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Everything posted by blackholesun

  1. Brilliant! Thanks both for the replies, they were most helpful Problem solved!
  2. Is the '$id' in your example the same as the $row['number'] in mine?
  3. Hi all, If anyone can offer any advice on the following, that would be great... I've been running round in circles on the internet trying to find this answer but am having no success... All i want to be able to do is to format a MySQL query result so that a negative number is red and a positive number is blue. So far, the query runs fine, the results are displayed largely in the format i want, i am just trying to do this one last refinement. I'm thinking something along the lines of: if($row['number'] < 0){ //display red }else{ //display blue } ...but what i have attempted with that conditional will not write to the table output. I'm probably barking up the wrong tree with the if..else conditional but am still new to php so am having trouble coming up with the right solution. So, is there a way of doing this just with php? Or am I going to have to use something else? Any help/info greatly appreciated
  4. ah well, just by plugging at it, i solved the problem... my solution is probably ugly as all hell, needs optimising and tweaking before public deployment but at least it got the bugger to work! ...and that's half the battle here's what i came up with: if(empty($errors)){//if everything is ok //Register the application in the database... //cross-check input against the application data 'verfifcation' field //if input doesn't match the number on record, throw an error and terminate registration. $q = "SELECT verification FROM recruitment WHERE (`verification` LIKE '$ve')"; $ru = @mysqli_query($dbc, $q);//run query while (list($verification) = mysqli_fetch_array($ru, MYSQLI_NUM)){ if($verification == $ve){//if all is ok //print success and write verification ID to file echo'<div id="apply"> <p>Your verification code matched that which was stored.</p><br /> </div>'; //extract email from 'recruitment' table $q1 = "SELECT email FROM recruitment WHERE (`verification` LIKE '$ve')"; $rn = @mysqli_query($dbc, $q1);//run query while (list($email) = mysqli_fetch_array($rn, MYSQLI_NUM)){ $q4 = "INSERT INTO users (username, charID, apiKey, password, first_name, last_name, birthday, country, town, verification, email) VALUES ('$un', '$id', '$api', SHA1('$pw'), '$fn', '$ln', '$bd', '$ct', '$tw', '$ve', '$email')"; $r2 = @mysqli_query($dbc, $q4);//run query } }else{//if it did not run Ok (maybe an else if here as error message is not displaying) //Public message: echo '<div id="apply"> <h1>System Error</h1> <p>Your application could not be processed at this time due to a system error. We apologise for the inconvenience.</p> </div>'; //Debugging message: echo '<p>' . mysqli_error($dbc) . '<br /><br /> Query: ' . $q . '</p>'; } } mysqli_close($dbc);//close the db connection. //Include the footer and quit the script: include 'includes/overall/overall_footer.php'; exit(); }else{//report the errors echo'<style type="text/css">h1{font-size:2.0em;color:#fff;}p{font-size:1.3em;color:#fff;}</style><h1>Error!</h1> <p>The following error(s) occurred:<br />'; foreach ($errors as $msg){//print each error. echo " - $msg<br />\n"; } echo '</p><p>Please try again.</p><p><br /></p>'; } //end of if (empty($errors))) mysqli_close($dbc);//close the db connection As can be seen from the comments, still a way to go but at least for now it does what i want to to when the form and data match and when they don't (but just need to get the errors to display now when registration fails)...
  5. Not sure how relevant this is but looking at the css you have supplied, wouldn't you be refering that by id in the html? (i.e. <div id="wrap">). As far as i know with css, classes are preceded by a period, in which case the css would look more like: .wrap { background: url("images/backgrounds/bg-wrap.png") repeat-x scroll 0 295px transparent; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } ..which you would then be able to refer to in the html: <div class="wrap">... I'm probably wrong but from my limited experience that's how things seem to be done...
  6. ...where are you wanting to put this frame? also, don't know how relevant this is, but you haven't closed your opening 'section' tag (it should be <section> and not <section )... not experienced enough with php to comment with any authority, but this may be more a css/html thing than php...
  7. Thanks for the reply I have something similar for users that already exist. What i am trying to do here though is slightly different for new users yet to register. The process goes something like: 1. apply to join [data written to 'applications' table] -> 2. admin verifies and assigns reg code [data written to 'applications' table in "verification" field] -> 3. user signs up to site proper and provides reg code [which should match string in 'applications',"verification"] -> *if codes match (true) -> *register additional user details in 'users' table *pull existing info from 'applications' table and add to equivalent fields in 'users' *erase unnecessary user data from 'applications' table (this table only needs to store such information as is 'pending' for full signup) **if codes do not match (false)-> **throw error and abort registration process. I have 1 & 2 working well, i'm just stuck on 3.. I know it seems a convoluted way of going about it but i am at that experimenting stage of learning atm and i have (fairly) sound reasons for doing it this way BTW, the 'apply' form is really simple (much simpler than a forum signup, four fields), the 'register' form is about as involved as a forum signup form (just to clarify)
  8. Hi, I am *slowly* developing a website for our gaming guild as a project to help me with my learning of php and MySQL. So far, any stumbling blocks i have encountered i have been able to overcome through using the mighty google and reinterpretation of code snippets posted to many various websites including stackoverflow and devshed. However, i can't seem to find any solutions that can help me with this problem i have encountered. I want to be able to verify a new user account from an 'application form' they fill in. The theory is that a new prospect applies to join the guild by filling out a simple form. This form is then viewed by an admin and, if approved, that application is issued a unique application ID which the new member then uses as part of their main signup form for the guild site. This process uses two tables ('applications' and 'users'). All new applications are, naturally stored on the 'applications' table and registered users on the 'users' table. In order to prevent fraudulent registrations or bot registrations, the ID issued to the new member is checked against the one stored on the 'applications' table and, if it passes, the new member is registered with the site on the 'users' table and their application is automatically erased from the 'applications' table as it's no longer needed. The registration form uses $_POST methods to check that all data has been inputted and assigns them to variables for injection to the table. What i want to be able to do is check that the character string inputted in the 'application ID' text field fo the form matches the string stored in the 'applications' table. If it does, execute the injection to the 'users' tble and clean up the no longer needed data from the 'applications' table. If they don't match, throw an error and terminate the script. If you need to see what code I have then i'll happily post it, I haven't in this post as (a) it's already long enough and (b ) it's all fairly standard stuff, i'm just missing the bit that does the cross-checking.... Is there a simple solution to this? Or will it require a lot of coding? Any suggestions/examples would be most welcome
  9. Hi All, I'm fairly new to php and am working through some text books/online tutorials and other resources. I'm currently building websites in php mainly for the learning experience of using it with MySQL and so far i'm really liking it and it's brevity (much less verbage than java hehe). I don't know how much help i can offer to anyone but i am here to learn and hopefully get to the point where i can start to give back
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