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  1. Hi, Hoping someone can help me with a simple code change for my Joomla site. I have a line of php code set up to display a registered member's first name and last name on the profile page of my website. This is the code: <?php echo ucwords($agentdata[0]->cb_agentfirstname1.' '.$agentdata[0]->cb_lastnameagent1);?> It delivers the following result: Jan Brady So, my question is, how do I modify the code so that Jan Brady becomes a clickable link? The link should point to file name "agent1.php" Million thanks for anyone's help!!
  2. Hi! I could really use someone's help. I have a snippet of php code that is used in a website search form. Here is the code: <?php } if ($params->get('display_type')) { ?> <div class="mod_fwrealestate_search_element"> <?php echo JText :: _('Property_type'); ?><br/> <?php if ($type_id) echo JHTML :: _('select.genericlist', fwRealEstateHelper :: loadDictionary('property_type', 'Any'), 'search[property_type]', 'disabled="disabled"', 'id', 'name', $type_id); else echo JHTML :: _('select.genericlist', fwRealEstateHelper :: loadDictionary('property_type', 'Any'), 'search[property_type]', '', 'id', 'name', $property_type); ?> </div> The code on the front-end displays a drop-down box from which the user selects what property type they want to search for. What I would like to do is to change the code so that instead of a drop down field that shows all records in the property_type table, of which the user may select only one to search against, I would like to display only 5 specific options that appear in the property_type table, meaning, only show the options I want to show, and then allow the user to select one, all, or any combination via a check box. Can anyone help me out with this coding change? I would be eternally grateful and would be willing to make a donation to Feeding America in your name. Thanks!!
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