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Everything posted by mostafatalebi

  1. Hello every body I have been thinking of URL format of some websites that looks strange to me, as their filing structure (url relects path stracture) is something else. Let me give you an example: A wordpress-made site's url of a post is like this http://example.com/blog/?p=63 (why we have ?=p63, can anybody please explain? I know 63 has something to do with id or numbering, my question is around the way it is placed. usually we have file name there) or a website has a url like this: www.example.com/2012/cat/game/sport/123456789.php (is the url is really like the folders? for instance there really are all of these folders? Thanks in advance
  2. oh! very comprehensive definition the last one. thanks a lot. great. I needed such explanation. I was totally in another page when thinking about references. Thanks buddy
  3. then please explain this: according to this explanation: "The reference is merely a means of creating another variable for the same content": what is the difference between regular assignment ($x = $s) and passing by reference? Thanks in advance
  4. I have. But did you pay attention to "no" by him? So he told that my first justification is not true. This added some confusion to me, therefore I ask my question again with some points added to get a complementary answer with regard to theirs.
  5. I'm confused. It seems the php document is saying the same thing as I but in other words. I say it "reduces the memory consumption". Now read the below example of mine and correct me if I'm wrong: EXAMPLE: we have variable $x = "this is a string"; then I do &$s = $x; I think it means that, "this is a string" has one location in the memory, then two variables with two different names can access it(passing by reference). While: $x = "this is a string"; $s = $x; makes a copy of "this is a string" as variable $x content. Thus, logically, now it occupies two locations of the memory (regular variable assignment). Am I right?
  6. Hello is "passing by reference" which is indicated like &$variable, is used to reduce memory consumption? or it has other uses?
  7. Sorry you never learn to run even if you master walking. You learn running when begin to run. How can I make a big site by just making small ones (which I already have done)? Isn't it better to start making a big site!?
  8. Then I need more info for Framework. I mean is it necessary to use a Framework, or IDEs like Dreamweaver or NetBeans are enough?
  9. Oh! Can you explain a little bit about the second and third arguments. specially using DW.
  10. Hello everybody I have experience of web programming. But I do not have any experience of a big fully structured Web Programming. Therefore I ask for guides from members: Explanation: This website is quite a big, or if initially not, would extend into a big site by the next year/or near future. The customer strictly emphasizes on the availability of a very good and smooth Content Management System [to be designed]. For him, since this is a Real-State Website, a CMS with the option of adding specific regions/cities/states to the option menu is of high significance. Thus, for now, I propose three questions: Question #1: In order for the option menus to be upgradable, from CMS, is it better to use a Database table, or simply an XML file? which is better? Question #2: Is using MVC necessary and thus promising? Question #3: Is it good to use Dreamweaver, or I have to use some advance frameworks such as Zend? Thanks so much in advance
  11. NO I'm not confusing. Your guide is useful. thanks. Maybe user ID and SESSION are good to use. thanks
  12. Hello everybody What is the best way to check if the user accessing a restricted page is logged in? Currently, I use the following method: if(isset($_SESSION['username'])) { // redirect to the homepage } else { // render the page } ################################ but i think it's too simple and can easily be ripped. Isn't there any other way? For instance is it good to store the password in a session (in the time of logging in) and co-check with username session? Thanks in advance
  13. Ha! it works now. It seems something like cache or other similar issues existed. thanks everybody
  14. I have done that but the same result is achieved again.
  15. so what details shall I put here? I set the subdomain to test.domain.com then I set the folder (using cpanel) to be either test or public_html/test but none of them work. When i try to access the subdomain it just shows a default webpage from cgi folder implying that the page could not be found.
  16. yes the folder is there. All the materials (wp) are there. But it does not work. I have set it to test.site.com and have made the folder also at the proper place (top of the tree, above public_html), but nothing happend. I have also set it as site.com/test/ but again it miss to work.
  17. Hello I have setup a subdomain on my main domain as follows: test.mydomain.com folder: public_html/test I have also tried to create a folder at top level of site, but neither worrkes and the page is redirect to the defaultpage.cgi . what should I do?
  18. so how I should tell it that i am executing a php file?
  19. Hello everybody I have set up a cronJob but it keeps sending error report to my mail. These are the errors: (I have removed the full server path before the cron.php which is home/..../) cron.php: line 1: ?php: No such file or directory cron.php: line 2: /backup: is a directory cron.php: line 3: access-logs: command not found cron.php: line 4: access-logs: command not found cron.php: line 5: access-logs: command not found cron.php: line 6: access-logs: command not found cron.php: line 7: access-logs: command not found cron.php: line 8: access-logs: command not found cron.php: line 9: access-logs: command not found cron.php: line 10: access-logs: command not found cron.php: line 11: access-logs: command not found cron.php: line 12: access-logs: command not found cron.php: line 13: access-logs/: is a directory cron.php: line 16: //: is a directory cron.php: line 17: syntax error near unexpected token `(' cron.php: line 17: `$mydir = dirname(__FILE__);' What shall I do?
  20. hello everybody I have problem with following script: (I want to add text when I click on the link, but it does not work. When I do with append() method, however it works <script type='text/javascript'> var fontSize = 15; $(document).ready(function(e) { $("#links_holder h21 a").click(function () { $(this).parent().parent().text("Added!"); }); }); </script> </head> <body> <div class="nothing" id="links_holder"> <h1><a href="#">Click Here to Add Content!</a></h1> <table id="exampleTable"> <tr><th>Name</th><th>Occupation</th></tr> </table> </div> <div style="margin-top: 400px;" id="far_div"> </div> </body>
  21. still not solved. everything seems placed properly, as it has to, but the result remain 404
  22. I see the file. but I also got what you said. it is probably a session_data intervening...
  23. hello I have a very strange problem. I have written my site in php. then at a part of it, a file-link to what the user has uploaded is available, the link as it appears in url-bar is healthy and all correct, but when I click on it, instead of downloading it, it goes to 404 page. What is the problem? why it does not download it when everything else seems working?
  24. a question: I have included files right at top of the header. When I turn them off, the page runs live again. what's the problem with include than require_once in PHP?
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