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bob_the _builder

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Everything posted by bob_the _builder

  1. Hi, When I use $_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"] within a link like: [code=php:0]<a href="index.php?action=delete&subcat_id='.$_GET['subcat_id'].'&confirm=y&referer='.$_SERVER["HTTP_REFERER"].'">Yes</a>[/code] and try to call on $_GET['referer'] to redirect user back: [code=php:0]<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="3; url='.$_GET['referer'].'">';[/code] $_GET['referer'] only seems to hold the value: [code=php:0]http://localhost/gallery/index.php?action=sh_subcat[/code] but it should be: [code=php:0]http://localhost/gallery/index.php?action=sh_subcat&subcatid=4[/code] Seems that it takes out everthing after the & in the above url? Is there a work around for that? Thanks
  2. Hi, *edit* My bad, it wasnt writing to the database therefore not generating an id stoping the proper functionality. Thanks
  3. Hi, Using [code]  <input type="file" name="<?php echo 'photo_filename[]'; ?>" size="30"> [/code] it only sends the first photo to the process page, how should it be to create the array? Thanks
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