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  1. Hi all, Hope you are well. Thank you for having a look at my post. I searched google and cannot find much help on what Im looking for. I would like to draw a textarea on google maps which can be edited, just like you can add/edit polygon, polyline , circle, rectangle using the google maps drawing tools. Is this possible? Please point me in the right direction. This is the closest thing I can find but I need to be able to draw and edit them like with google maps drawing tools, http://www.geocodezip.com/ParkerPalmSprings.html Thank you. Kind regards, Imran
  2. Ive got it working, it turns out you can add a custom property, see code below: var dbpolygon=new google.maps.Polygon({ id: polygon[0].id, /*** custom property*****/ path: points, strokeColor: polygon[0].type, strokeOpacity: 0.4, strokeWeight: 2, fillColor: polygon[0].type, fillOpacity: 0.4, editable: false }); I can check to see if this property exists, this is the code if (typeof selectedShape.get('id') !== 'undefined') { //polygon exists }
  3. Hi all, I would like you thank everyone for their help. Thank you Kicken for your examples that really helped me picture how to read the data back. I just need to draw the shapes and display them. No searching will be needed but I will store the points separately in another table as thats a better design as suggested by everyone. One other thing I need to do it edit the polygon once I get the data from the database and display it. Is there a way of adding a reference to the polygon - adding the primary key from my database table? This way I can check if the shape exists and I need to update instead of insert. Here is my code to assign that created the shape: var dbpolygon=new google.maps.Polygon({ path: points, strokeColor: red, strokeOpacity: 0.4, strokeWeight: 2, fillColor: red, fillOpacity: 0.4, editable: false }); dbpolygon.setMap(map); google.maps.event.addListener(dbpolygon, 'click', function() { setSelection(this); }); I dont know how I would add a unique reference? Thank you.
  4. Hi Kicken, Thank you so much for helping me with this. using the 'this' keyword has resolved my problem. I will through the link you have suggested and have a look at the factory pattern. Thank you again Imran
  5. Hi all, I am working on a webapplication. I have a google map, where I add polygons from an array. I loop through that array and add the polygons to the map. I also need to add an 'click' event listener to the polygon to make it editable. This is what I am doing: var polygons = data; // array holding json objects. Each object is a polyline for(var i=0; i<polygons.length; i++) { var polygon = polygons[i]; var points = []; for(var j=0; j<polygon[1].points.length; j++) { var item = new google.maps.LatLng(polygon[1].points[j].lat, polygon[1].points[j].lng); points.push(item); } var dbpolygon=new google.maps.Polygon({ path: points, strokeColor: polygon[0].type, strokeOpacity: 0.4, strokeWeight: 2, fillColor: polygon[0].type, fillOpacity: 0.4, editable: false }); dbpolygon.setMap(map); google.maps.event.addListener(dbpolygon, 'click', function() { setSelection(dbpolygon); }); } Problem The polygons are all drawing correctly. However the problem is that when I try to click on a polygon it always selects the last index. it is like it is only clicking on the last polygon added. I think when I add a new listener it overrides the old one. How can I add a listener for each polygon added in order to alert the correct index? Thank you
  6. Hi all, Thank you for viewing my post. In my application I allow users to draw shapes on google maps using google maps api v3. I dont know how to store the polygons coordinates in MySQL? Please help. I was thinking should I store each point as a seperate row or store the whole polygon in one row as json? Is there a better way? Kind regards, Imran
  7. Hi all, Thank you for viewing my post. In my application I allow users to draw shapes on google maps using google maps api v3. I dont know how to store the polygons in MySQL? Im new to google maps api and dont have a clue. Please help. I was thinking should I store each point seperately in a database field or store the whole polygon as json? This is what I have so far. I have created a json object that stores all the verticles in a list. I was thinking of saving this whole json in one database field? This is the code used to contruct the array: var vertices = selectedShape.getPath(); // MVCArray var pointsArray = []; //list of polyline points for (var i =0; i < vertices.getLength(); i++) { var xy = vertices.getAt(i); //LatLang for a polyline var item = { "lat" : xy.lat(), "lng":xy.lng()}; pointsArray.push(item); } var polygon = {"points" : pointsArray}; This is the constructed json result: {"points": [ {"lat": 51.51814351604911, "lng": -0.14479637145996094 }, { "lat": 51.51830374452608, "lng": -0.13861656188964844}, { "lat": 51.516194024429446, "lng": -0.13968944549560547} ]} Should I have the whole thing in one field? Is it better to save each vertices (lat and lng) in a seperate row, so for the above polygon there will be 3 rows? Kind regards, Imran
  8. Thank you JD, thats solved my problem. My apologies for posting in the wrong place, I see there is a JavaScript section at phpFreaks. Thanks again
  9. Hi all, Thank you for taking your time to read my post. I am using php, ajax(jQuery) and json to save data to a database. Here is my JavaScript code: <script> var jsonList = [ {"type":"sw"}, {"points":[ {"lat":51.51429786349476,"lng":-0.14556884765625}, {"lat":51.51435127755925,"lng":-0.1393890380859375}, {"lat":51.51221466612502,"lng":-0.14277935028076172} ]} ]; $.post("save.inc.php", jsonList, function(res) { alert(res); } </script> I have created a javascript array which holds two json objects. I want to pass this to a php file. The php file needs to save the two json objects seperately. I dont know how to access the data when its gets sent to php. I am new to ajax and json, I have looked for hours on google and cannot find how to read multidimensional $_POST array. Please help. This is what I tried to access the json objects but it does not work. <?php //This is save.inc.php $type = $_POST[0]; $points = $_POST[1]; echo(json_encode($type)); ?> kind regards, Imran
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