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  1. save them as csv like this File Transfer Protocol, Force Through Privately, File Through Protocol, File Test Protocol Asynchronous JavaScript and XML, All JavaScript and XML, Alternative Java and XML, Actual JavaScript and XML // other answer here then use fgetscsv to read the file $answers = array(); // Read the file and loop (use fopen, fgetcsv) // inside the loop, append the current array to answers (use array_push)
  2. Try fputscsv http://php.net/manual/en/function.fputcsv.php
  3. Try some libraries https://dev.twitter.com/docs/twitter-libraries#php
  4. Well you can use isset to check your cookie and header to redirect those anons
  5. What are you expecting to show anyway? If you wanted to show each post with pictures then your url is wrong, because it only returns a single text Use the default one, then try parsing each element http://alexishoustonmusic.tumblr.com/api/read
  6. Use for..loop to loop through each character $string = 'capitalize'; $new = ''; for ($i = 0, $count = strlen($string); $i < $count; $i++) { if ($i == 1) { $new .= strtoupper($string[$i]); } else { $new .= $string[$i]; } } echo $new;
  7. Because LIKE will search using the whole keyword and not word by word
  8. There are still some people who prefer minimalistic designs
  9. $par = isset($_GET['par'])?$_GET['par'] : ''; AFAIK switch statement uses "==" instead of "===", so passing '' string is consider null
  10. You cannot pass null value on switch, try if else, if you still want to use switch try inserting them inside an if else $par = your value if (!empty($par)) { // insert your case statement here w/o the default: } else { // echo your default value here echo: 'ERROR: Invalid PAR'; }
  11. Be sure that your error reporting is on, and if you look at your code you have lots of else{} that doesn't do anything. Try putting echo at those and see if it outputs
  12. Isn't styles supposed to be inside head tags? Yeah forgot to increment the counter
  13. Have you tried the NOT LIKE in mysql? // get band starting with T but not starting with THE SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE title LIKE 't%' AND title NOT LIKE 'the%'; // get band starting with given letter (a) and starting with 'the a' SELECT ... FROM ... WHERE title LIKE 'a%' AND title LIKE 'the_a%';
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