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Really odd php-mysql-session interaction
blacknight replied to blacknight's topic in PHP Coding Help
affected rows: 1 result var dump bool(true) -
Really odd php-mysql-session interaction
blacknight replied to blacknight's topic in PHP Coding Help
have allready done this... -
Really odd php-mysql-session interaction
blacknight replied to blacknight's topic in PHP Coding Help
this is teh funny part.. Array ( [0] => 5b526b535b979265ee138cd3ade1c085 [sess_id] => 5b526b535b979265ee138cd3ade1c085 [1] => 6m7js82r848kk2s90sjfmuj325 [session_id] => 6m7js82r848kk2s90sjfmuj325 [2] => 0 [session_user_id] => 0 [3] => 0 [session_last_visit] => 0 [4] => 1331567561 [session_start] => 1331567561 [5] => 1331568461 [session_time] => 1331568461 [6] => [session_ip] => [7] => Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729) [session_browser] => Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.4506.2152; .NET CLR 3.5.30729) [8] => [session_forwarded_for] => [9] => index.php [session_page] => index.php [10] => 0 [session_viewonline] => 0 [11] => 0 [session_autologin] => 0 [12] => 0 [session_admin] => 0 ) the var dump is normal the insert is normal the data mutates after entry -
Really odd php-mysql-session interaction
blacknight replied to blacknight's topic in PHP Coding Help
the whole function function UserTracker ($table="UTracker",$cookie="roster_hash",$minutes=15) { global $roster; if($minutes<15) $minutes=15; $this->expireTime=$minutes; $this->cookieName=$cookie; $this->time_now = time(); $this->cookie_data = array('u' => '', 'k' => ''); $this->browser = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) : ''; $this->referer = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']) : ''; $this->forwarded_for = (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) ? htmlspecialchars((string) $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR']) : ''; $this->host = $this->extract_current_hostname(); $this->page = $this->extract_current_page($roster->config['website_address']); //remove all the expired sessions . no need to keep them . cookies are long gone anyway . $queryd="DELETE FROM `".$roster->db->table('sessions')."` WHERE `session_time` <= '".(time())."'"; //echo $queryd.'<br>'; $resultd = $roster->db->query($queryd); $roster->db->free_result($resultd); $this->trackerID= (isset($this->uuid) ? $this->uuid : md5($_SERVER["HTTP_USER_AGENT"].$_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]) ); $aquery="SELECT * FROM `".$roster->db->table('sessions')."` WHERE `session_id`='".session_id()."'"; $result = $roster->db->query($aquery); $rows = $roster->db->num_rows($result); $rec = array(); if ($rows == 1) { $rec = $roster->db->fetch($result); } $roster->db->free_result($result); if(isset($rec['session_id']) && $rec['session_id'] == session_id()) { $page = implode('-',$roster->pages); //make the life of the cookie longer and update time and IP . $xsql = "UPDATE `". $roster->db->table('sessions') ."` SET `session_user_id` = '".$this->uid."', `session_last_visit` = '".time()."', `session_browser` = '".$this->browser."', `session_ip` = '".$this->getIP()."', `session_time` = '".(time()+60*15)."', `session_page` = '".substr($this->page['page'], 0, 199)."' WHERE `session_id` = '" . session_id() . "'"; $rx = $roster->db->query($xsql); $roster->db->free_result($rx); $this->newSession=0; return true; } else if ($rows == 0) { $domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $url = "http://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; $p = parse_url($url); $page = $p['query']; $xsql_ary = array( 'sess_id' => $this->trackerID, 'session_id' => session_id(), 'session_user_id' => $this->uid, 'session_start' => (int) time(), 'session_last_visit' => (int) $this->data['session_last_visit'], 'session_time' => (int) time()+(60*15), 'session_page' => substr($this->page['page'], 0, 199), 'session_browser' => (string) trim(substr($this->browser, 0, 149)), 'session_forwarded_for' => (string) $this->forwarded_for, 'session_ip' => (string) $this->getIP(), 'session_autologin' => ($session_autologin) ? 1 : 0, 'session_admin' => ($set_admin) ? 1 : 0, 'session_viewonline' => ($viewonline) ? 1 : 0, ); // this allways errors out because the session exists... i hate this class.... $sql = 'REPLACE INTO `' . $roster->db->table('sessions') . '` ' . $roster->db->build_query('INSERT', $xsql_ary); $s = $roster->db->query($sql); $qry1 = "UPDATE `" . $roster->db->table('user_members') . "` SET `online` = '1' WHERE `id` = '".$sql_ary['session_user_id']."'"; $q = $roster->db->query($qry1); $this->newSession=1; return true; } else { $roster->set_message( ' An erroro has occured in your session it will now be reset', 'Sessions', 'notice' ); } } -
Really odd php-mysql-session interaction
