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bob_the _builder

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Everything posted by bob_the _builder

  1. Hi, I havnt found much about that function to alter date/time. I have come across: putenv("TZ=Pacific/Auckland"); Which seems to work if added to scripts.
  2. Hi, The server I host on is different time zone to me, is there away I can set the GMT on my site so Dates and Times are correct to my time zone? Thanks
  3. That was from the manual I have tried a few ways with no success. Brings back no matches: $sql = mysql_query("SELECT id, firstname, lastname, phone, cellphone, email, starttime, finishtime, event FROM calendar WHERE MONTH(starttime) LIKE 'MONTH(".$eventid.")%'"); Must be close, all makes sence. Thanks
  4. Hmm Tried a few ways, no success: $eventid=2007-05-21 $sql = mysql_query("SELECT id, firstname, lastname, phone, cellphone, email, MONTH(starttime) -> 2, finishtime, event FROM calendar WHERE starttime LIKE '".$eventid."%' ORDER BY starttime ASC"); Trying to pull all records for the 5th month. Thanks
  5. is the following used to grab records for that month? SELECT MONTH('1998-02-03'); -> 2 I could maybe switch the query if isset($_GET['day'])? Altho I havnt managed to get SELECT MONTH('1998-02-03'); -> 2 working in my query. Thanks
  6. When a day is selected from the calendar with the following link, I pass the variable ?day <a href=calendar.php?day&add='.$_GET['add'].'&eventid='.$linkdate.'>'.$day.'</a> I was thinking I could maybe alter the variable $eventid if isset($_GET['day']) Thanks
  7. Hi, Its stored as "datetime" Im looking more for an if statment I think. if(isset($eventid)){ $eventid = 2007-05-21 }else{ $eventid = selected_month } Not sure really, trying to keep it simple. Just not sure how to grab all records = to 5th month or 6th month. The variable passed is "2007-05-21" maybe use explode and the date parts? Thanks
  8. Hi, I have a query that shows all appointments of a chosen day using the following format: $eventid=2007-05-21 WHERE starttime LIKE '".$eventid."%' I have a calendar and am trying to make it show all records for the selected month, or display all records from a specific day if a day is selected from the calendar. So far I have it where I can show records from specific day, but want selected months records as default. Thanks
  9. Hi, Something like: echo 'Ops, you will be redirected shortly.'; header('Refresh: 2; url='.$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"].''); You may want to use meta refresh instead. hth
  10. Hi, I use something like: $BBCode = array( "<center>" => " [center]", "</center>" => "[/center] ", "<b>" => "[b]", "</b>" => "[/b]", "<u>" => "[u]", "</u>" => "[/u]", "<i>" => "[i]", "</i>" => "[/i]", "<img src=" => "[img=http://'", "'>" => "]", "<li>" => "[list][*]", "</li>" => "[/list]", "<font color='red'>" => "[color=red]", "</font>" => "[/color]", ); $value = str_replace(array_keys($BBCode), array_values($BBCode), $value); $value = mysql_real_escape_string(strip_tags(trim($value))); return $value; } Then reverse it for use with editing. hth
  11. thats no explained well I grab all the records from a field: $sql = mysql_query('SELECT mobile FROM list'); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($sql)) { $mobile = $row['mobile']; } I want to get all the numbers from the mobile column into a variable like: $mobile = '3245678,87978956,2321332,656546546,etc'; How can I go about that? Thanks
  12. Hi, Im trying to grab a column of phone numbers from mysql table, send all the records across a hidden form field along with a message text area and reply field. once submitted grab all the records from the phone number column and format it to: $mobile = '12345,456788,566788,etc'; also grab the message post and reply post data Basically so I can send a the same message to all the mobiles. How could one acheive that? Thanks
  13. Hi, I tested both urls and both seemed to be working fine?
  14. Im guessin I can use explode function, but im not sure what the delimiter would be with such an array.. Thanks
  15. Hi, I have a form layed out like so to upload photos and input the file name into the database. while($counter <= $nof){ echo '<div class="editpage"> <label>Photo '.($counter+1).' Title</label> <input type="text" name="photo1alt[]" value="'.$myrow["photo1alt"].'" size="50" /><p /> <label>Change Photo '.($counter+1).'</label> <input type="file" name="photo_filename[]" size="37" /> </div><p />'; $counter++; } Im not to sure how to break that up to insert into the database like so .. $sql = mysql_query("UPDATE mypage SET photo1alt = '$photo1alt', photo1 = '$photo1', photo2alt = '$photo2alt', photo2 = '$photo2', photo3alt = '$photo3alt', photo3 = '$photo3', photo4alt = '$photo4alt', photo4 = '$photo4', photo5alt = '$photo5alt', photo5 = '$photo5' WHERE userid='$userid'"); ? Thanks
  16. Hi, I normally send my clients to paypal, but I see alot of sites where you dont leave their site through out the transaction. Also seems faster and more than likely keep the users on yer site. I have converted my cart to sessions. Basically im after a transaction where they can stay on my site throughout it, and so the client doesnt have to join or login to a third party murchant. Thanks
  17. Hi, Is there away to do the following which has errors: <input name="email" type="text" value="'.$email2.'" size="30" /> '. if (empty($email)) { '*' } .' rather than having to break out of the echo through out my table like so: echo '<input name="email" type="text" value="'.$email.'" size="30" />'; if (empty($_POST['email2'])) { echo '*'; } Thanks
  18. Hi, Maybe im not explaing my question well enough.. I am covered for sql injection ValidateInput($value); The following code: foreach($_POST as $key=>$value){ $_POST[$key] = ValidateInput($value); } cleans my post data then I use the variable as $_POST['name'] this code: foreach($_POST as $key=>$value){ $$key = ValidateInput($value); } *note: $$key cleans my post data then I can simply use the variable $name This creates less typing and also shorter code. Is this acceptable/safe way to code? Thanks
  19. Hi, Validate fields, mostly email addresses, then also maybe incorperate captcha
  20. Hi, I previously made a cart using cookies, and have now converted it to using sessions. Is sessions the better way to go? I would also like to add a CC transaction facility to it i guess using SSL Can anyone help to point me in the right direction? Thanks
  21. Hi, If you are using a form to upload the MP3 I would store the filename + other data in mysql database, this will be the better all round option. Easyer and also searches etc can be implimented easily. Good Luck
  22. Because its tidyer code and less to type. Saves you converting $_POST['name'] to $name = $_POST['name'] So when you use INSERT etc post data goes straight in as $name less code and much tidyer.
  23. Hi, Is the following code pluasable to use and safe? foreach($_POST as $key=>$value){ $$key = ValidateInput($value); } Basically then u can use the variable $name rather than $_POST['name'] ? Thanks
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