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Everything posted by ToonMariner

  1. I don't miss target="_blank" one iota! its nothing to stick that in a bit of javascript so that those users who have it available get the 'enhanced user experience' while those without or not left with windows or tabs all over the shop whith no real representation of how to get back.
  2. surely only when using eval??? I don't use underscores in file names - accessibility and all that - if people look at a link to a file and there is an underscore in it while the link has underlined text decoration then they may be confused - just my way if you are consistent then you find you have less problems (as always). Never had a problem with php thinking I am trying to subtract strings...
  3. good job bandwidth does cost as much as it used too....
  4. no and in practicle terms who on earth is going to upload 4G over http????
  5. I have doubts... My faith is constantly tested and I often wonder if my life is of benefit to anyone else outside of my family.
  6. next project you'll remember to PLAN in advance and have a list of golas to hit - like cross browser compatability.... ALL 25? hardly a lot of pages really - plus if you use something like dream weaver you can do a site wide regex replace!
  7. well $swr3->database = new database means you have a class $swr3 and you are creating another class (called database) inside it... so if you don't hvae the code for withe class then it will fail.
  8. $string = "This Is A sTrING"; $string = str_replace(' ',',',strtolower($string));
  9. ????? what doesn't work? the attribute selctor filter? like I said to get it to work in ie6 you have to use plain old id's and classes.
  10. so in class_database.swr3 you have $swr3 = new OBJECT; along with the code for that object?
  11. where is the code for your database class included? i see the swr3 but if that is child class then you'll need the parent too.
  12. unfortunatley (from memory here so be nice!) ie6 (not tried 7) doesn't support these kind of css selectors - so you are left with the requirement of giving them a class or id and using that in your css.
  13. firfox will only show teh scroll bar it needs, ie will show both horizontal and vertical if given overflow: scoll; what you will need is overflow-y: scroll but only in ie so either use a hack or a conditional if statement to include you ie css files
  14. that is quite a nice design... and well done like the layout too... personally - I would only have the image slide show in flash the list and 'button' on the right could have been html don't like the javascript on the links either... otherwise I like it.
  15. take a wild guess and I bet you won't a million miles away.
  16. http://www.webstandards.org/learn/articles/askw3c/oct2003/ Unfortunately it focuses on 1.0 but does metion the ruby inclusion...
  17. I use dreamweaver - but NOT for my mark up or even css (hand code markup and css is either handcoded or I sometimes use topstyle if I feel particularly lazy). BUT in term sof SEO there is NO app out there that will make code that will make your site more visible - thats your job!
  18. sounds like something to be avoided like teh plague if you ask me... any proprietary stuff with MS in it is something that you should test, not behaviour of and then delete never to be used again in my book. if you are using php then taht can inlcude the files for you adn you won't have any compatability issues.
  19. It strike me that the issues surrounding these technologies are more to do wth how they are implemented rather than the technology themselves. I find it frustrating that browsers DON'T fail when someone uses erroneous markup with a doctype - I hated the fact that you coulld use xhtml 1.0 strict or 1.1 and have font tags in teh markup that worked and even target="_blank". The biggest benefit for me is IE6 being much more compliant - reducing the amout of work I need to do to produce an ie6 style sheet for conditional include. Bottom line is that as a professional developer you shoudl use a good DTD and validate it. This provides you with an excellent benchmark for debugging AND ensures your site is futureproof.
  20. WHY ARE YOU COMPLETELY IGNORING THE HTML TO GET AN OPTION SELECTED???? <select name="display"> <option value="y" <? if($row["display"]=='y') echo ' selected="selected"'; ?>>Yes</option> <option value="n" <? if($row["display"]=='n') echo ' selected="selected"': ?>>No</option> </select>
  21. surely a yes no should be a radio button group... if you wish to continue with the select box then echo "display"; should be echo ' selected="selected"';
  22. hmmm - this sounds like an ideal candidate for ajax - you need only update the content of element(s) that need updating instead of the whole page - which means that the form won't get trashed. Add a 'button' that reloads the page that the user can click if js is off and hey presto done and dusted. You should not use the meta refresh in this situation.
  23. do you mean browse on your local machine to find the image to upload? that can't be done with php - you need to implement a database driven site with a cms where you can add text and images and it manages it all for you... plenty of cms solutions out there - many seem to love joomla - I personally can't stand the html it creates...
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