blacknight replied to blacknight's topic in PHP Coding Help
$xsql = "UPDATE `". $roster->db->table('sessions') ."` SET `session_user_id` = '".$this->uid."', `session_last_visit` = '".time()."', `session_browser` = '', `session_ip` = '".$this->getIP()."', `session_time` = '".(time()+60*15)."',`session_page` = '".nl2br($page)."' WHERE `session_id` = '" . session_id() . "'"; $rx = $roster->db->query($xsql); if (!$rx) { $message = 'Invalid query: ' . mysql_error() . "\n"; $message .= 'Whole query: ' . $xsql; die($message); } $roster->db->free_result($rx); is the update query i free every query result in the script after its used.. -
so i work on wowroster.net making upgrades to roster i have created a user lib for the sit and im now adding sessions but im getten some odd issues.... this is one of the inserts and sent to mysql_query example UPDATE `roster_sessions` SET `session_user_id` = '0', `session_last_visit` = '1331544818', `session_browser` = '', `session_ip` = '', `session_time` = '1331545718', `session_page` = 'p=guild-main&a=g:1' WHERE `session_id` = '6m7js82r848kk2s90sjfmuj325' YET.. this is what i get in my database sql dump from my admin INSERT INTO `roster_sessions` (`sess_id`, `session_id`, `session_user_id`, `session_last_visit`, `session_start`, `session_time`, `session_ip`, `session_browser`, `session_forwarded_for`, `session_page`, `session_viewonline`, `session_autologin`, `session_admin`) VALUES ('5764d5713a7f24c82b30d271460bf68c', '6m7js82r848kk2s90sjfmuj325', '3', 0, 1331544818, 1331545718, '', '', '', 'addons-main-images-shadow', 0, 0, 0); any clue at all...
mysql for select using sum in another table
blacknight replied to charles07's topic in PHP Coding Help
did it work? i would have joined the paymentstable insted of having a imbeded select query tho.... -
depends on teh file type search google for video embed code for **** with the file types you want
yea then restart your webserver
question is how big is the file you are uploading
good open your php.ini search for "File Uploads" make sure they are on whats the max upload size find "post_max_size" whats its value?
are you using a webhost.. and tell me the form and code are in the video.php file...
Updating a column in a mysql table with php help me
blacknight replied to clivetwo's topic in PHP Coding Help
really /facepalm http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/update.html wala read ... it will help alot.... -
check your webhost for file types not allowed that could be your issue
seee xyph signature put that code at the top of the page the form posts too then try agian
what error are you getting so we can help more lol
uploading multiple files is easy on the field name for the files add [] for an array for multiple this is a function i use in my phpbb download section.. while(list($key,$value) = each($_FILES[upload_image][name])) { if(!empty($value)) { // this will check if any blank field is entered $filename = $value; // filename stores the value $filename=str_replace(" ","_",$filename);// Add _ inplace of blank space in file name, you can remove this line $fanme = $dlid . "_" . $filename; //$target_path = "../dlfiles/screens/" . $fanme; $this->setMessage($target_path); $sql = "INSERT INTO `".DL_SS_TABLE."` (`did`, `url`, `uploaded`) VALUES ('" . $dlid . "', '" . $target_url . "','1')"; $this->setMessage($sql); //* if (move_uploaded_file ( $_FILES ['upload_image'] ['tmp_name'], $target_path )) { $this->setMessage("The image " . $_FILES ['upload_image'] ['name'] . " has been uploaded"); $this->makethumb ( $_FILES ['upload_image'] ['name'], $target_path, $id2 ); $sql = "INSERT INTO `".DL_SS_TABLE."` (`did`, `url`, `uploaded`) VALUES ('" . $dlid . "', '" . $target_path . "','1')"; $result = $db->sql_query ( $sql ); } else { $this->setMessage("Your uploaded was unseccessful"); exit (); } //*/ } } upload_image is ofcourse the name of my file field on my form i hope this helps..
The same code in 2 areas showing different. HELP
blacknight replied to devilangel's topic in PHP Coding Help
why 2 css classes if they are the same ... id put them in the same file and call it on each page .... -
insted of a while loop since you are only getting 1 record try $u = mysql_fetch_assoc($auth_key_query); login($u['username'], $u['password'], true);
change if($logged_in === false) to == true and it should work .. otherwise your script is saying yea your login but we are going to remove your session anyway... and destroy your auth cookie
have you searched google ....... http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3432/multiple-updates-in-mysql the first 10 results answered your question....
dosent matter how many drop dows or input boxes you have just call them with the $_POST valueits allways $_POST['namehere'] example $_POST['q4_model4']