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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. it would be so much easier to just use semantic markup... you can play around a little but the example below would achieve the desired layout except the header would not be centered - you'll just have to play a little more... <div class="infoitem"> <h2>Section Title</h2> <p>some copy about what they will find...</p> </div> the css div.infoitem { border: 1px solid #ccc; margin-top: 1.5em; } div.infoitem h2 { float: left; position: relative; top: -1em; margin: 0 0 -1em 20px; background: #fff; color: #ccc }
  2. table { border-collapse: collapse; border: 1px solid #ccc; }
  3. nothing wrong with absolute positioning - it is very powerful and indeed useful tool in building sites well... you are correct in your thinking that you need some control over the parent element - but you can add these to the body if you so wish... body { position: relative; width: 980px; margin: auto; } try that - its should give you something like what you want.
  4. get rid of your center tags. give your head div a width (% is fine or an absolute one) and give the image margin auto. you can remove the <a name="top"> where ever you use #top just change to #head. same goes for the footer - use margin auto and get rid of the center (and font tag too - style that text with css!!!).
  5. firefox will use this line... document.getElementById('floater').style.top="20px"; so I'd change the px to % and play with that. incidentally - IE would respond to that code too so there is little point in you have the logic control in there just use teh snippet within the 'else' block.
  6. christ - just mark your stuff as normal - this looks like a nice straight forward unordered list of images floated left so when javascript is off they display nicely... then use JAVSCRIPT to fix the height of the unordered list and hide the overflow and then assign popsitions to each li which it will move either in a loop or better still a timed action... content = markup, design/presentation = css, document effects (all the 'cool stuff') = javascript NOT proprietary markup that only works in IE - you'll be wantiong to use 'blink' next.
  7. you can't ignore IE6 just yet as it still has about 30% of the market - reasons being those with hooky copies of XP, businesses who didn't upgrade to XP as it was so flawed initially or don't want the expense etc etc. Its not hard to cater for IE6 - and the conditional comments are definitely the method of choice in my book, hacks are VERY messey - all you need to do is use a strict doctype and keep your markup semantic and lean and then get the css right for the 'compliant' boys then look at IE6 and apply those extra rules in an IE6 only style sheet. dead easy.
  8. first off - your CSS 'should' be in lowercase characters for the properties... the reason font-weight: none doesn't work is because none is not a valid value for font-weight so it will revert to the previous setting.
  9. add some code to cahce your pages as they are produced - that way you won't have to manually save each one. you could then just download the cached version of your site!!!
  10. ToonMariner


    well - I'm not one for arguing but... the main portion of googles page ranking algorithm is how the page title relates to the page content, headers and (apparently less important these days) the meta keywords and description. Headers in the mark up are used to break down your document and I am lead to believe that google rewards well structured markup. The ACTUAL url of your page is not THAT significant (providing you don't use the massive query strings as I mentioned before). As for whether you should have the extension on or not... well NO you shouldn't and why you will ask... well have a read of this cool uris don't change. Google doesn't care if your url is to a directory or a file - all it cares about is what your server returns for it to parse and index. As for users - well.. give them a url to rememeber. www.asite.com/latestnews is FAR better than www.asite.com/latestnews.php or .html why? because they have to remember the .php and .html - despite the fact many moer people use the internet don't ever mistake that for people understand too much. by all means set apache up to serve what you want it to if they put an extension but people deal in their own language really well so giving a url that is pretty much just english words (ok words of the site language - that son't need encoding!!!) and nothing else will ALWAYS benefit your site.
  11. There is no way you can prevent people getting hold of your images - those determined to get them will find a way - even if its the print screen option. The only sure way to prevent them from getting their mitts on your stuff is to not put it on the internet
  12. some code would be ace... some based around line 142 in edit_profile would be phenominal... but the actual error is down to your preg_match not having any regex patter to match against.
  13. And you went for a table based layout.... priority one just got kicked square in the nuts!!!
  14. if this is for an intranet site then it would be better served opening in a new window... better still force download first or check out if there is version control on the document and read-only can be locked so only one person at a time can edit...
  15. I use all manner of browser to test things on - thats what web developers do... I can't remember which phone it was it didn't like button type=.... If I do rememerb and that phone (probably a Nokia) is no longer in use then I may switch to button but to be honest I don't have any problems with inputy type="submit" ans its widely supported hence me not changing just yet...
  16. You should never look to change the default behaviour of someones browser - they use their browser becasue they are comfortable with how it works - if you try you will more than likely just annoy them and they won't come back to your site...
  17. @jcombs download firebug (why is the FireFox3 release not finished!!!!) and you can see which rules are being applied to your markup very easily. It is actuall better to just have #container .padded in fact its better to have the minimum amount of code possible whether it be css, xhtml or php!!! reducing mass makes your projects much more maintainable..
  18. Not really clear what the issue is but try and use a print style sheet and see if that helps...
  19. ToonMariner


    doesn't matter which of those you use - this is down to the default within a dir being index (normally) What google doesn't like (or at least didn't like that much) are urls with query strings in - especially long query strings like ?foo=bar&fo=ba&x=y&etc=ect
  20. button type="submit" is apparently not as widely supported as you'd think... use a normal input type=submit and style it well.....
  21. you will need to use javascript to do this.... you will need to check the current scroll position and alter the top position value based on the scrolling of the document. this is made easier by the fact that you want top = 150 when page scrolling is 0 and 0 when page scrolling is 150... holla back if you need the code to do it
  22. you have not set the dimensions of any images in your css - indeed nor should you - you should use the width and height attributes within the mark up to do this....
  23. have you tried validating your markup jay? if your php is set up in such a way so as to prevent you from using markup properly then its not very useful or robust code... just using (x)html as intended is not difficult and should be done as a matter of course failure shows a distinct lack of professionalism on the developers part. Just because it doesn't cause a problem in the browsers you use does not mean it won't break in others... and if google doesn't see it your page ranking WILL suffer.
  24. the title tag is ONLY allowed in the head section of your page. It defines the TITLE of your document that will show in the title bar of the window it is NOT for content markup purposes!!!!!
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