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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. WOW u have a nasty case of divitis there buddy!!!! slim your html down - there is about 3 times as much as you need to achieve that layout... Trim it down and comeback and we'll give you all the help we can
  2. thats not php - its (x)html. a div difines a divide - this allows you to group contentent on the page. ie <div id="navigation"> could contain all your html for your navigation.. the beauty of it all is that if you have your content grouped like this you can place it anywhere you want on teh page with css.
  3. no fuook aim - have google talk though! I hav ejust started using teh #php irc channel too you may cath me on there
  4. then make it go the vertically instead.
  5. no u are best installing via the shell its really easy that site offers installation at $40 but honestly you can do it your self if you want a bit of help you can add me to msn 'toonmariner at hotmail dot com'
  6. have a read up on full text search in the mysql documentation...
  7. procide a link that will show ALL records on one page and print that
  8. use a load of if statements that compare the submitted values to what ever you want. If the comparisons do (or don't) match display the relevant error or continue with the processing.
  9. yep, if you have shell access you can easily install the apps required. http://www.netbrix.net/archives/category/netbrix/page/2/ You don't need all the apps on that page. For the site I am currently working on I installed lame, ffmpeg, flvtool2 and mplayer+mencoder. work well and are easy to set up.
  10. Personnaly I use a switch statment and use an array of field names and their requirement (normally a regular expression) which to check against.
  11. its just a extar layer of security - if you are still on dial-up thats not my fault! most braod-band users will maintain an ip address for quite some time - at least where I live they do.
  12. I use a log table for vistors/members. It stores their IP address and a 'large' random string. this string is also present in a client side cookie (if they accept cookies!) whne they return to the site and have this cookie I check that their IP address matches the last one they visited based on this string - if so its fairly certain to be that person - if not make them login again...
  13. <body onunload="yourjsfunction();"> this function should be and ajax call to a server side script that will update the user status.
  14. don't use fixed fon't sizes in your css, when ever you have position: relative - specify units in the positioning properties (top: Xpx; left: Xem; - etc)
  15. td { witdh: 50% } or <td width="50%">
  16. AHHHH sorry - 9am Monday morning reading issues!!! You should really consider creating a separate style sheet for each media type. <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/global/style/screen.css" media="screen" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/global/style/print.css" media="print" /> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/global/style/handheld.css" media="handheld" /> those style sheets above dictate the stites layout on a PC, printed document and a handheld device (pda, mobile phone) in that order. It is simply the case that different device types do different things - so unless you provide a different 'contoller' for each media you will get unexpected results...
  17. fluid layots - use %widths... you may want to keep some divs fixed width but its the % ones that will give you teh effect you want.
  18. ToonMariner


    TA V MUCH! got it running now
  19. ToonMariner


    thanks for the tips chaps. @thorpe I am passing the full path to app but it is still failing. The apps I have installed run fine in command line but php just can't seem to call them and I can't for the life of figure why. ANY ideas will be VERY welcome... Thanks everyone
  20. mysql has better support for date manipulation have a look at the datesub/dateadd function in the mysql docs...
  21. I hear ya... even if I don't accept excuses
  22. don't give your container a width - just give it a margin-left to clear the nav panel.
  23. bbcode? very common indeed this forum uses a version of it...
  24. <option value="CH" selected="selected">Chinese</option> is how it shoudl be implemented (in a standards compliant kind of way that is).
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