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Everything posted by Crisam

  1. but my script is not throwing any errors afteri submit the form it just goes to a white screen
  2. Hi I am pretty new to writing forms with php to handle error checking and building mail messages. I have a mail form front/back that is suppose to handle my schools registration to an event happening this week it is suppose to ask the user to fill out ,team name, the 3 teammates and their email addresses along with a photo of them. I don't really have much constraint but if iwant to be able to do a few things with the code 1) Have the form inputs be sent to an email address. 2) Have the photo size be limited to a 15MB 3) Let the person be required to click the checkbox stating they agree tot he terms for the event here is the URL of the event on the live page http://www.campusdining.org/ironchef send_simpleform.html thank-you.php
  3. Hi I am having trouble getting your contact form to use a slight modification with checkbox So far I have the form setup correctly and its is suppose to be a form where users can select between 2 meals and an email will be sent to our chefs so they can know how much to make for the day. I wanted to use an if else statement with php to handle the checkboxes when on person chooses one and not he other the form will be sent if they choose BOTH it will throw an error. Any advice will be greatly appreciated. Thank You Below i have my forms that I am using and would like just a little point in the right direction along with a very cool php tutorial on changing forms Chris Samuelsend_form_email.phpcontactform.htm
  4. $str = $data; $data= array ( ); // I want to be able to write a script that can be reused and display a histogram using a bars or any //shape $max = max($data); echo ''; foreach ($data as $k=>$v) { // display outputs in a table in HTML here } ?>
  5. Hello, I am here because I need to start learning PHP. I worked behind CFML for about 2 years and now starting a new job that works with PHP/perl/SQL. I am quite nervous in leaving my normal forums. Anyone here who likes coldfusion let me know. MuraCMS ftw !!
  6. Hello I am trying to recreate a histogram I made in Java in PHP. The problem is as follows: Make a function that counts the number of string occurences to produce a histogram using PHP. I got a good idea that the [A-Z,a-z and any other characters such as !,. etc] are needed to be included as well. I just would like a HTML output
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