 10;try { //create PDO connection $db = new PDO("mysql:host=".DBHOST.";dbname=".DBNAME, DBUSER, DBPASS); $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES,false); $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE, PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION); $db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE,PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); } catch(PDOException $e) { //show error echo ' '.$e->getMessage().''; exit;}include('classes/phpmailer/mail.php'); have not made any changes to my registration page except for in config.php i added these 2 line$db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_EMULATE_PREPARES,false);$db->setAttribute(PDO::ATTR_DEFAULT_FETCH_MODE,PDO::FETCH_ASSOC); does this has anything to do with sending email?here is how i send the mail $to = $_POST['email']; $subject = "Registration Confirmation"; $body = " Dear ".$_POST['username'].", Thank you for registering at ".SITEURL.". To activate your account, please click on this link: ".DIR."activate.php?x=$id&y=$activasion Regards, Admin ".SITEURL." tel:1234567890"; $mail = new Mail(); $mail->setFrom(SITEEMAIL); $mail->addAddress($to); $mail->subject($subject); $mail->body($body); $mail->send(); and i also tried sending mail like $to = $_POST['email']; $subject = "Registration Confirmation"; $headers = "From: www.site.com \r\n"; $headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1' . "\r\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=us-ascii' . "\r\n"; 'X-Mailer: PHP/' . phpversion(); $message = " Dear ".$_POST['username'].", Thank you for registering at ".SITEURL.". To activate your account, please click on this link: ".DIR."activate.php?x=$id&y=$activasion Regards, Admin ".SITEURL." tel:1234567890\n"; mail($to, $subject, $message, $headers); both not sending emails from the script anymore
  20. Cookie would do for me bit i haven't clue how could do that, would appreciate if you could help me with that how set subtraced value to cookie when checked amd also when submit but if unchecked clears cookie and goes back to the whatever value was there?
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