to ease the struggle ten-fold. Buy a second HD and install Linux on it. For newbs, RedHat 9 is THE sh*t. Install it correctly, launch a few apps, and there ya go, instant webserver.
About being behind a router, that\'s no real problem, as long as you forward port 80 (and any other ports you need) to your ethernet IP.
The only other setting you\'ll really have to change is some DNS stuff. For which i highly recommend you use free DNS management. It\'s far more comprehensive, complete, and easy to use than ANY DNS control panel \"built in\" to the registrar. All you gotta do is change two IP settings and some nameservers and badabing badaboom, your site is up.
I\'ve done this myself, so take it from me, it\'s easier than I\'ve said it to be.
Keep in mind it\'s more secure, faster, and easier, and safer to just buy a hosting account. That requires you to do next to nothing (just change nameservers) , just start uploading!
Also, if you have your heart set on hosting your site in Windows with IIS...then don\'t say I didn\'t warn ya